she is sweet and cute

Chapter 11 Speech

Chapter 11 Speech
"By the way, Sangsang, the school will award awards tomorrow, so you may want to prepare a speech."

"it is good."

At the same time, Jiang Jinci knocked on the door of the senior class teacher's office.
"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, Jinci, the National Mathematical Olympiad competition you participated in before was ranked first in the country. Tomorrow the school will award awards to you and your sophomore classmate Chi. You have to prepare your speech in advance."

When Jiang Jinci heard the head teacher mention Chi Sangsang, her eyebrows raised slightly, and she calmly responded, "Well, I'll get ready when I get back soon."

"There's also the matter of your escort."

"Teacher, I agree"

"Okay, you can think about it."

"Thank you, teacher."

on Wednesday
At nine o'clock in the morning, all the teachers and students of the school gathered under the flag-raising platform. Chi Sangsang walked up to the stage to receive the trophy. "Hello everyone, I am Chi Sangsang from Class [-], Grade [-]. I am honored to stand here and share this joy with you today." ."

"Finally, I want to tell you: I hope you can live your life as a beam of light, be confident and magnanimous, shine brightly, be kind, be brave, and work hard to shine like a star." As soon as the words fell, the audience remembered the endless applause.

At this time, Jiang Jinci in the audience looked through the vast sea of ​​people and looked at Chi Sangsang on the stage. The two looked at each other and smiled.

Jiang Jinci was still wearing a white shirt today. Chi Sangsang secretly thought that Jiang Jinci today was different from usual. He was less cold and more youthful, making him more attractive.

Afterwards, Jiang Jinci walked up to the flag-raising platform and stood next to Chi Sangsang. Chi Sangsang was stunned and looked at Jiang Jinci taking his own trophy: "Hello everyone, I am Jiang Jinci. I am honored to meet Chi Sangsang today. Mr. Sang stands here together to receive the award and share our joy with everyone."

As soon as these words came out, the students in the audience who had heard about the scandal about the school bully before became uneasy.

"Ah ah ah, the prize pool CP I knocked about is real."

"This sugar content is too high." "Although I know the school official may not mean it this way, I still have a good time."

Jiang Jinci looked at the reactions of the students in the audience and raised the corners of his lips.

"Finally, I want to tell you: If you have someone you like or have a crush on, and she is very good, so good that ordinary people can't reach it, then study hard, take the college entrance examination well, and go to her future. As the saying goes, a dangerous building is a hundred feet high. , you can reach the stars with your hands. I hope everyone can be that star reacher."

This year, the boy she liked stood on the flag-raising platform and happened to be wearing a white shirt. From then on, she fell in love with white shirts.As everyone knows, the reason why the boy likes to wear a white shirt is just to accompany her princess dress.

After the speech, Chi Sangsang found Jiang Jinci with no expression on his face: "Senior, how are you feeling today?"

"It's okay." Jiang Jinci's face was calm and calm, but his heart was trembling.

"Really? I think the senior is very happy."

Hearing her tone, Jiang Jinci knew that the child was having trouble. She rubbed the child's head with a smile, "Child, my brother will serve you just like he serves his ancestors. Hold it in your hand for fear of falling, and hold it in your mouth for fear of melting." "

"Where is the teacher?"

"Can you forgive me this time? My brother is actually doing this for selfish reasons. My child is so beautiful and good at studying. I am afraid that you will be abducted by others one day. Isn't it better to reserve a place in advance?"

Chi Sangsang never thought that a person as proud as Jiang Jinci would do this for herself, and her heart ached.

"Brother, in the past, when someone wanted to touch my head, all I could think of was hiding, but when you stood there, I wanted to hold your hand and walk for many years, because you are my brother Jinci." The girl looked up and smiled. Jiang Jinci stood on tiptoes and touched his head.
Jiang Jinci smiled, not the usual alienated smile on his face, but the joy from the heart.

At this time, he confessed to her in his heart: My little friend, I like you very much. It is not the kind of love that I talk about every day, but the kind of love that I dare not even think about in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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