Chapter 96 Praise him
Chapter 96 Praise him
Yu Yangnuan saw that Sisi and Xiaohai were back. After a few minutes, she couldn't see Luo Yiyi coming back. She thought of Luo Yiyi and was about to go find Luo Yiyi.

Unfortunately, she was pestered by other children and couldn't get away, so she could only call Luo Yiyi to ask if she was lost.

Luo Yiyi smiled and explained a few words, saying that she had met an acquaintance and would go back later.

Knowing that Luo Yiyi was not lost, Yu Yangnuan felt relieved. After a few words in a hurry, she hung up the phone. Luo Yiyi vaguely heard the clear and cheerful "Sister Yang Nuan" on the other side of the phone.

Luo Yiyi couldn't help but smile, the small pear dimples on her cheeks appeared in circles, which was cute and charming.

"Who are you calling?"

He Zhixing's tone was sour and he looked at her with cold eyes.

Luo Yiyi didn't hide it from him, "Yang Nuan, she was worried that I would get lost, so she called to ask."

It was not Li Yuyang, nor any other wild man. He Zhixing felt better and asked again: "Why don't you ask me why I am here?"

Luo Yiyi thought to herself that you were so unnatural just now, how could I dare to ask?

He Zhixing also felt that he had asked the question knowingly, so he moved his eyes and took the initiative to explain: "Xiao Hai is quite smart, and I like him."

Luo Yiyi nodded: "I know, do you think Xiao Hai looks a lot like you?"

He Zhixing was delighted, raised his eyebrows at her, and said with a smile: "Where did you see that?"

Luo Yiyi pointed to the direction of the courtyard door, "All the children are attracted by the snacks and toys you bring. Only Xiaohai can restrain his natural instinct and temptation to play and cherish the learning opportunity you come.

Although you don't like to study, as long as it is something you believe in, you will definitely overcome all external and internal factors and will never give up until you achieve your goal.

From this point of view, Xiaohai is very much like you, so I'm just thinking nonsense, so don't laugh at me. "

He Zhixing smiled and said, "I am such a messed up person, but I can still be praised so well by you."

Luo Yiyi said honestly: "I didn't praise you, I just told the truth."

He Zhixing smiled and said: "So smart? Isn't it appropriate to call you little idiot anymore in the future?"

Luo Yiyi pursed her lips and glanced at him angrily. She had protested many times that she didn't like this nickname that insulted her personality and IQ!

However, the protest was ineffective and he was really angry.

He Zhixing raised his hand to shield her from the sun, and said slowly: "You are right, as long as it is something I am determined to do, no matter it is external causes or inner demons, I will cut it off and I will definitely get her!"

Luo Yiyi: "..."

How do you feel about his inner meaning?
"Little idiot."

He Zhixing's muffled laughter came from above his head, and Luo Yiyi said: "..."

"Okay, I'll take you back. The final exam is coming soon. Don't come out and wander around. At this age, you still need to listen to your mother more and study hard, you know?"

He Zhixing took out his baseball cap from the house and put it on Luo Yiyi's head. He adjusted the elastic buckle on the back of the hat brim to the minimum. The hat was still too big on Luo Yiyi's head.

Wearing such a large hat, although it has a good sun protection effect, it also makes me "blind."

He Zhixing put his hat on her head, and he grabbed her wrist, "Wear the hat, I'll hold your hand."

Luo Yiyi avoided his hand and returned the hat to him, "It doesn't matter if you take these few steps to bask in the sun. I can walk along the shadows under the eaves."

After saying that, he threw the hat into his arms and ran away with a clatter in the shadows.

He Zhixing smiled lowly: The silly little white rabbit has become cunning.

Unconsciously, more than half of the afternoon break had passed, and Yu Yangnuan and Luo Yiyi had to return to school.

Before leaving, Sisi and the other children in the orphanage hugged Yu Yangnuan's thigh with tears in their eyes and refused to let go, "Sister Yang Nuan, will you come next time?"

Yu Yangnuan knelt down and promised seriously: "Of course, next week sister Yangnuan will bring a puzzle for Sisi to play with, okay?"

Sisi's eyes were red and she nodded heavily: "Okay!"

After calming down a group of children, another five minutes had passed and there could be no further delay. Yu Yangnuan called the dean. The dean directed the children to stand up, and Yu Yangnuan was able to pull Luo Yiyi and leave.

On the way back to school, Yu Yangnuan's eyes were red and she was feeling a little depressed. Luo Yiyi didn't know what to say and could only stay with her quietly.

Yu Yangnuan adjusted herself for a while, then looked up at Luo Yiyi and said, "I originally thought you would be very popular with the children. They would definitely hug you and cry without letting go."

Luo Yiyi said sheepishly: "That disappoints you."

Yu Yangnuan waved her hand, "You are suitable for holding others and acting like a spoiled child, but not suitable for being held by others and acting like a spoiled child."

Luo Yiyi is a child who has been pampered and grown up. She is not lacking in love, so she will not be overflowing with aunty heart.

Yu Yangnuan murmured: "I personally think that most women who want children want a child because they lack love, so they can replenish their babies with the love they once lacked.

To make up for their empty window in the vast void of love. "Luo Yiyi seemed to have thought of something. She stared at Yu Yangnuan and asked eagerly: "Yang Nuan, is what you said true? "

Seeing how serious she was suddenly, Yu Yangnuan let out a "hurt" sound, waved her hand and said with a smile: "It's just a self-feeling. You are a child who is not lacking in love. You cannot understand the desire and greed for love of children like us who are lacking in love."

Luo Yiyi fell silent. She thought of her mother who looked indifferent on the balcony, and how her mother must have wanted her to come into this world.

Is it because my mother lacks love?

As long as she can remember, her mother has been alone, but she knows that her mother is not an orphan.

She also remembers that when she was young, her mother often hugged her and whispered: She is her mother's salvation, she is all the spiritual support for her mother to live.

Mother's extreme dependence and lack of love?

Luo Yiyi was still in a depressed mood until school. She knew that her mother had hidden some past events from her. Those were most likely her mother's scars, and her mother didn't want her to know.


At the orphanage, the children were brought back to play in the yard by the dean and other teachers. He Zhixing was still in Xiaohai's house.

Xiaohai said "Hey", "Brother Zhixing, don't you want to go back to class?"

He Zhixing showed no shame in being sent home to reflect. He fooled the children in a serious manner, "Brother can do it without going to class."

Xiaohai nodded and kindly reminded: "Brother Zhixing, you have to work hard. I heard from Sister Yangnuan that the beautiful sister just now had the best grades and ranked first in grade every time.

Brother Zhixing, apart from teaching me addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, you can't teach me anything more difficult. "

Xiao Hai's words sounded full of resentment, and He Zhixing showed no shame and continued to talk nonsense: "When my brother is as old as you, how can he be taught by others? He is all self-taught. Look at you, you are six years old and you still need to be taught. "

Sure enough, Xiao Hai was shocked when he heard this. He asked weakly, "Brother Zhixing, can you bring your beautiful sister with you next time? I want to ask how the beautiful sister manages to pass the exam every time." Number one?"

He Zhixing knelt down and poked his little face and said with a smile: "Okay, you kid, it's not enough to exploit me, you also want to exploit my wife."

After saying that, he stood up and said, "I won't tell you anymore. The books on the table are enough for you to be old enough to go to school."

But Xiao Hai pulled the corner of his clothes and asked him seriously: "Brother Zhixing, will you come to see me again?"

He Zhixing leaned down, looked at his clear pupils, and said, "Brother can't say for sure, so Xiaohai should study hard. When you are successful in the future, you can meet your brother."

Xiaohai nodded seriously, "I understand, brother Zhixing."

He Zhixing stopped talking, patted Xiaohai's cheek and left.

Everyone has their own destiny, and the environment is only an influencing factor. There are many children like Xiaohai in the world. All he can do is provide some money for them to go to school, and it is impossible to cultivate them like sons.

No. [-] Middle School soon ushered in the final exam, and He Zhixing returned to Class [-] as early as a week before the exam.

Before the exam, the experimental class was cared for as always. Their classroom was not used as an exam room. In order to ensure that good students would not be affected by cheating by poor students during the exam, the school deliberately assigned the top students to one exam room.

The three days of exams passed quickly. After the exams were over, all the students breathed a sigh of relief. Even the students in the experimental class gathered together to discuss where to go during the holidays.

Luo Yiyi was pulled by the girls in the class to answer the questions. She had good grades and the teachers all liked her. Even if these girls were jealous, they were secretly jealous and did not dare to show it to the public.

After checking the answers with Luo Yiyi, some girls clapped their hands and laughed, while others frowned.

Zhang Pan pulled Chen Jingjing, who agreed with the frowning face, and sat down and said bitterly: "It's not the standard answer. How can it be so embarrassing?"

Her voice was not quiet, and Luo Yiyi naturally heard it. The girls who had just discussed the answers with Luo Yiyi also heard it, but no one spoke for Luo Yiyi. They all shrank their heads and acted like turtles.

Fortunately, Luo Yiyi had long known the selfish nature of these people who were greedy for life and fearful of death, so Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously.

Yu Yangnuan lives in the same dormitory as Zhang Pan, and she has long been unhappy with being isolated by her. If it weren't for the law, she would stab this little bitch to death with a knife!
Now seeing Zhang Pan acting like a monster, he immediately shouted angrily: "Who has such a bad mouth? Didn't you brush your teeth when you went out? It's not like Yi Yi forced you to answer the question! Who are you making fun of?"

Zhang Pan's face immediately turned upside down. She stood up, pointed at Yu Yangnuan and cursed: "Yu Yangnuan, who the hell are you scolding?!"

Yu Yangnuan was not afraid, and openly challenged: "How about scolding you? Is it our Yiyi who forced you to answer the answer? Come over and listen to the answer yourself, oh, bully you if the result is not ideal. Is this our Yi Yi? Because I share a dormitory with you and all the cowards in the dormitory listen to you, or are you bullying our Yi Yi because Li Yuyang is not around? "

As soon as Yu Yangnuan finished speaking, Luo Yiyi realized that something was wrong. Yang Nuan had always been a tolerant person, so he didn't mind scolding people. Why did he bring the whole dormitory with him? Wouldn't this cause public outrage?

Sure enough, before Zhang Pan could get angry, the others in the dormitory could no longer sit still. Although they had become bitches, Yu Yangnuan could not tear down their chastity arch!

"Yu Yangnuan, who are you calling a coward?! There are six people in our dormitory, and the other five can get along well with each other, but you are the only one who doesn't fit in with us! You don't fit in, so why are you calling us?!"

Yu Yangnuan shrugged nonchalantly and said sarcastically: "You guys are really big-faced. Could it be that the fact that the five of you get along with each other proves that you are gregarious? If I can't blend in with you, it means that I am not gregarious. Haha, you guys are really pretty. It’s not as big as it is, five people can represent the truth.”

Zhang Pan's face had already turned into a pig liver face, and he stared at Yu Yangnuan with vicious eyes!
Yu Yangnuan has always been a coward in the dormitory. When she spit on her, she didn't dare to wipe it away and let the spit do it. Today, this coward dared to refute her in public!

Zhang Pan threatened fiercely, "Yu Yangnuan, just wait for me! I'll see you in the dormitory!"

This time, before Yu Yang Nuan could say anything, Luo Yiyi had already walked up to Yu Yang Nuan. She protected Yu Yang Nuan behind her, looked at Zhang Pan calmly and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for this opportunity." , Yang Nuan will be a day student from now on. She has no money to rent a house, so I will give her a house!"

(End of this chapter)

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