Chapter 85 Instigation
Chapter 85 Instigation
Pink color quietly spread all over Luo Yiyi's fair and flawless face, and Luo Yiyi felt her cheeks feel warm.

The good baby used her little idiot attribute very effectively. He Zhixing didn't expect her to understand. He seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"Are you 15 years old?"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Does she look so green?
Luo Yiyi said expressionlessly: "Yes, I am 15 years old."

He Zhixing laughed and raised another topic.

"Didn't I say that He Xin would take you to and from school? Why are you waiting for the bus?"

Luo Yiyi's face was still red. She looked down at the rhinestone decoration on her velvet boots and whispered: "I will never take Mr. He's car in the future."


Luo Yiyi hesitated for a while and said concisely: "Teacher He has a girlfriend, and he wants to accompany her."

He Zhixing knew very well that even though he didn't have a girlfriend, he wanted to be with someone every day, let alone have a girlfriend.

He Zhixing found that after Luo Yiyi finished speaking, he looked a little lonely, looking unhappy, and wondering what was going on.

"Little idiot, you're not afraid of riding alone in a car, are you?"

Luo Yiyi looked at him expressionlessly, "You have such a big idea."

In fact, Luo Yiyi was unhappy because of something I overheard today.

In the afternoon, she went to the office to find Teacher He as usual. Unexpectedly, she heard someone arguing inside before entering the office.

Teacher He's girlfriend probably has a persecution delusion and thinks that she is deliberately using the car as an excuse to hook up with He Xin.

It was the second time in Luo Yiyi's life that she heard such unpleasant curse words. The first time was from those who scolded her mother, using words that insulted her mother's intelligence and personality.

Luo Yiyi quietly left the office, called Luo Yue, and asked her mother to reject He Xin on the grounds that He Xin's girlfriend was not happy.

Luo Yiyi closed her eyes and threw away those negative emotions.

He Zhixing rarely saw her showing such dark emotions.

She has always been well-behaved, and she usually acts as her little fairy quietly, obediently and softly.

Even when I encountered bullying at school, I was just aggrieved, and I had never shown such a lonely mood.

He Zhixing guessed that Luo Yiyi was worried about something, so he suddenly grabbed her hand and stood up. Luo Yiyi couldn't break away, so she had no choice but to let him go.

He Zhixing smiled and said, "Hold on, I'll take you to a fun place. Do you want to go?"

Luo Yiyi would definitely refuse, so He Zhixing added: "It's more fun than Hongshan."

Luo Yiyi hesitated. It was more fun than Hongshan. It would definitely be interesting. Maybe she would gain a lot of experience, which she could compile into material for her mother later.

Luo Yiyi finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, "Where do you want to take me to play?"

Seeing that the fish was hooked, He Zhixing didn't hide it, "Shall I take you to the night market and play in the night market?"

Luo Yiyi felt that the name didn't sound serious, so she looked at He Zhixing silently with an accusing and meaningful look.

That means: I didn't expect you to be such a person!

He Zhixing was horrified by her look and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What's that look in your eyes?"

Luo Yiyi's little face turned pink. She coughed slightly, looked away, and tried her best to tactfully pull the person back.

"He Zhixing, we are still high school students, isn't it good to visit places like that?"

He Zhixing: "What kind of place?"

Luo Yiyi's little face turned pink from suppressing the pain, and he hesitated: "It's just that kind of place."

He Zhixing would never have dreamed of the little fairy who emerged from the silt in his heart but was thinking of a bunch of colors at the moment.

He Zhixing picked up her schoolbag, grabbed her wrist and walked towards the school gate.

As he walked, he comforted: "Don't be afraid, just treat it like going to the market."

How can this be the same as a market?

She has never eaten pork, nor has she seen how pigs run in real life, but she has seen how many pigs run in romance novels.

One is a place where aunts and uncles kill pigs and sell vegetables with knives and shouts, and the other is a place of romance with all kinds of feasting and feasting.

He Zhixing is still continuing the Amway Night Market.

"Every time I'm so irritable and have nowhere to go, I go to the night market. It feels good to heal."

Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing with a more obscure look. "Aren't you in a bad mood? Go have some fun and just relax."

Luo Yiyi blinked. When did he notice that she was in a bad mood?
"Ahem, He Zhixing, everyone has a different way of venting their emotions."

He Zhixing paused, staring at Luo Yiyi with suspicion, his face a little gloomy.

"Luo Yiyi, isn't this an excuse for you? You just look down on me and don't care to play with a poor student like me."

Luo Yiyi was amused by his serious and dark expression, without any fear.

"He Zhixing, what are you thinking? If I want to look down on you, why would I give you an exercise book? That's me..."

Luo Yiyi shut up and almost spilled the beans.

It was an exercise book she had spent several nights putting together for him, tailor-made for him based on his foundation.

She doesn't understand why she does this?But instinctively, I felt that I couldn't let He Zhixing know, otherwise the development of some things would be out of control.

But how could He Zhixing be so easy to fool?
Almost as soon as Luo Yiyi paused, he thought of something, grabbed Luo Yiyi's wrist, and asked with burning eyes.

"What are you?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, "It's nothing."

He Zhixing wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted.

"Master He, what a coincidence."

Wang Ruo held a fashionable parasol and walked towards the station. At this moment, Wang Ruo had a smile on her face, but her heart was as gloomy as rain.

She finally found He Zhixing, but when she saw He Zhixing being so groveling to please a girl, she was dumbfounded, but at the same time, she was filled with crazy jealousy and hatred.

She claims to be no worse than Luo Yiyi, so why does He Zhixing refuse to take another look at her?
She even gave up a prestigious school in the capital for him and chased him to S city.

No, she couldn't let the situation develop like this. She wanted to tell He Zhixing the truth and Luo Yiyi would push him to another woman!
With He Zhixing's arrogant nature, knowing that Luo Yiyi dared to push him to another woman, he would definitely not pester Luo Yiyi again!
He Zhixing looked very unhappy. He glanced at Wang Ruo coldly, let go of Luo Yiyi's wrist with a stinking face, and naturally stopped questioning.

Luo Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Wang Ruo gratefully, and showed a sincere smile.

However, when this smile fell in Wang Ruo's eyes, it became Luo Yiyi's arrogant smile, mocking her for not overestimating her abilities to seduce He Zhixing.

Wang Ruo was so angry, she glared at Luo Yiyi fiercely.

What are you arrogant about?After she tells Young Master He the truth, how will she seduce Young Master He?

While clinging to Li Yuyang, he was hanging on to He Zhixing, but on his face he acted like a good student who just wanted to study hard.

Pooh!Scheming bitch!Green tea bitch!Dead White Lotus...

Wang Ruo suppressed the urge to spit out the fragrance, glanced at Luo Yiyi lightly, held his head high and walked proudly past Luo Yiyi, came to He Zhixing, and said softly.

"Young Master He, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, he looked at He Zhixing affectionately, looking forward to He Zhixing's answer.

He Zhixing's expression was calm, "If you have something to say, tell me now."

Wang Ruo glanced at Luo Yiyi hesitantly, which was obviously to guard against Luo Yiyi.

He Zhixing said calmly: "She is not an outsider."

Wang Ruo suddenly choked up, forced out a smile, and said with a forced smile: "Young Master He is always so close to people."

He Zhixing frowned and glanced at her coldly, seemingly sweeping away Wang Ruo's little thoughts.

Luo Yiyi didn't want to be stuck in the middle, so she friendly said with a smile: "You guys talk."

After saying that, he walked away knowingly, and He Zhixing became even more irritable.

"What are you going to say?" He Zhixing looked calm, looking in the direction of Luo Yiyi intentionally or unintentionally.

Wang Ruo's inner hatred for Luo Yiyi increased to a new level. She suppressed her raging jealousy and tried to force out a gentle smile.

"Master He, I heard Yu Yangnuan say not long ago that the reason why she went to Class [-] to find you was because Luo Yiyi encouraged her to chase you. Luo Yiyi said she didn't like you, and also told Mr. He about his preferences. Yang Nuan, give me some tips for Yu Yang Nuan to chase you."

Wang Ruo finished speaking in one breath and looked at He Zhixing quietly.

He Zhixing had no reaction, except for his trembling index finger hidden under his sleeve.

The originally cold and calm black eyes were stained with a trace of blood. He Zhixing tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart. He could not get sick in front of outsiders.

He said calmly: "After that, you can get out."

(End of this chapter)

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