Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 98 Why are you so difficult to coax?

Chapter 98 Why are you so difficult to coax_
Chapter 98 Why are you so difficult to coax_

Because of He Zhixing, the dormitory was finalized in a matter of seconds. He Zhixing chose a double dormitory for Luo Yiyi, but there was only one person living there.

In this regard, He Zhixing's explanation was: "The environment of a single dormitory is not as good as that of a double dormitory. Don't worry, although it is a double dormitory, you are the only one living there."

Luo Yiyi said obediently: "Oh, but there's something Teacher He seems to have forgotten to explain to you. It's not me who wants to live in a single room, but my classmates. I'm still a day student."

He Zhixing's cheerful smile turned to stone. After a long time, he held his chest and took a deep breath. He tried hard to suppress the urge to spit out the fragrance, and said with a leisurely smile: "It doesn't matter. I'm helping your classmate just to help you."

Luo Yiyi was moved beyond measure.

There were two large light bulbs of [-] volts standing next to him. He Zhixing thought that it would be impossible for the two of them to live together, so after finishing the good work, He Zhixing took Luo Yiyi and left the office.

His possessive desire was released very strongly, and he followed closely beside Luo Yiyi, obviously letting Li Yuyang and Yu Yangnuan walk behind.

Except for Luo Yiyi, an emotional idiot, Li Yuyang and Yu Yangnuan present all deeply felt this strong possessive aura.

When they reached the corner of their class, He Zhixing reluctantly put down his steps. His eyebrows softened and he said, "Go back to the classroom and study hard."

Luo Yiyi nodded obediently, she was really obedient.

He Zhixing tried hard to suppress the urge in his heart to hug her, hardened his heart, and strode away with all his strength.

"Why didn't you just let Yi Yi tell He Zhixing that this was the place you wanted to stay?"

Because He Zhixing and Luo Yiyi were leading them away, Li Yuyang deliberately slowed down. His expression was calm but he carried a majesty that could not be denied.

Yu Yangnuan was naturally afraid of the all-powerful boss of the class, Bai Qiehei, and did not dare to hide it. He said truthfully: "I have overestimated my abilities before, and I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of He Zhixing again. I knew that his grades were poor, so I said it on purpose. A difficult-to-understand classical Chinese.”

Li Yuyang's eyes were still light and there was no change in emotion, "I don't care who you like, but if you dare to use job's tears as bait to pave the way for you, I will not let you go first. Don't think that I will be merciful because you are a girl. As long as I can't forgive her, even if the other person is a child, I will still not let it go."

Li Yuyang's face was as gentle as ever, but Yu Yangnuan felt a chill from the soles of her feet that spread all over her body. She stammered and nodded, "I, won't!"

It happened that Luo Yiyi turned around at this time and He Zhi walked away, so she naturally returned to the classroom with them.

"Yuyang, Yangnuan, what are you talking about?" Luo Yiyi blinked her big eyes with curiosity on her face.

Li Yuyang smiled warmly and said, "It's nothing. Let's discuss moving to the dormitory. I'll go with you."

Luo Yiyi's eyes were bright, she rubbed herself next to him and said coquettishly: "Anyone who knows me is Yu Yang."

After speaking, he smiled at Yu Yangnuan and said, "Yang Nuan, Yuyang has taken the initiative to help you move to your dormitory."

Yu Yangnuan forced a smile, feeling very miserable inside.

She still has this kind of self-knowledge. Li Yuyang must have guessed that Yi Yi would help her move to the dormitory. With Li Yuyang's care for Yi Yi, how could he be willing to let Yi Yi suffer this?

He also guessed that Yi Yi would ask him for help, so instead of waiting for Yi Yi to speak, it would be better for him to say it directly.

But she still didn't understand as always. She was now sure that Li Yuyang's feelings for Yi Yi were a man's strong possessive desire for women. So why did Li Yuyang "accomplish" He Zhixing and Yi Yi again and again?

At least when He Zhixing and Yi Yi were together, she never saw Li Yuyang stopping them. Yu Yangnuan frowned, really puzzled.

At noon that day, Li Yuyang applied for the qualification to enter the girls' dormitory and accompanied Luo Yiyi to help Yu Yangnuan move.

Because Yu Yangnuan changed dormitories at an extremely fast speed, and the three of them concealed He Zhixing from the outside world, everyone only thought that this matter was mediated by He Xin.

He Xin's care for Luo Yiyi was unknown to everyone in the class. He Xin only thought that Luo Yiyi had good grades and He Xin favored good students. After all, this kind of thing also happened in other classes.

But this speedy dormitory move beyond the hierarchy obviously went beyond the scope of a teacher's normal care for a good student. After all, the real person involved was Yu Yangnuan, not Luo Yiyi. There was no need for He Xin to do this!
For a while, some comments quietly rose in the darkness.

By the time Luo Yiyi, Li Yuyang and others found out about these remarks, it had already caused an uproar and was known to the whole school.

After the teachers of No. [-] Middle School worked overtime day and night, all the test papers were finally marked after a day and a half.

The director took the lead in pulling out the results of the experimental class. There is no doubt that among the statistics of the results of the experimental class, Luo Yiyi was No. 1 again, while Li Yuyang was still a few points behind, ranking second.

The second class teacher said sourly: "Teacher He is good because he is young. Young people will please their parents with their sweet talk."

The implication is nothing more than an insinuation of He Xin's request to parents to send Luo Yiyi to class one.

He Xin smiled modestly and said, "It's just a bit of luck. I met my mentor's daughter and my mentor took better care of her."

The second class teacher looked ugly and stopped talking.

After all, they are not even older than him, but their social status is as high as that of a high school teacher. How can he be qualified to talk about professors from famous universities?

In the evening, all the results of the regular class and the experimental class were tallied up.In Class [-], He Zhixing sat nervously in his seat, waiting for the test papers to be handed out.

Lu Shaoyan, who came after hearing the news, was even more nervous than he was. This month, Brother Xing was like a demon, studying desperately, with such ferocity that they hadn't seen in countless years.

They had a hunch that if the results were not good this time, Brother Xing would go crazy.

"Brother Xing, the test paper this time is easy. You can see that my math test is better than before. I am already in my 40s. Brother Xing, you have studied hard for so long, you will definitely not be bad."

Lu Shaoyan pointed at his test paper to encourage He Zhixing.

He Zhixing pursed his lips and said nothing. He sat in his seat and waited for the teacher to hand out the test papers. He deliberately did not investigate in advance. After all, he was maintaining the character of "a miserable young master who was kicked out of the family".

When he finally waited for the test paper, He Zhixing's eyes were as red as bloodshot eyes. The student who handed out the test paper was frightened. He handed the test paper to He Zhixing's desk with great fear and kindly put the score side up.

After all, this is already very good compared to Mr. He's previous scores of zero points.

When Lu Shaoyan saw the bright red number, he almost spit out blood. He immediately said: "Brother Xing, this score is not bad. At least it is improved compared to last time, isn't it?"

He Zhixing stared at the bright red Arabic numerals: 28.

Although No. [-] Middle School uses machine grading, the teacher will manually mark the test papers again before handing them out to understand where the students in their own class made mistakes.What's wrong?

He Zhixing pursed his thin lips into a straight line and just stared at the two bright numbers without saying anything.

Lu Shaoyan was still persuading: "Brother Xing, we are not the kind of people who regard reading as a living. We just need some ink in our stomachs. After all, we are the ones who want to inherit the family property."

He Zhixing didn't kick him this time. He just looked at the test paper in front of him and asked seriously: "Am I really not talented in learning? Is it destined that I won't be able to be in the same world as her?"

Before the three of them could answer, his eyes were overflowing with anger, and his tone was strong and domineering: "She can only be mine!"

Several people looked at each other, and Bu Yu stepped forward and said, "Brother Xing, why don't you ask her to make up lessons for you during the winter vacation? It's a good thing to improve your grades. If not, taking the opportunity to cultivate feelings is also a way. Doesn’t it mean that she doesn’t reject you anymore? It’s not necessarily impossible to take advantage of learning opportunities to get closer.”

He Zhixing struggled with his conscience for a while, but only for a short while. He quickly stuffed the test paper into the table, and a mischievous smile appeared on his originally gloomy face.

After school in the evening, Luo Yiyi picked up a decadent He Zhixing on campus.

His condition was really bad. He was sitting alone on a bench, his head buried in his arms, and his shoulders were still shaking slightly.

Did He Zhixing cry? !

For someone as proud as he is, what kind of devastating blow would it take for him to cry?

Because she was so shocked by He Zhixing's act of "crying", Luo Yiyi temporarily forgot to think about why He Zhixing appeared on this deserted road she was passing by.

Luo Yiyi stood there worriedly, not daring to come forward, but also not daring to leave. After thinking about it, she decided to hide in the dark and observe quietly. She would withdraw after making sure he returned home safely.

Not wanting her to move, He Zhixing over there happened to raise his head and saw her.

Luo Yiyi could no longer hide, so she greeted him with a smile from a distance. He Zhixing tried his best to smile at her, but behind that smile was indescribable despair and misery.

He didn't get up, and just sat on the bench with a hoarse voice, looking at her pitifully, and humbly begged, "Yi Yi, can you sit with me for a while?"

Luo Yiyi would definitely not refuse. She walked forward without hesitation, kept some distance from him and sat on the bench, looking at him worriedly with her big eyes.

She didn't know how to comfort He Zhixing, and she certainly couldn't ask him why he was crying?Otherwise, why not take a knife and let him stab the wound again?

Luo Yiyi thought for a while and said softly: "He Zhixing, if you want to be sad, just cry. I won't laugh at you, and I won't tell anyone else."

He Zhixing was so amused by this silly and cute look that he immediately buried his head in his arms, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Luo Yiyi saw that his shoulders were shaking so much that she thought he was crying uncontrollably. She sighed and stretched out her little hand to pat his back gently.

He Zhixing's whole body froze, and then he felt the little girl's gentle and rhythmic tapping, and He Zhixing's shoulders shook even more.

It was rare for the little idiot to coax him. He Zhixing couldn't help laughing twitchingly as his face was buried in his arms. At the same time, he was also very greedy. He wanted to feel more of the little idiot gently patting his back and coaxing him.

However, the little idiot was indeed a little idiot. He Zhixing felt that he had not enjoyed it for long before he heard Luo Yiyi's aggrieved and helpless voice. There seemed to be a layer of crying in the little girl's voice.

"Why are you so difficult to coax? My hands are sore and you're still crying. You cry first, and I'll rest my hands. I'll coax you after I've rested."

He Zhixing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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