Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 82 New Year’s money given by my brother

Chapter 82 New Year’s money given by my brother

Chapter 82 New Year’s money given by my brother

"Don't sell these apples on the street. I bought them all."

Master He tactfully gave her a solution, which not only helped her girlfriend, but also made her little Jiujiu happy.

Luo Yiyi's mood was a little complicated.

No. [-] Middle School is a senior high school fully invested and built by the He family. Every plant and tree here legally belongs to He Zhixing.

Now that she was selling apples from a middle school apple tree to He Zhixing at a high price, Luo Yiyi felt that her conscience had been condemned.

"Is this not a good thing?"

Luo Yiyi struggled with her conscience and glanced at He Zhixing with complicated emotions.

No matter how she looked at it, she never thought that He Zhixing would do the kind of thing that a stupid person with a lot of money would do.

He Zhixing was afraid that she would insist that he carry a basket of apples to sell on the street, so he hurriedly expressed his position.

"I feel good!"

Let's have a party, the people involved don't have any objections, why is she still acting like a holy mother here?
"Do you have an offer?"

Luo Yiyi boasted that her remaining conscience could still struggle for a while, and she said congratulations to Zhixing that she could sell these baskets of apples even if she paid only one yuan.

Although He Zhixing is in business, he manages top-level strategic management and does not yet have a detailed understanding of Apple's prices at all times.

He Zhixing glanced at the knitted butterfly round-neck sweater faintly exposed under her school uniform. He had seen her wearing this sweater alone at his house, and it matched the graceful curves of her upper body.

He Zhixing's eyes moved on the knitted sweater, he estimated it, and quickly quoted a price, "About 1000 yuan."

Luo Yiyi's expression was slightly stiff, and her eyes were a little startled. He Zhixing thought she was too young, so he frowned.

"Then ten thousand."

Luo Yiyi was stunned, and He Zhixing scratched his head, "Isn't it enough? Then ten -"

"Enough is enough!"

Luo Yiyi was afraid that he would quote another sky-high figure, so she hurriedly explained.

"There are only sixty or seventy apples in this basket, and they are worth up to 200 yuan."

How can it be worth a thousand?Let alone ten thousand.

He Zhixing obviously didn't care about this trivial matter. He waved his hand and directly transferred 1000 yuan to Luo Yiyi.

"Why is it one thousand? I will transfer another eight hundred to you."

Luo Yiyi lowered her head to operate her mobile phone, but was stopped by He Zhixing.

He Zhixing stood in front of him, touched her little head, and laughed out loud.

"No need to transfer it, just think of it as the New Year's money given to you by your brother in advance."

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Li Yuyang, who has been acting as the background since He Zhixing appeared on the side: "..."

Where the hell are you putting your hands?And who the hell do you call your brother?Do you think his brother is dead?

Luo Yiyi expressionlessly pulled away He Zhixing's hand that was rubbing her head, and He Zhixing bowed his head.

"Be good, if you accept the New Year's money from my brother, you will be able to grow taller next year~"

Luo Yiyi knew that this man had another bad taste and ignored him.

Li Yuyang walked to the basket of apples, expressionlessly picked up the basket of apples weighing forty or fifty kilograms, and threw them into He Zhixing's arms.

He Zhixing staggered and almost fell down while holding a basket of apples. Fortunately, he steadied his feet.

Otherwise, the person and the apple would have to be thrown at Luo Yiyi.

He Zhixing hugged the basket tightly with lingering fear, for fear of hitting Luo Yiyi.

With that little idiot's physique, if he received such a heavy blow, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Li Yuyang opened the door to see the guests off with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to Young Master He for bringing you a basket of apples. Young Master He, you can go now."

He Zhixing tried his best to suppress the urge to kick Li Yuyang away, thinking image, image, image in his heart.

He knew that the little idiot had a good relationship with Li Yuyang. The last time he kicked over Li Yuyang's table, the little idiot was willing to risk offending him to help Li Yuyang.

Although He Zhixing knew that Luo Yiyi had no such thoughts towards Li Yuyang, He Zhixing still felt sour in his heart.

But there was nothing he could do. Who told him to give the little idiot a bad first impression?

Tell people to go away, and threaten them when they meet.

Unlike Li Yuyang, who took her to the office to find her way to the office when they first met, and later helped her move books and help her make up classes. She was a model of a good student.

He Zhixing now regrets the bad impression he had when they first met.Now he can only study hard, and in the future he will also help the little idiot...make up lessons.

After suppressing his anger, He Zhixing asked Luo Yiyi: "Where is your home? I'll just go back and take you with me?"

Making up classes or something is too long-term. You need to have a long-term plan and don't let go of the opportunities in front of you.

Luo Yiyi shook her head, "Thank you, but I'll take Teacher He's car back."

"He Xin?"

Luo Yiyi nodded.

He Zhixing's eyes became dangerous. Why would a young and energetic bachelor male teacher take a female student in a car?

He Zhixing's face darkened, as if he was about to throw away a basket of apples and rush to the office at any moment.

Li Yuyang seemed to say casually: "Yi Yi, Aunt Luo asked you to take Mr. He's car. Did you say when you would be back?"

Luo Yiyi nodded, but before she could speak, she heard a burst of crying outside the classroom.

He Zhixing's heart thumped, and he secretly screamed, but Luo Yiyi was already walking towards the classroom door, frowning.

Strangely, the crying sound just heard seemed to come from Yang Nuan.

"Yiyi, I feel uncomfortable in my stomach. I must have caught a cold at night. Can you accompany me to the infirmary?"

He Zhixing suddenly bent down with a painful look on his face and pulled Luo Yiyi pitifully.

"You are covering it in the wrong position. If you catch a cold, the pain is not on that side, but on the left side."

"Ah? Ouch, it hurts so much." He Zhixing immediately switched to the left side.

Luo Yiyi didn't want to say anything anymore, slapped He Zhixing's hand away, walked out of the classroom, and met Yu Yangnuan with tears in her eyes.

Yu Yangnuan was accompanied by an acquaintance, Ning Yan'er.

Ning Yan'er was holding Yu Yang Nuan's arm considerately, comforting her with a worried look on her face.

"Yang Nuan, why are you crying?"

Luo Yiyi was shocked. In her eyes, Yu Yangnuan had always been an optimistic and cheerful girl.

Although Yu Yangnuan doesn't like to deal with the boys and girls around her, since becoming friends with her, Yu Yangnuan has a sincere relationship with her.

Luo Yiyi still has this sense of judgment.

Yu Yangnuan cried so hard that she couldn't help but burst out tears, especially after seeing Luo Yiyi.

"Wow wow wow, job's tears."

Yu Yangnuan looked like a naughty child who was being bullied while playing outside. When she saw Luo Yiyi, her biological mother, she scumbagly abandoned Ning Yan'er who was sending her home, hugged Luo Yiyi, and threw herself in I cried loudly in my mother's arms.

Yu Yangnuan was crying so hard that she was out of breath. She must have been unable to ask her any questions. Luo Yiyi could only pat her back gently, but looked at Ning Yan'er.

Ning Yan'er glanced at Yu Yangnuan, who was twitching, hesitated for a while, and then told the whole story in a low voice.

"You said there were girls attacking Yang Nuan in the bathroom?"

Luo Yiyi's eyes widened in shock, and she immediately thought of Zhang Pan and others who had framed Yu Yangnuan to steal money.

Ning Yan'er nodded, "Yes, I was going to the toilet, and then I saw several girls blocking Yu Yangnuan in the toilet."

Speaking of this, Ning Yaner lowered her head, as if ashamed.

"I didn't dare to offend them. I waited until they left before I came out. I'm sorry."

Luo Yiyi nodded to her. Although Ning Yaner's behavior of staying out of the situation and protecting herself was cold-blooded, she was able to comfort Yu Yangnuan after being bullied at school and send her back to the classroom in time.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was not easy.

After all, when it comes to campus bullying, students who are bullied are afraid of getting into trouble. Timid students usually choose to be selectively blind and indifferent to such people.

"Thank you for sending Yang Nuan back. Are you free tonight? Let's have a meal together?"

Luo Yiyi retracted her thoughts and looked at Ning Yan'er gratefully.

Ning Yaner nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

She wanted to be in contact with these good students.

Luo Yiyi smiled politely, "Then I'll take Yang Nuan to wash up. We'll go to Class [-] to find you later."

Ning Yaner waved goodbye. At this time, Yu Yangnuan was almost crying, and Luo Yiyi silently handed over a handkerchief.

"Yang Nuan, campus bullying only happens zero times or countless times, and it will never be tolerated. Let's tell the teacher!"

Hatred filled Yu Yang Nuan's eyes, and she grasped Luo Yi's hand tightly, "Yi Yi, do you know who asked those girls to hit me?"

Luo Yiyi shook his head, Yu Yangnuan gritted her teeth and said with hatred, "It's He Zhixing!"

(End of this chapter)

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