Chapter 95 Brother Zhixing
Chapter 95 Brother Zhixing
The final exam was coming soon, and Luo Yiyi still had time to read. On Saturday afternoon, during the public holiday, she came to Joy City to read the new issue of the magazine as usual, but unexpectedly saw He Zhixing buried in the library studying.

Luo Yiyi was a little surprised that He Zhixing was so eager to learn. During Saturday's public holiday, almost all the students in the school went to play basketball or watch movies. She did not expect that He Zhixing would study in the library.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi thought of the gossip that was spreading crazily in No. [-] Middle School, and Luo Yiyi didn't feel any pity.

She felt that He Zhixing was quite smart. If he studied hard and relied on his own ability, he might not be worse off than the He family in the future.

Because Luo Yiyi was just looking for a few books, he did not disturb He Zhixing so as not to disturb his study.

Luo Yiyi found the recently released magazine as she wished, quietly found an inconspicuous corner and sat down, completely lost herself in the world of the book, and read it with relish.

When she raised her head and looked out the window to rest her eyes, she noticed from the corner of her eye that there was someone else in the seat where He Zhixing was sitting.

Luo Yiyi was startled: When did he leave?
Before she could think about it, her phone was vibrating with a beep beep. It was Yu Yangnuan.

Luo Yiyi closed the book and pressed the connect button after leaving the library. Yuyang Nuan was heard crackling and beeping in her ears.

"Little Ancestor, you finally answered the phone! If you don't answer the phone, I will go crazy. What did you just do? Where are you now?"

Luo Yiyi waited for her to finish, then smiled apologetically: "I'm in the Joy City library. I set the do not disturb mode on my phone before, and I just turned it off. Is there something wrong with you being in such a hurry to find me? "

Yu Yangnuan nodded, "I want to go to the orphanage. Can you go with me?"

Luo Yiyi looked at the time and said softly: "Okay, where can we meet?"

"I'll go to Joy City to find you, and I'll call you when I get there."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Yu Yangnuan arrived at Joy City, followed by a tricycle.

"Yang Nuan, what are you doing?" Luo Yiyi looked at the unexpected tricycle and still didn't react.

While pulling people into the car, Yu Yangnuan pointed to the baskets of apples and other snacks in the car and quickly explained: "I'm going to check on the children. Look, these are the snacks I brought to them."

The driver started the tricycle and left as soon as the two got on.

Luo Yiyi poked Yu Yang Nuan's cheek, "You are still a child yourself."

Yu Yangnuan said: "Elder sister is like mother."

Yu Yangnuan also knew that Luo Yue had the habit of supporting orphans to study, so she planned to ask Luo Yiyi to come with her. After all, most people would not go to the orphanage after being full.

Luo Yiyi smiled. Yu Yangnuan had told her that the children in the orphanage were her younger brothers and sisters. She wanted to help those brothers and sisters who were eager to study, even in a small way.

Luo Yiyi looked at the bright girl in front of her, her light was so dazzling.

As soon as she arrived at the orphanage, Yu Yangnuan was surrounded by children. The children cheered and shouted: "Sister Yang Nuan is here!"

Yu Yangnuan knelt down and picked up a little girl, kissed her cheek, smiled fondly and said, "Do you miss your sister, Si?"

"Well! Sisi really wants to warm up sister Yang Nuan!" Sisi's eyes fluttered and she nodded seriously.

Yu Yangnuan touched her head, put her down and picked up another child with a smile on her face.

Soon some sharp-eyed children noticed Luo Yiyi who came with sister Yang Nuan. Children all like beautiful things. They looked at Luo Yiyi curiously and asked around Yu Yangnuan: " Sister Yang Nuan, who is this beautiful sister?"

Yu Yangnuan pulled Luo Yiyi, who was a little overwhelmed, and introduced with a smile: "This is sister Yangnuan's best friend. These snacks are bought by the beautiful sister for you."

Luo Yiyi smiled at the children and glanced over. They saw a group of children who were skinny, but only those pairs of eyes were bright and clear.

"Where is Xiaohai? Why don't you see him?"

Yu Yangnuan looked around the children, lowered her head and asked.

Sisi raised her face and looked at Yu Yangnuan, and said with a sweet voice: "A brother just came here. Xiaohai doesn't know the questions. He is teaching Xiaohai the questions in the house."

Yu Yangnuan smiled at Luo Yiyi and said, "Xiaohai likes to study very much. Do you want to go and see him?"

Luo Yiyi arched her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Okay."

Yu Yangnuan knelt down and touched Sisi's head, put a big apple into her hand, and said with a smile: "Sisi, can you take your beautiful sister to Xiaohai?"

Sisi nodded obediently and agreed, hugging the big red apple happily, looking up at Luo Yiyi with her little face, and said with a milky voice: "Sister, come with me."

Sisi quickly brought Luo Yiyi to the dormitory where the group lived. It was very quiet around the room, and a cold and crisp sound in the room clearly reached Luo Yiyi's ears.

"Is this question met?"

"I understand brother Zhixing!"

"Well, let's do these questions again and see if you master them."


Luo Yiyi was stunned, standing at the door and staring blankly at the young man under the backlight, but Sisi's clear milking sound broke everything.

"Pretty sister, we are already here. Over there are Xiaohai and pretty brother."

Sisi raised her little hands, her face was filled with pride for completing the task, and her little chest was straight.He Zhixing frowned. Didn't he tell no one to come over?He Zhixing turned his head with displeasure, and was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"What a coincidence." Luo Yiyi blinked and smiled at him.

He Zhixing's face was still frozen, and after a while he awkwardly greeted Luo Yiyi.

His coming to the orphanage had always been secret, and even Bu Yu and the others didn't know about it. In fact, doing good deeds was inconsistent with his usual messy style, and he himself was not used to others looking at him like a savior.

Diaphragm should panic.

"Why did you come here?"

He Zhixing stood up and looked at Luo Yiyi with an unnatural expression.

Luo Yiyi saw him for the first time as a young boy who was nervous and unnatural. She thought the scene was quite funny, but she still couldn't hold back her laughter, "I came here with Yang Nuan, she seems to have grown up in this orphanage. "

He Zhixing called "Xiaohai", and Xiaohai immediately ran to him obediently. He Zhixing bent down and said, "Xiaohai, would you like to take this sister out to play? My brother has something to say to this sister."

Xiaohai promised seriously, "Brother Zhixing, don't worry!"

He Zhixing coughed unnaturally and glanced quickly at Luo Yiyi.

After the child and Sisi went out, He Zhixing took the lead and said, "Walking in the yard?"

Luo Yiyi also wanted to ask him about what happened last time, so she nodded in agreement.

Before she could speak, He Zhixing had already asked: "Why did you call me last time at school? Didn't I tell you to leave that matter alone?"

Luo Yiyi lowered her head and whispered: "I was worried, so I called you."

He Zhixing chuckled, "Silly."

It was too late for others to hide when something like this happened to her, but it was better for her to rush forward.

"What happened after that incident? Did they punish you?" Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing worriedly.

He Zhixing said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, it's okay. It's not my fault in the first place. I just need to pay some money and keep it private."

As if he didn't want to talk too much about this, He Zhixing changed the subject: "The final exam is in a few days, right? If you don't stay in the classroom and study, why are you running around?"

Luo Yiyi curled her lips and asked, "Didn't you come out and run around too?"

He Zhixing was delighted. He pinched Luo Yiyi's cheek and said with a smile, "Can you be like me? You are a good boy, but I am not."

Luo Yiyi covered her cheek and quickly took two steps away, her face turned pink from holding back, "Don't move your hands or feet!"

He Zhixing laughed twice and asked casually: "What are you going to do after the final exam?"

Luo Yiyi asked back: "Didn't the school arrange make-up classes?"

He Zhixing clicked his tongue, "What about finishing the make-up classes? Isn't there still a week of vacation? In such a short time, should I go back to the capital for the New Year or stay in S city?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head, "I don't know, but my mother will probably insist on staying in S city."

He Zhixing smiled, "That's just right. I'm also celebrating the New Year in S City this year. Can we come out to play together?"

Luo Yiyi did not give him a specific answer, but said vaguely: "Let's talk about it. My mother is watching closely in the new year. I will report to my mother when I come out to play."

After saying this, she realized that He Zhixing was different from her. His home was in the capital. If he didn't go back to the capital during the New Year, would he still stay in S city?
He Zhixing didn't expect her to agree to him. Seeing her thinking hard, embarrassed and blaming herself, He Zhixing smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? I was just thinking that my grades are so poor, and you, the top student, have such good grades. If you have time, please take some time to teach me. With our friendship, this is not too much for me to ask, right?"

Luo Yiyi was quite troubled at first, but when she heard He Zhixing's groundbreaking words, she was suddenly struck with laughter.

She had such poor grades and still taught the children in a decent manner. Thinking of the style of painting just now, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Luo Yiyi couldn't hold it back and really laughed. He Zhixing gritted his teeth in anger. Don't think he didn't know what she was laughing at? !

He Zhixing lowered his gaze and glared at her with a deliberately fierce face, "Don't laugh!"

Luo Yiyi suppressed her laughter, but she still had a red smile on her face. He Zhixing's face could not be darker.

In a moment of speechless annoyance, I could only hear the little girl's soft and sweet laughter: "He Zhixing, on New Year's Day, I will send you New Year's greetings."

He Zhixing froze due to the sudden initiative. He only heard the "thumping" beating in his chest. He pursed his lips, and it took him a long time to utter one word, "Okay."

After saying that, he stared at Luo Yiyi with a fierce look, threatening: "Remember to send it, if you don't..."

He Zhixing couldn't answer the next words, so he gave Luo Yiyi a threatening look.

Just at this moment, the phone rang. It was Yu Yangnuan.

Luo Yiyi waved to him with her cell phone, "I'll take a call."

He Zhixing nodded silently, and until Luo Yiyi turned around, he quietly put his hand on his chest, which was still beating violently.

(End of this chapter)

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