Chapter 10

As soon as Chi Sangsang returned to class and before she could even sit down in her seat, Song Xiyao told her class teacher to look for her, so she hurried to Lao Yu's office.

"Teacher, I heard that you were looking for me?" Chi Sangsang obediently stood at the door of the office and locked the door.

"Yes, stop standing at the door and come in first." Lao Yu said as he stood up and pulled her to sit on the sofa beside him. He patted her hand with a smile on his face. "Sang Sang, didn't you participate in the national competition before?" The results of the physics competition came out and you ranked first in the country. Now all major colleges and universities have set their sights on you and want to win over you in advance. The teacher wants to ask your opinion. Do you want to take the college entrance examination normally with your classmates or do you want to be admitted?"

Chi Sangsang thought for a moment, "Teacher, I want to take the college entrance examination."

Lao Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard her answer, then he persuaded her earnestly, "Sangsang, no one else can ask for such a good opportunity. Why don't you think about it again and discuss it with your parents?"

"it is good."

Chi Sangsang seemed absent-minded until school ended in the evening, causing Song Xiyao to tease her about whether she had unrequited love again.Just when Jiang Jinci came to pick her up and go home together, Song Xiyao pushed her into Jiang Jinci's arms.The tip of her nose was instantly surrounded by the faint fragrance of cedar. Jiang Jinci stiffened slightly and pressed her to his chest.

"Senior, your heart is beating so fast." Chi Sangsang said as he put his hand on his chest, feeling his chaotic heartbeat.

"Yes. He just ran over." Jiang Jinci looked down at her with doting eyes and silently added in his heart: After all, she is the child I have been thinking about for many years and I want to marry her home.
After the two let go, Jiang Jinci looked at Chi Sangsang, who was silent on the side, and took the initiative to say, "What's the matter, kid? Are you hiding something from your brother?"

Chi Sangsang raised her eyes to look at him and then lowered her eyes immediately, "Senior, which school are you going to take the exam for?"

Jiang Jinci lowered his head and glanced at the little girl, thought for a while and said lazily, "Big A, it's close to here. I can see more of you, my little friend."

"Senior, actually you don't have to do this. Today Lao Yu told me that I can recommend it, but you, senior."

"Kid, it's not all for you. University A is famous for its law major, and my brother wants to be a lawyer in the future, so you don't have to worry about me, you don't have to follow my own preferences, and I don't have to be like-minded, as long as it's you, it's fine. You Just move forward, I'll be right behind you. Got it?" Jiang Jinci stopped and leaned over to tap her forehead with his finger.

Chi Sangsang rubbed the forehead that was knocked and smiled happily, "Senior, I know what to do, thank you."

"You're welcome to follow me, kid, give me your hand." Jiang Jinci smiled and stretched out his hand to her.

Chi Sangsang stretched out her hand and put it into his palm. "My dear, please hold your hand tightly. Brother, I will take you to watch the sunset."

The setting sun in the evening stretched the silhouettes of the two people longer and longer, gradually becoming one.

At this time, Chi Sangsang understood: the boy she liked came from the sky, and he had no intention of overturning the candle and igniting the twilight in her eyes.

next day
"Teacher, I agree to recommend him." Chi Sangsang told Lao Yu the result of yesterday's consideration.
"Okay, have you decided which school to choose?"

"S University." Lao Yu was slightly surprised, then smiled and said, "S University is most famous for medicine. It seems that Sangsang has decided to study medicine."


(End of this chapter)

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