Chapter 97 My Good Baby

Chapter 97 My Good Baby

Yu Yangnuan was shocked, and Zhang Pan and others in the dormitory were also shocked.

Luo Yiyi remained calm and said calmly: "Oh, I made a mistake. I will go to the dormitory with Yang Nuan later to help her move things, and I will ask Yuyang to come with me. If you want to fight, remember to bring more A few boys."

Zhang Pan quickly came back to his senses and sneered: "Who can't talk nonsense? Do you think the school is run by your family? The change of boarding students to day students requires the signature of both the school and the parents! Regardless of whether the school agrees or not, your parents will not either You are so willful! Do you think they will find trouble and take the safety risk of a stranger?!"

In Zhang Pan's eyes, Luo Yiyi is a good baby. Such a good baby is tightly controlled by the family and has no decision-making power at all!

No matter how enlightened a family is, no parent will take the risk of supervising a strange minor for no reason!

Luo Yiyi also smiled and said: "Then we will wait and see whether the school will agree to it and whether my mother will agree."

The students in the class started to tear each other up. The boys watched the show with gusto, not to mention the girls.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder permeated the entire class. Chen Jingjing appeared at the right time to be the peacemaker, so that neither party would be offended.

"Okay, Yang Nuan, we're all in the same dormitory. Let's keep a tightrope when talking to each other, so we can meet each other easily in the future, right? You apologize to Panpan, and Panpan will forgive you."

In her eyes, what Luo Yiyi said just now was just a show of courage, and it was impossible to do it!
Zhang Pan had his arms wrapped around him, looking domineering and arrogant with his nostrils pointing upward.


Yu Yangnuan spat hard!
Yu Yangnuan hated Zhang Pan's behavior of isolating her the most and wanted to kill him quickly!
But for a "good old guy" like Chen Jingjing, who just fell in love with the wind, Yu Yangnuan is the most disgusting!

"There's no need to pretend to be kind! If you were a good person, you wouldn't have known that they were isolating me and still not stopped them. You would only secretly say a few words to me when no one was around, and you wouldn't even dare to fart in front of Zhang Pan!"

With her hot face pressed against her cold ass, Chen Jingjing's expression turned extremely ugly.

She became angry and said: "Yu Yangnuan, don't be so shameless!"

Yu Yangnuan chuckled: "I really don't care about the face you gave me!"

It doesn’t matter if you don’t make friends with this kind of person. If you are really a friend, you will only be like Yiyi, instead of being timid.

Not to mention that when Chen Jingjing took the initiative to talk to her in front of Zhang Pan and the others, she pretended not to hear her. She didn't dare to let Zhang Pan and the others see that she, Chen Jingjing, was close to her.

When no one was around, he pretended to be a good person and took the initiative to talk to her, just for the ticket in her hand.

Extremely hypocritical!Extremely disgusting!
Just at this time, Li Yuyang came back from the office and saw a table of people gathered around Luo Yiyi's table. He thought he was asking Luo Yiyi to answer the question, so he didn't think much about it.

Luo Yiyi didn't want to but walked out of the crowd and went straight to him, "Yuyang, please accompany me to the office again."

Li Yuyang didn't ask why, he just smiled and said: "Okay, now?"


Li Yuyang immediately turned around, and Luo Yiyi also took Yu Yang Nuan's hand and walked out, "Yang Nuan, let's go find the teacher."

It wasn't until he left Class [-] that Li Yuyang asked why. Yu Yangnuan stepped back voluntarily and gave the space to Li Yuyang and Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi told the whole story, but Li Yuyang looked calm and showed no reaction. There was never a shortage of conflicts in the girls' dormitory.

He suggested: "How about asking the teacher to change dormitories?"

Yu Yangnuan knew that Li Yuyang didn't want Yi Yi to take over her trouble, so she said: "Yi Yi, I understand your intentions, but let's forget about day schooling."

Luo Yiyi insisted, "You have to go to day school. Actually, Yang Nuan, I know that you don't like to interact with others. Yangchun Baixue is a reclusive person. It's because they are not worthy of your existence, not because you are unsociable!"

Yuyang Nuan's lips trembled, her eyes gradually became misty, and she let out a heavy sigh, "Yeah!"

Luo Yiyi insisted. Li Yuyang naturally couldn't make her unhappy by confronting her again. He just touched her little head helplessly and said with a smile: "Why don't you understand Aunt Luo now?"

Luo Yiyi was startled for a moment and said quickly: "Mom will understand. I gave her an extra daughter."

Li Yuyang smiled helplessly and shook his head: "You!"

Then I stopped talking.

Silly girl, no one can compare with your status in Aunt Luo's heart. No, there is no comparison at all. The world is divided into two types for Aunt Luo, daughters and others, including his label, which is only the guardian of her daughter. Only then was Aunt Luo treated so favorably.

Aunt Luo will always only have a precious daughter like you in her heart.

He Xin was finishing things in the office and was about to go to the computer room to mark the papers. Suddenly he saw Luo Yiyi coming over. He packed his things and said without raising his head: "Yi Yi, the teacher has to go to correct the papers. If you have anything to say, hurry up."

If this had been any other student, he would have asked people to wait until he came back.

Luo Yiyi felt bitter in her heart and said sheepishly: "Teacher, I want to tell you about Yu Yangnuan's day school."

He Xin patted his head and said depressedly: "Yi Yi, this is troublesome. Let's do this. You stay here first, and the teacher will let others handle this matter."

Luo Yiyi thought the other person He Xin mentioned was another teacher, so she didn't think much about it and Tiantian agreed, "Okay, thank you teacher!"

After saying that, he gave Yu Yangnuan a comforting look. He Xin raised his head in a hurry, gave Luo Yiyi a loving smile, and said with a smile: "You're welcome." After saying that, he hugged his wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea and hurried away. Going to the computer room to check the papers, from behind he could vaguely see who he was dialing when he took out his mobile phone. It seemed that he was most likely contacting the other person he just mentioned.

So when they saw He Zhixing appearing in the office a few minutes later, except Luo Yiyi, the other two people opened their eyes wide.

Luo Yiyi didn't open her eyes wide not because she guessed that He Zhixing was invited by He Xin, but she was just not as surprised as the two people that He Zhixing suddenly appeared here.

"He Zhixing, why are you coming to the office?"

Yu Yangnuan and Li Yuyang would never greet He Zhixing. Luo Yiyi greeted him with a smile and crooked eyes.

He Zhixing said "hmm" and sat on He Xin's chair like an uncle. He picked up a pen and played with it, lazily saying: "He Xin said you asked me to handle the day school affairs. Why, you want to board?" Already?"

Luo Yiyi was dumbfounded. Teacher He, you committed a foul!

Coincidentally, He Xin's phone number came in at this time, and Luo Yiyi clicked on it when she heard He Xin's caring voice with a smile, "Yi Yi, the teacher forgot to tell you, this whole No. [-] Middle School belongs to Mr. He. From now on, if you have any big or small problems, you can just go to him directly. As long as he nods, you don’t have to go through the school’s many broken rules and regulations, saving time and effort, getting the best of both worlds. No need to thank the teacher!"

After saying that, He Xin quickly hung up the phone and started the grading journey in a good mood.

Oh my, it feels so good to go through the back door!

Luo Yiyi was completely stunned. She looked at He Zhixing for a long time without knowing what to say.

"Are you stupid? Which dormitory do you want to live in? Do you want a single room?"

Luo Yiyi subconsciously replied, "Are there any single rooms?"

He Zhixing smiled and said: "Of course, if you live here, I will give it to you for free. Who wants you to have good grades to compete with No. [-] Middle School?"

Luo Yiyi couldn't help but continue following his words, "Then if my grades are not good, how much will it cost?"

He Zhixing didn't know why, so he stood up and pushed her to sit down. He glanced at her hesitantly, "Do you think you did not do well in the exam this time?"

Luo Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No."

After speaking, he looked back at Yu Yangnuan, "Yang Nuan, I think if it's a single room, it's better to board. After all, you can be safe in school."

Yu Yangnuan wrinkled and said, "Women see the same thing."

Luo Yiyi glanced at her inexplicably. Why did she suddenly become so formal when speaking?

But as long as Yang Nuan agreed, Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing less aggressively this time. It was looking at the boss, "How much is the annual accommodation fee for a single room?"

He Zhixing pulled up a chair, sat down next to her, and said with a smile, "No money."

Afraid of her rejection, he quickly said: "If you're sorry, take the time to teach me a few more questions during the winter vacation, just think of it as helping me save money for tutoring. As you know, I was kicked out of my family and I don't have that much money."

Luo Yiyi bit her lip and said quickly: "It's natural for classmates to help each other. Not to mention that you don't have enough money, you must pay for the accommodation fee."

He Zhixing sighed helplessly, "But even after you paid the accommodation fee, the money can't reach my hand. It was directly transferred from the account to the old man's card, and not a penny went into my pocket."

Luo Yiyi was shocked and stammered: "Is this like this?"

He Zhixing looked solemn, "So, you must not pay the accommodation fee, otherwise the money will go into my stepmother's pocket. I don't ask you to help me, but don't make things worse for me, right?"

Luo Yiyi also nodded solemnly, "I won't pay any more. If you don't have money to hire a tutor, you can always ask me if you have any questions. I will teach you as long as I have time."

He Zhixing held back his laughter, looked very moved, looked at Luo Yiyi with full eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Yi Yi, thank you."

After Luo Yiyi found out, she realized something was wrong. She looked at He Zhixing and asked, "You have been kicked out of your family. Are you still in charge of No. [-] Middle School?"

He Zhixing lowered his eyes, with an even more hurt look on his face, "Although there is a lot of buzz outside, the outside world does not know the internal situation, and they are more or less taboo about my identity as the young master of the He family. So, you have to keep it a secret for me. Don't tell anyone about me being kicked out, okay?

Otherwise I will be dead!Think about how many people I have offended?If those people knew about my current situation, wouldn't they skin me and eat me? "

Luo Yiyi's eyes were wide open, her face was serious and sympathetic, "He Zhixing, I will definitely keep it a secret for you!"

After speaking, he looked up at Li Yuyang and Yu Yangnuan, "Yuyang, Yangnuan, you must also keep He Zhixing's secret secret."

Yu Yangnuan and Li Yuyang tacitly gave He Zhixing a cold face on the back of his head: Haha.

He Zhixing coughed twice and approached Luo Yiyi, "Tell me, which building and room do you want to live in?"

Luo Yiyi looked at Yu Yangnuan and was about to speak, but Yu Yangnuan had already said before him: "Yiyi, I think a single room will be fine."

As she finished speaking, she winked quickly at Luo Yiyi. Luo Yiyi also knew that she wanted her not to expose her in front of He Zhixing.

Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing again, thought for a moment and said sweetly: "It should be closer to the teaching building."

He Zhixing said yes with a smile, and did not forget to praise, "As expected of my good baby, cough, the good baby in No. [-] Middle School is my good baby."

(End of this chapter)

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