Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Yu Yangnuan's face turned purple with anger. She pushed away the group of people and rushed to He Zhixing's desk. She looked at He Zhixing with a stubborn look on her face.

"Classmate He, you must apologize to me."

She vaguely remembered that in the romance novels she read, there was a kind of love between happy enemies.

Most likely, Cinderella and the prince disliked each other at first, and then fell in love and killed each other along the way.

Although she doesn't believe in romance novels, the current situation between her and He Zhixing is quite similar to that kind of plot.

Yuyang Nuan was fearless. She thought that He Zhixing didn't dare to do anything to her. Even if he didn't like her now, she was a girl and he, a boy, couldn't hit a girl.

What's more, she is Luo Yiyi's good friend.

She originally planned to help He Zhixing pursue Luo Yiyi's reputation, and then use this to quietly contact He Zhixing to make He Zhixing fall in love with her!
Turbulent black waves gradually gathered in He Zhixing's eyes. He looked coldly at the ugly monster in front of him and said expressionlessly: "Get out."

Yu Yangnuan was so frightened by his cold gaze that she shrank her neck, but she quickly thought that if she didn't enter the tiger's den, how could she catch the tiger's cub?
Yu Yangnuan straightened her back and said every word without being humble or arrogant: "Young Master He, if you do something wrong, you have to correct it. You must apologize to me today."

He Zhixing finally put down his pen and stared at Yu Yangnuan coldly, as if he knew her thoughts clearly.

Yu Yangnuan felt guilty, but she couldn't give in. To her surprise, He Zhixing no longer looked at her coldly.

Yu Yangnuan clearly saw the disgust and contempt in He Zhixing's eyes.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of He Zhixing's lips, "You can be my stepmother if you want, I will help you say hello to the old man later.

But even my stepmother has nothing to do with me. "

Yu Yangnuan's eyes widened again. Even though she had never met He Zhixing's father, she knew that he must be a middle-aged, fat man with a beer belly, and maybe a bald man.

She was only a teenager, how could He Zhixing put her together with a greasy middle-aged uncle?
Yu Yangnuan looked at He Zhixing with tears in her eyes, "Young Master He, how could you humiliate me like this?"

After speaking, she covered her mouth and ran out of the Class [-] classroom crying.

He Zhixing's eyes were full of hostility, and He Zhixing's whole body was filled with irritation at this moment.

He just wants to complete the homework assigned to him by the little idiot. Why can't these ugly monsters stop?
Since others make him feel bad, he can't make others feel good either.

He Zhixing's face was gloomy, his eyes were dark and cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Lu Shaoyan."

There is no shortage of fans of He Zhixing's girlfriend in No. [-], and Lu Shaoyan quickly spread the news about Yu Yangnuan's "hooking up" with He Zhixing.

Not long after, Yu Yangnuan was taken to the toilet by the aggressive girlfriend fans, and was slapped in turn by a group of girls.

Wang Ruo sat on the bench outside, quietly listening to the reports given to her by her younger brothers.

"You said that Yu Yangnuan went to see Mr. He because he was incited by Luo Yiyi?"

Wang Ruomei's eyes widened slightly, and she was a little surprised. The girl who just reported it nodded firmly.

"Although Yu Yangnuan didn't say anything, she was kicked out by Mr. He just now. We followed her and heard her muttering, saying that Mr. He was not as approachable as she said."

With a smile on her face, Wang Ruo lowered her eyes and looked at the manicure on her hand, gently blew the butterflies dancing on it, and said lightly: "I know."

Dare to push Young Master He to another woman. If Young Master He finds out about this, Luo Yiyi will be dead.

Wang Ruo stood up and walked towards Class [-].

Grade 8 ([-]) class.

He Zhixing was so disgusted by Yu Yangnuan that he silently recited the Qingxin Mantra for a long time without calming down, so he simply threw away the pen and stopped writing.

As soon as I put down the pen, I really thought about it. The ugly guy seemed to be having a good time with the little idiot. What if he applied eye drops to the little idiot later?
He Zhixing thought of the friendship that the two had finally established, but they couldn't let it fall apart because of an ugly guy.

He Zhixing put down his pen and hurried to class one.

"Are you going to sell apples?"

In Class [-], Li Yuyang looked at the baskets of apples piled on the ground, with an expression on his face that was hard to describe.

She even found such an antique as the basket basket.

Luo Yiyi took his hand, with excitement on her face, and told him her plan with joy and joy.

"Yuyang, this is a rare opportunity. I've made inquiries and the apples on Christmas Eve are sold for 10 yuan each. We can sell them at a different price. If we sell a hundred apples, it will be 500 yuan."

Li Yuyang looked at her with complicated emotions, "You must have at least a thousand dollars for each piece of clothing. The money from this basket of apples is not enough for you to buy a piece of clothing. And if Aunt Luo knows about this..."

"So I need Brother Yuyang to help me with this matter!"

What else can Li Yuyang do?
Not only did he try his best to help her hide Luo Yue, but he also worked hard as a porter.Li Yuyang bent down, picked up the basket and prepared to go out.

Luo Yiyi had a question mark on her forehead, and she pulled Li Yuyang, "What are you doing carrying the basket?"

Li Yuyang smiled helplessly, "You can't sell apples in the classroom, right? I'll move the apples to the school gate."

Luo Yiyi narrowed her Xing'er eyes and said sweetly: "We have found foreign aid a long time ago."

Li Yuyang had a question mark on his face.

Luo Yiyi pointed outside, and Li Yuyang vaguely saw He Zhixing walking towards them.

Li Yuyang had a bad feeling in his heart, and Luo Yiyi said "Eh".

"What's wrong?" Li Yuyang turned his eyes.

"Why don't you see Yang Nuan?"

Luo Yiyi walked to the window and broadened her horizons, but still couldn't find Yu Yangnuan.

He Zhixing had already walked to a group of windows when he suddenly saw a basket of apples on the ground. He Zhixing thought he was dazzled.

Especially since the little idiot was still guarding the basket of apples.

"Little idiot, where did you rob so many apples?" He Zhixing teased her in a playful way.

Although he said this, he was thinking in his heart: Could it be that the little idiot likes to eat apples?
However, as soon as this thought arose, He Zhixing gave it up.

Not to mention that the little idiot doesn't care about food and drink. The little idiot's self-discipline alone makes it impossible for him to carry baskets of apples to the classroom just for one bite.

"Don't talk nonsense," Luo Yiyi glared at him slightly angrily, "Tomorrow Christmas Eve, these apples are going to be sold."

He Zhixing suspected that he heard wrongly. He looked at Luo Yiyi in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Luo Yiyi had no choice but to repeat, "I told you not to talk nonsense."

He Zhixing: "The last sentence."

Luo Yiyi said calmly: "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve."

He Zhixing shook his head and said, "The next sentence."

Luo Yiyi blinked, "I plan to sell these apples."

He Zhixing was silent, although he had always been a poor student and had never experienced the world of academic masters.

But he still has basic common sense. As the name suggests, Xueba only knows how to study.

Luo Yiyi knows some sexual knowledge, and he can also understand it as Luo Yue's motherly heart and wanting to protect her daughter.

But for a little idiot, a good boy with excellent grades and a comfortable life, to sell apples on the street, He Zhixing felt that the style of his painting was wrong.

After a suffocating silence, He Zhixing asked silently: "What are you doing selling apples? Don't you have enough money?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, "No."

He Zhixing was even more puzzled, "Then if you don't study hard during your great time, what are you going to do without doing your job?"

At this moment, He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi like a worried old father looking at his daughter, fearing that his daughter would be misled.

Luo Yiyi glanced at him inexplicably and asked instead: "Didn't you agree to help me move these apples?"


He Zhixing asked subconsciously. After asking, he saw Luo Yiyi staring at him, and He Zhixing suddenly thought of something.

He pointed to the baskets of apples on the ground with some disbelief, the expression on his face was hard to describe.

"You're not going to ask me to carry this basket of apples to the street to sell, are you?"

Luo Yiyi blinked, "Yes."

Judging from his expression, could it be that he didn't agree?So what's he doing here?
To be honest, Luo Yiyi was really surprised when she saw He Zhixing appear at the door of Class [-]. She didn't expect that Yu Yangnuan was so powerful that she would actually invite the young master He Zhixing.

He Zhixing fell silent. He vaguely seemed to understand something.

Just now, could it be that the little idiot asked that ugly guy to ask him to help her move these apples?
But what has he done?Have the messenger she sent beaten!
He Zhixing felt that it was necessary to turn the person back quickly, otherwise wouldn't all his efforts during this period be in vain if he waited until the ugly monster came back to complain to the little idiot?
(End of this chapter)

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