Chapter 86 Strong Kiss
Chapter 86 Strong Kiss
Wang Ruo was sure that He Zhixing was really not angry, but there was a hint of secret joy in his heart.

Does this mean that Luo Yiyi is not that important in Mr. He's heart, so he reacted so calmly?

After all, you won’t pay attention if you don’t care.

"Young Master He, I heard from Yu Yangnuan that Luo Yiyi always liked classmates with good grades; a boy with bad grades once chased her, and Luo Yiyi used this method to get rid of that boy. She said it was called diverting misfortune to the east. "

Wang Ruo covered his chest sadly, "Young Master He, how could Luo Yiyi be like this? Isn't it just that the boys' grades are a bit poor? Why is it such a disaster?
Even if she doesn't like other boys, she can just refuse him.Why push this boy to a girl he doesn't like at all?

She also took advantage of the boy's trust in her and told other girls about the boy's preferences. Isn't this disgusting to that boy? "

Wang Ruoman was so filled with righteous indignation that he almost pointed at Luo Yiyi in front of He Zhixing and cursed: Is such a disgusting and hypocritical scheming bitch worthy of your liking, Mr. He?

However, He Zhixing's reaction was cold. He glanced at Wang Ruo indifferently and uttered four words, "None of your business?"

After saying that, he walked toward Luo Yiyi with his hands in his trouser pockets. Wang Ruo was unwilling to give in and wanted to follow him, but He Zhixing glanced at him coldly. Wang Ruo suddenly didn't dare to think about anything and left the station dejectedly.

Luo Yiyi finally arrived at the car, and He Zhixing got on the car first.

When He Zhixing arrived, the car had already started and left.


He Zhixing picked up a stone and threw it hard at the speeding bus.

I don't know how hard he used it, but he smashed a crack in the rear window glass. The sound was so loud that everyone in the car was shocked.

"Who the fuck is that?"

The uncle driver had a bad temper. He looked in the rearview mirror and cursed.

Looking at it this way, I found that behind the car was a young man with sinister eyes, and the young man was chasing the car fiercely.

The driver was startled, cursed a madman, and stepped on the accelerator frantically.

Even so, the boy behind the car still didn't stop, his eyes became even more sinister, and he chased after the car.

There was such a big movement in the car that it was difficult for Luo Yiyi to ignore it. She followed the gazes of the passengers and looked back.

This sight shocked her forever.

He Zhixing didn't know what kind of stimulus he had received, his face was gloomy, his eyes were red and he ran wildly after the car.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi realized that He Zhixing had such good physical strength that he could run after the bus for such a long time.

Does he have an illness?

But not long ago he was fine.

Luo Yiyi's eyes were a little worried, and He Zhixing outside the bus was getting further and further away from her.

"Uncle, please stop ahead."

The uncle driver was frightened by what just happened and was still a little frightened. He looked in the rearview mirror and stopped the car when he didn't see the madman just now.

Luo Yiyi got off the car after sitting for one stop. She walked back along the way she came from, and not long after she saw He Zhixing sitting slumped on the ground.

He was in a mess, because he had exercised too much, and beads of sweat remained on his forehead. He was breathing heavily, and he was no longer as handsome as before.

What shocked Luo Yiyi was He Zhixing's clear and scarlet pupils. Although He Zhixing was slumped on the ground in embarrassment at the moment, his eyes were surprisingly bright.

The eyes are frighteningly bright, like the eyes of a beast lurking in the dark night, ready to pounce out at any time to tear the prey into pieces and swallow it.

Luo Yi's legs went weak, and she regretted that she shouldn't have gotten out of the car because of her overwhelming sympathy. How could she comfort He Zhixing, who completely disowned him?

The strong desire to survive made Luo Yiyi turn around and run away, but it was too late. The hunter had already discovered her target.

He Zhixing seemed to be stimulated and suddenly stood up and rushed towards Luo Yiyi.


Luo Yiyi was frightened and screamed, looking at He Zhixing in horror.

He Zhixing pressed the person against the billboard, breathing heavily, his eyes were scarlet, as if he was possessed by a demon, his rough hands rubbed Luo Yiyi's delicate face, and he murmured.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

His tone was calm and he looked the same as usual, but Luo Yiyi knew that he was sick.

Luo Yiyi was stunned, thinking that He Zhixing asked her why she came back?
When she was sick, she could only follow him. Luo Yiyi spoke as calmly as possible and looked at He Zhixing seriously with wet eyes.

"I'm worried about you and don't worry about you."

He Zhixing gave a sarcastic smile, gently rubbed the corners of Luo Yiyi's eyes with his palms, and stared into Luo Yiyi's eyes.

Just such a pair of innocent and lovely big eyes can deceive people.

She had already given him to another woman, but she could still lie to him without changing her expression and say that she was worried about him?

"So, the way you worry about me is to give me to another woman?"

Luo Yiyi failed to follow his thinking and thought that what He Zhixing was saying was that she had just pushed him to Wang Ruo.

She obviously said she had something to say to him, and he didn't refuse, so what was she still doing?
But Luo Yiyi did not dare to reason with He Zhixing at this time, so she could only bow her head and admit her mistake, hoping to appease this ancestor's anger. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you to other women."

She actually admitted it!

He had been lucky that Wang Ruo might be lying, but he didn't expect that she would admit it!
Luo Yiyi obviously felt that after she finished saying these words, He Zhixing's violent aura became even more chaotic, and her watery eyes stared at He Zhixing uneasily.

He Zhixing laughed at himself, "Luo Yiyi, you just do whatever you want just because I like you, right?"

Luo Yiyi's forehead was full of questions, why did she do whatever she wanted?
Knowing that He Zhixing was being unreasonable when he got sick, Luo Yiyi could only remain silent. However, this look in He Zhixing's eyes meant that he was being stubborn with him.

He Zhixing gently stroked her cheek, stared at her with burning eyes, and blew hot air against her ear.

"Why don't you speak?"

Luo Yiyi was so frightened by his almost perverted actions that she became paralyzed, her soft voice tinged with tears.

"He Zhixing, don't do this, I, I'm afraid."

He always thought that her eyes could not deceive, and every time he wanted to bully her, she would look at him watery and tell him: She is afraid.

He would be so soft-hearted that he would rather feel uncomfortable than let her be afraid of him.

"Luo Yiyi, you feel a sense of accomplishment for teasing me, don't you?"

Luo Yiyi's face turned a little pale, thinking that He Zhixing asked her if she looked down on him not long ago, so he probably overthought it again.

"He Zhixing, I'm not teasing your feelings." Luo Yiyi looked up at him with sincere eyes.

"No teasing, then why did you push me to another woman?"

Luo Yiyi is suffering and can't express it. This is obviously unreasonable.

However, He Zhixing's expression became worse and worse. Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing imploringly while silently organizing her words.

He Zhixing sneered twice. If he believed her again, he would not be a man!
In an instant, all reason and everything else was gone. He picked her up, pressed her against the billboard, and kissed her hard.

Luo Yiyi naturally resisted, but how could she resist He Zhixing?
Luo Yiyi was petrified and stopped resisting. She just stared blankly at the enlarged face in front of her, tears flowing freely.

Salty tears soaked into He Zhixing's mouth, finally bringing back some of He Zhixing's sanity.

He stared blankly at the lifeless person in front of him, feeling a little panicked for a moment.

Luo Yiyi noticed that his eyes were clear and no longer bloody. He must have recovered from his illness and could reason.

"Can you let me go?" Luo Yiyi looked at him calmly.

He Zhixing obeyed now and let go of Luo Yiyi's legs, but he held her wrist tightly and looked at her nervously, fearing that she would leave in anger.

Luo Yiyi didn't care about him, looked at him coldly, and said calmly.

"I didn't push you to another woman. If Wang has something to do with you, it would be polite for me to walk away. Doesn't Mr. He know such a simple truth?"

He Zhixing muttered, "I know."

After the quarrel just now, Luo Yiyi also vaguely felt that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between her and He Zhixing. He Zhixing said that she pushed him to another woman, which was probably not the one she understood.

"You don't have to coax me, I know you still think so in your heart, but you always have to explain things clearly so that I can give you an explanation."

He Zhixing looked awkward for a while before finally making up his mind, "You told Yu Yangnuan all my preferences and encouraged her to chase me, so you can get rid of me, right?"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Luo Yiyi suppressed her anger and analyzed: "Young Master He, first of all, I didn't tell anyone about your preferences, because I don't know your preferences at all!
Secondly, I don’t want to get rid of you, because you and I have nothing to do with each other, so why should I get rid of you? "

He Zhixing's heart felt as if he had been stabbed several times, and his face looked very ugly.

Luo Yiyi was too lazy to care about his life and death, she had almost figured it out.

"So, you just did that because you suspected that I pushed you to Yang Nuan?"

He Zhixing nodded muffledly, and Luo Yiyi began to sneer.

"He Zhixing, today Yang Nuan told me that you found someone to bully her on campus. I still don't believe it. I feel that I still have to give this trust to you."

He Zhixing raised his head and looked at Luo Yiyi in disbelief, his eyes full of shock.

Luo Yiyi continued: "I didn't expect that someone would come to you and blow my pillow, but you believed it without even blinking."

He Zhixing's face turned even darker.

Luo Yiyi resisted the smell of blood rising from her chest and said calmly: "You are shocked and guilty, aren't you? I have always avoided you like a snake and a scorpion, but I still choose to believe you.

During that time in the classroom, you must have thought that Yang Nuan didn't tell me that I was so kind to you, right?
I tell you, no.It's because I want to believe you, but you don't want to believe me. "

After Luo Yiyi said the last sentence, she pulled away her wrist, but couldn't.

"Let go." Luo Yiyi's tone was calm.

He Zhixing didn't want to let go. If he let go, she would definitely leave him behind without any suspense.

(End of this chapter)

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