Chapter 84 No regrets
Chapter 84 No regrets
Yu Yangnuan had already recovered from the fragrance of money. She enthusiastically took Ning Yan'er's hand, with a cunning light flashing in her eyes, and said kindly: "Are you Ning Yan'er from Class [-]?"

Ning Yan'er nodded, and Yu Yangnuan smiled even more cordially, "We have recognized him for a long time. We saw him at the school's ceremony to award bursaries to poor students."

Ning Yan'er nodded again. It was precisely for this reason that she chose to give Yu Yang a warm hand in the toilet just now.

Human beings are more or less emotional animals, and they will always unconsciously prefer people who have the same experience as themselves.

Yu Yangnuan continued to dig holes, "Then do you want to make money?"

Ning Yaner had a question mark on her face.

Yu Yangnuan didn't give in anymore, "There are so many fruit trees in the school. We picked a lot of apples and planned to sell them on Christmas Eve. We have already sold them for 1000 yuan!"

Speaking of this, Yu Yangnuan puffed up her chest proudly.

Luo Yiyi looked at Yu Yangnuan with some sympathy and thought to herself, if you knew that the apples you sell are He Zhixing's private property...

Luo Yiyi conscientiously stopped her thoughts. The scene must have been unbearable to look at.

Ning Yan'er was obviously moved, so her original plan to have dinner was changed to going to the school grove to pick apples.

Luo Yiyi's body couldn't bear the torment, so she said goodbye.

Yu Yangnuan expressed her understanding and went to the apple forest with Ning Yaner.

As for the original agreement that He Xin would take Luo Yiyi home, Luo Yiyi took the car back on her own.

"Little idiot."

Luo Yiyi had just locked the front door of the classroom, and He Zhixing suddenly appeared quietly from behind.

Luo Yiyi was startled by him, "Where did you go just now?"

Strangely enough, Yang Nuan was crying so loudly outside the classroom just now, and neither this man nor Yu Yang came out to take a look.

He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi's face guiltily, but his face was indifferent, completely forgetting the behavior of eavesdropping in the corner just now, and said with disdain.

"Girls are crying there, why are we old men joining in the fun?"

He Zhixing felt extremely guilty at the moment, but Pai Mian was still as arrogant as ever and couldn't help himself.

He Zhixing said silently.

"Oh." Luo Yiyi responded as usual.

Although Yu Yang has a gentle personality, he is quite cold-blooded inside.

There are only a few people he really cares about, and he doesn't really care about the others despite his gentle appearance.

But He Zhixing...

Luo Yiyi curled her lips, "Didn't you squat in front of me the last time I cried? Why didn't you come out this time?"

At this moment, He Zhixing was just grateful to have escaped, so he didn't think much about the meaning of the last sentence.

He bent down close to Luo Yiyi, blew hot air against her ear, and asked, "Have you ever heard that fools are blessed with fools?"

Luo Yiyi nodded obediently.

He Zhixing suppressed his laughter and said, "So you are stupid."

Luo Yiyi was tricked: "..."

This friend has nothing to do anymore, she wants to break off the friendship!

He Zhixing didn't feel any shame at all for upsetting people. Anyway, the little idiot didn't hold grudges, he was just angry for a while.

This can't be blamed on him, he can't kiss or hug her, and he's itching unbearably, so he can only tease her with his mean words.

"Be good, brother Zhixing apologizes to you, aren't you angry with brother Zhixing?"

Luo Yiyi didn't want to deal with this bastard. She put away her keys and walked forward with her schoolbag on her back.

He Zhixing was very conscious of being a boyfriend. He put his arms around Luo Yiyi's shoulders, easily took off his backpack, and hung it diagonally on his shoulders.

This gesture was a bit intimate, but He Zhixing took off his schoolbag and immediately moved away from her, which made Luo Yiyi hard to think about.

Luo Yiyi didn't fight with him for the schoolbag, anyway, he could find a lot of reasons every time.

Since she couldn't win or speak, she might as well speak less, save more energy, and answer more questions.

"You're angry?"

He Zhixing was originally expecting her to angrily fight for his school bag, but he didn't expect that she would keep walking quietly.

Luo Yiyi shook her head, and He Zhixing began to find topics to talk to her, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Did you go to the cafeteria for lunch?"

"Yeah." Luo Yiyi responded dully. "I also went to the canteen to eat at noon today. The boiled fish in the canteen was not cooked cleanly and the fish scales were not removed."


"Is there a lot of homework this holiday? Experimental classes should have more homework than ordinary classes, right?"


"I heard that the experimental class has a few more recommended places this time. Do you plan to take the college entrance exam next spring?"

"I haven't discussed it with my mother yet."

In fact, He Zhixing himself was not a talkative person, but he had to find a topic in front of Luo Yiyi in order not to be silent.

The topic she picked up seemed awkward, so Luo Yiyi glanced at He Zhixing.

The originally unruly and dazzling red hair has been shaved into an ordinary black crop, and the shining black diamond earrings have also disappeared along with the short red hair.

Whether he or she is deceiving themselves or others, or whether they are sincere, so be it.

"He Zhixing, you should be good in the future."

When they were approaching the school gate, Luo Yiyi suddenly said something.

He Zhixing was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Of course I will do well. Look, aren't you already learning this?"

He Zhixing pointed to his black hair, Luo Yiyi looked at him obediently and nodded seriously to him.

The little girl's big, watery eyes shimmered with light, falling into his eyes like stars falling into the mortal world.

Such a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him reminded him of that night in his bed, when she had just woken up, her big eyes filled with mist, and she looked hazily into his eyes.

He Zhixing's Adam's apple rolled.

Damn it, I want to bully her again.

He Zhixing hurriedly looked away, not daring to look at her again. His hand reached into his pocket habitually, wanting to take out a cigarette to relieve the restlessness in his body.

His pocket was empty, and He Zhixing remembered that he had made up his mind to quit smoking yesterday.

Something was stirring inside his body, and his mouth felt dry. After only one day of quitting, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Unknowingly, he had reached the bus stop, and He Zhixing secretly looked at the little girl who was sitting quietly and obediently on a chair waiting for the bus.

It was probably the early winter weather. Her golden hair was flowing down, and the lower end of her hair was lightly permed into a circle of curly ripples. It hung on both sides of her shoulders and hugged her little face.

Very few people can hold back this kind of golden hair. If the skin is not as white as snow, it can easily look earthy and ugly.

But Luo Yiyi's face is as tender as snow, and her golden hair and her delicate face as white as jade are the icing on the cake, making her look like that beautiful and lovely doll.

He Zhixing recalled that when he first met her, she still had straight black hair, and couldn't help but smile in his eyes.

"When did you dye your hair?"

Luo Yiyi blinked, "About a month ago."

Well, it's because he wasn't in S city.

He Zhixing found a seat next to her and asked curiously: "Does your mother allow you to dye your hair? And the exterminators in Class [-] also allow it?"

Not to mention that on campus, high school students are not allowed to wear clothes other than school uniforms, and girls are not allowed to dye or perm their clothes.

Her mother alone didn't seem like the kind of parent who would have allowed her to dye her hair during high school.

Luo Yiyi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at He Zhixing with a smile, "Mom, you agree. Do you have a misunderstanding about my mother?"

When Luo Yiyi said the last sentence, she looked a bit dumbfounded.

He Zhixing shook his head, and Luo Yiyi looked at him tentatively, "He Zhixing, you don't think dyeing your hair in high school makes you a bad student, do you?"

He Zhixing asked instead, "Do you think I am that kind of pedantic person?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head decisively, "No."

He Zhixing stretched his long legs and breathed out a sigh of relief, "I'm just happy for you."

He Zhixing lazily raised his arms and said, "I have seen many good girls like you. Although they have excellent grades, the reason behind their excellence is that their parents forcibly deprived them of the freedom that belonged to their youth.

They are good babies in the eyes of teachers and parents, but their lives are not happy at all.For the sake of a good university, they sacrificed a few years of their happiness and lived a fulfilling and meaningful high school life.

I originally thought you were like this, but now I know that you live a fulfilling and meaningful life, and you are also very happy.Let me know that even in the 15 years when I didn't meet you, you were raised with gentle and meticulous care.

It also makes me think of these things in the future, and I won’t have any regrets about not being able to participate in your past time. "

(End of this chapter)

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