Chapter 94
Chapter 94
As she turned the corner, Luo Yiyi quietly turned her head back. Under the neon lights of the moonlight, a young man with a short black hair and a neat sportswear looked at her.

It was also at this moment that she suddenly realized that the boy wearing ripped jeans, short red hair and dazzling black diamond earrings was missing.

More than half a month after New Year's Day, No. [-] Middle School will usher in the final exam, and the students in No. [-] Middle School are preparing intensively for the exam.

However, the day after the New Year's Day holiday, the No. [-] China Forum, no, the entire network forum exploded.

A piece of news that "a second-generation official beat someone to serious injuries and fractured bones in public, and then did nothing afterwards and took a VIP tour of the Purple City with a beautiful woman" quickly spread throughout the Internet and aroused great anger among netizens.

For a time, the second-generation official in the video was frantically searched for human flesh by netizens.

Lu Shaoyan was furious immediately and flew to Qingquan Garden in the middle of the night to greet the eighteenth generation of the people behind the scenes.

"Brother, this is definitely man-made! Look at the editing, it's clearly carefully designed! It's probably someone who doesn't like you. The bastard even specially picked up the posts at four in the morning when the staff are sleeping. come out!"

He Zhixing had no emotion and watched the video calmly. Lu Shaoyan was anxious, "Ancestor! When is this? You still have the heart to watch this! Do you know how much netizens nowadays hate officials? Don't rely on it If you have some background in your family, don’t take it seriously! If you really let them search out all your information later, do you think Grandpa He can still protect you in front of the people of the whole country? "

Bu Yu looked at He Zhixing solemnly and analyzed: "Shao Yan is right, both the video and the accompanying text are very targeted.

First of all, with an attitude of fear of retaliation, you deliberately vaguely mentioned your identity as a second-generation official, but pretended not to dare to point out your specific identity as a second-generation official, so as to provoke the anger of ordinary people;
What's worse is that after pointing out your identity, he stabbed you and then walked away with nothing to do, implying to the public that you have the privileges of a second-generation official.

The worst thing is that not only did you do nothing after beating up the person, but you also took the beautiful woman to visit the Purple City without fear, and even used VIP channels that ordinary people didn't know about.

Brother Xing, just a few of these points are enough to arouse public outrage. Now that you have taken all of them, we still have to find a way.

The first step is to absolutely not let your information be leaked by someone who is interested. At the same time, immediately find the subway surveillance camera and explain the reason why you beat the person. I have already asked someone to pass the surveillance camera over.

Only by taking care of this step can we use our connections to keep you safe. Otherwise, the higher-ups will punish you in order to maintain your image in the hearts of the masses and will not care about Grandpa He's face.

The second step is to divert attention. There is also an A-list actress who gave birth to a child out of wedlock in the entertainment media. Exposing her can divert the attention of the public. "

He Zhixing smiled at him and said, "Thank you, brother."

He stood up, turned off the video, stared coldly out of the dark window, and said coldly: "I came prepared this time. It is estimated that my information will be "accidentally" leaked tomorrow morning. As for the video, don't Let Yi Yi show his face; and if grandpa asks about you, remember to pick it up and say, don't let him worry, there are many people who want to take the opportunity to make grandpa angry to death."

The next day, the students of No. [-] Middle School were still doing morning reading, and the sound of police sirens suddenly rang through the campus surrounded by the sound of reading.

Even before the morning reading started, the students of No. [-] Middle School gathered together and whispered. First, on the forum a few days ago, "He Zhixing was abandoned by the He family and was driven to S City for two years and has not been allowed to return to the capital." and now. Something happened to He Zhixing.

The students of No. [-] Middle School are paying great attention to this matter. Previously on the forum, "He Zhixing did not attend the stepbrother's full moon banquet." Some people thought that He Zhixing was his stepbrother, so he did not attend the banquet. After all, He Zhixing did not attend the banquet. He has such an unruly temperament and acts without caring about other people's face. He can really do this without attending the banquet.

But some people insist that He Zhixing was kicked out by the He family. After all, Mr. He can still control He Zhixing, and Mr. He attended his grandson's full moon banquet.

In short, the discussion about the full moon banquet can be said to be "difficult to agree on", and each family has its own version.

This beating incident happened to give all parties an opportunity to prove their opinions. If the He family didn't care about He Zhixing's trouble this time and allowed him to get involved, it would really mean that He Zhixing was abandoned by the He family.

If He Zhixing is still doing nothing, it means that He Zhixing is still the superior young master of the He family.

Therefore, not only the classmates of No. [-] Middle School, but even the leading teachers are paying close attention to this case, which is related to their future attitude towards He Zhixing.

Luo Yiyi knew about this from Yu Yangnuan long before the morning reading. When the police car came, the morning reading class in No. [-] Middle School had just finished. The students swarmed out of the classroom early, and the corridor was filled with people. Everyone stretched their heads and looked down at the police cars and Squad [-].

Luo Yiyi squeezed through the crowd and saw He Zhixing being taken to the police car by the police.

Even though he was at the center of the discussion, He Zhixing remained calm as always. He walked to the police car and even said hello to the police officer in a friendly manner.

But a group of spectators were far away. They only knew that He Zhixing was actually taken into the car. They were all shocked. Seeing He Zhixing being shackled, everyone looked at He Zhixing with dark eyes again. .

The police officer couldn't say much to He Zhixing in public, so he got into the police car and said with a guilty look on his face: "Master He, your matter has been investigated by the bureau, but now the netizens are still kept in the dark and can only feel aggrieved. You come with us first."

He Zhixing smiled and waved his hand, "Nothing, thank you for your hard work."

It would be a good thing if he could take this opportunity to make those secretly Yingying Yanyan give up their thoughts on him.

"He Zhixing!"

Suddenly, the worried and frightened sobbing shouts came from outside the car. He Zhixing's face turned cold and he cursed in his heart. He didn't look out the window and said to the police officer: "Please, drive immediately."

He was about to drive away, but the police officer stepped on the accelerator and drove off.It wasn't until the police car started that He Zhixing dared to look back, but he didn't see her.

Little idiot, he even told her to leave this matter alone, yet she still dared to call him out in front of everyone. Do you know how many dogs are hidden around here?What if they took pictures of her?

Luo Yiyi had been absent-minded all morning, and Li Yuyang had already noticed something strange about her.

Fortunately, the whole class was slightly excited about He Zhixing's incident, and everyone was not in a good mood, so no one knew that her distraction was due to worry.

During lunch break, Luo Yiyi used her status as a day student to leave the school. Before she could leave the school gate, she was grabbed.

"Where are you going?" Li Yuyang was still panting.

Luo Yiyi lowered her head, full of annoyance and self-blame, "Yuyang, He Zhixing beat him because of me. It's not like what is said on the Internet. I want to testify for him."

Li Yuyang thought for a while and said seriously: "Yi Yi, if you are really needed to testify, the police will definitely summon you. But so far, you have not received the relevant summons. This can only mean that He Zhixing has something to do, and you suddenly appeared at the police station, maybe It will also be a disservice and harm He Zhixing."

Luo Yiyi was startled, "Really?"

"Yes!" Li Yuyang nodded firmly, "Don't think too much now. Just wait quietly for the news. It won't be too late to make a decision when the results come out."

Luo Yiyi said without hesitation, "Okay, I won't cause any trouble for him."

Li Yuyang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As Li Yuyang expected, He Zhixing was out of trouble quickly, but was punished by the school and sent home to spend a week in isolation to reflect on his mistakes.

The entire No. [-] Middle School belongs to He Zhixing, who dares to punish him?Naturally, it was given by He's father in the capital.

The rumors that He Zhixing was not favored by He's father and was abandoned by the He family were completely confirmed.

Luo Yiyi felt relieved when she heard that he was fine. As for any other rumors after returning home for a week, they were nothing compared to sitting in a trap.

He's fine.

In the capital, Father He's face was livid, and he was scolding through his mobile phone, "You bastard, you know how to bring trouble to me all day long! If you continue like this, believe it or not, I won't leave you a single cent of my family property?"

He Zhixing sneered disdainfully: "It doesn't matter!"

Father He was having a headache over his bastard son's disrespectful attitude. Before he could find a new word to scold, He Zhixing had already ridiculed him again: "Grandpa is still alive, and he hasn't passed the inheritance rights to you yet. Are you sure it won't be me in the future?" Will I use my family property to support you in your old age?"

Father He was so angry that his face turned red and white, and he almost spat out blood.

"You bastard, don't think I don't know. The reason for your fight this time is over a little girl! I'll make it clear to you, if you play with a few little girls, I don't care about you, but if you dare to be impulsive because of some bullshit love, I’ll break your legs!”

He Zhixing smiled and said: "How dare I compare with you, Mr. He, in this regard? You are still getting stronger even though you are in a coffin."

Father He knew that Bastard was mocking the birth of his youngest son, and his originally angry face turned serious, "He Zhixing, I won't hold you accountable for pushing your mother downstairs. Now that your brother is also born, as long as you are willing to tell him Your mother will apologize well and I will allow you to return to Beijing. You don’t want to be separated from your brother in the future because of this, right?"

He Zhixing used the tone of talking to an idiot and said with a smile: "Director He, we haven't seen you for a few years? Why do you have Alzheimer's disease? I suggest you go to grandpa to learn more from me when you have nothing to do. Although he is quite old, He is dead, but his mind is very clear. You must not hide your illness and avoid medical treatment, and remember to be humble, so that grandpa can tell you the prescription to prevent Alzheimer's disease without reservation."

After saying that, before He's father could get angry, he sneered: "Bullshit brother! Let me tell you, if I recognize him, he is my younger brother. If I don't recognize him, he is nothing!"

And my mother has died a long time ago, so I don’t need to trouble you to identify her randomly for me. If my mother’s spirit in heaven finds out, she will be so angry that she crawls out of the coffin board in the middle of the night. "

After saying that, he cut off the phone, and the lingering sound of Director He's furious roar could be heard vaguely on the phone, "You bastard, your father is still here! Who do you call me?!"

He Zhixing was in an extremely bad mood and collapsed to the ground in despair, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

This is his father, who always only knows how to protect that woman, and he is nothing!
Decadence only lasted for a moment. He Zhixing glanced at the interrupted call interface coldly, kicked off his slippers, and headed to the Joy City Library with his schoolbag on his back.

He Zhixing was forcibly "carried home" by He's father to reflect for a week. When he returned to school, he brought nothing with him except the bulging books in his schoolbag.

This abnormal behavior really shocked Lu Shaoyan and a group of classmates and teachers from Class [-] who were watching the show.

For a time, the forum of No. [-] Middle School became even more popular. Comments about "Young Master He was disqualified from inheriting a fortune worth hundreds of billions and had to study hard." Like snowflakes, they hit every corner of No. [-] Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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