Chapter 83 I Believe Him
Chapter 83 I Believe Him
If Yu Yangnuan said these words before Luo Yiyi had a fever, Luo Yiyi might still believe it.

But after spending the night at He Zhixing's place last time, Luo Yiyi got to know He Zhixing better.

Why would a mother like Dr. Shen, a woman with tongue problems as an adult, leave her with a problem in the test tube? But He Zhixing was able to say, "You are not involved in the matter, so stop talking nonsense."

Luo Yiyi didn't believe that a boy who looked at things so objectively would deliberately insult a girl.

"Who are you talking about?"

Luo Yiyi just thought that her ears heard wrongly.

Yu Yangnuan gritted her teeth and repeated it, this time she spoke in more detail.

"It's He Zhixing! I went to ask him to help us move the apples. He first insulted me as a street girl, and then insulted me as his father, saying that I would be his stepmother."

Luo Yiyi felt that He Zhixing's venomous tongue could really say these venomous words, but he certainly did not mean to insult Yu Yangnuan.

He Zhixing kept calling her a little idiot. Once when she got angry, He Zhixing immediately explained in a serious manner that she was very smart and he was just teasing her by calling her a little idiot.

"He Zhixing said you are a street lady?"

Yu Yangnuan: "Woooooooo, even though he didn't say these words, that's what he meant!"

Luo Yiyi was a little helpless, Yang Nuan must have misunderstood.

But she couldn't rush to defend He Zhixing on the radiator, so she had to change the subject, "Then who ordered those girls to beat you?"

Those things for He Zhixing were all trivial matters, and campus bullying was the big deal.

Yu Yangnuan cried even harder, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Luo Yiyi felt that this was even more impossible.

The last time she was bullied by Zhang Duo's group at school, although He Zhixing did not attend the scene in person, she later vaguely heard that Zhang Duo and the others were expelled. It seemed that He Zhixing ordered the school to do so.

The official website document for expelling Zhang Duo and the others also contains the reasons given by the school. The official document generally means that Zhang Duo and Yuying formed a gang, bullied their classmates, seriously affected the good educational environment and learning atmosphere of No. [-] Middle School, and were expelled. .

Just imagine, if He Zhixing himself is so strict against school bullying, how can he still enforce the law and break the law?

However, Luo Yiyi thought it would be good to take this opportunity to let Yang Nuan "recognize" He Zhixing.

As for high school students, study is the main thing. As for love, we can either wait until fate comes, or wait until we have the capital.

"Hey, no matter how you recognize He Zhixing this time, will you still like him in the future?"

Yu Yangnuan stopped crying in a flash. She burst into tears and began to curse.

"I'm not a bitch! He Zhixing, if you ignore me today, you will definitely be unable to reach me in the future!"

Luo Yiyi and He Zhixing never dreamed that their unintentional cooperation in civil and military affairs would lead to a blind collision, making a new star in the mathematics world rise again.

This new star will shine brightly in her field in the future. "Let's go! Let's sell apples!"

Yu Yangnuan quickly cleared up from the heavy rain, grabbed Luo Yiyi, and rushed to the classroom with a bang.

He did not forget to curse loudly, "Men are all big pigs with hooves. If you expect men to climb trees, you might as well expect sows to climb trees! Women should not be outdone by men, let's be self-reliant!"

Luo Yiyi always felt that there was something wrong with these words. Is there any difference between a man climbing a tree and a sow climbing a tree?

Luo Yiyi thought carefully with her academic thinking and came to the conclusion: the difference is that the subjects of the two are different.

"Hey Yang Nuan, I forgot to tell you that our baskets of apples have been sold out."

Yu Yangnuan stopped and took a deep breath to make sure Luo Yiyi was not joking, then nervously grabbed Luo Yiyi's hand.

"How much did you sell for?"

Luo Yiyi thought for a while and decided that she didn't want He Zhixing's new year's money. She might as well confiscate the 800 yuan.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't grow taller, so 1.6 meters is fine.

"1000 dollars."

Yu Yangnuan took a deep breath again, "How much did you say?"

Luo Yiyi had no choice but to repeat, "1000 yuan, you heard it right."

Yu Yangnuan's tears turned into laughter. The girl who was crying violently one second was like a shot of blood in the next second. Regardless of the fact that she was at the door of the classroom, she hugged Luo Yiyi and screamed with excitement.

"Ah, ah, Yi Yi, I'm going to die! Little Fairy Yi Yi, how can you be so seductive? I've decided! I won't have a boyfriend anymore. How about I be your boyfriend? When I make money, I will support you." you!"

Sure enough, the power of money is powerful, it can heal all wounds.

Luo Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She looked up and saw a figure at the top of the stairs, it was Ning Yan'er.

Luo Yiyi smiled and greeted, "It's you. Have you packed everything?"

Ning Yaner went back to Class [-] to tidy up her homework, and then hurried over to Class [-].

Ning Yan'er couldn't believe it when she suddenly saw Yu Yangnuan's boiling state, so she stood in the corner of the second floor and observed secretly for a while.

After waiting for a while, Ning Yaner made sure that Yu Yangnuan was not mentally disturbed due to excessive sadness, and then walked down the stairs.

Ning Yan'er also smiled and waved to Luo Yiyi, and responded: "It's ready."

Until she arrived in front of Luo Yiyi and Yu Yangnuan, Ning Yaner still looked a little dazed.

She just went back to pack her books. What happened during this period that made Yu Yangnuan, who was dying one second, become full of life and vigor the next second?

Is it like taking stimulants?
(End of this chapter)

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