she is sweet and cute

Chapter 108 Rescue

Chapter 108 Rescue
On the way Jiang Jinci sent her to the hospital, Xiao Lin woke up once in a daze. Thinking of the anxious look she saw before she fell into coma, she smiled, "Brother Jiang, I...ahem, I like you so much."

Just when the light was red, Jiang Jinci hammered the steering wheel irritably and turned to look at her, his eyes without any warmth, "Do you like it enough to make fun of your own life? You are just stupid."

"Really? You think I'm stupid..." Xiao Lin's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end there was only a faint sound of breathing.

Seeing her pass out again, Jiang Jinci, who hadn't cursed anyone for a long time, uttered the curse word "shirt!" and sped up the car.

When they arrived at the hospital, Xiao Lin was pushed into the operating room by the doctor. Jiang Jinci sat on the chair outside and waited. After a while, Li Huan and Jiang Tingshen also arrived after receiving the news.

Seeing the lights in the operating room, Li Huan asked, "What's going on? Wasn't it fine when you went out?"

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci pulled her hair irritably, took out a cigarette from her pocket and prepared to light it.

Jiang Ting looked at the cigarette in his hand and frowned, "This is a hospital."

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci let out a breath, put away the lighter calmly, pinched the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the trash can nearby, "I know."

"My words were a little extreme today, Xiao Lin... was drinking."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Huan sighed and sat down next to him, "Hey, Xiao Lin has had a bad heart since she was a child. Why do you say you have nothing to do to stimulate her? Does Sangsang know about this?"

"I didn't tell her."

Hearing this, Li Huan's heart suddenly lifted up after she had just let go, "You are confused. As your girlfriend, Sang Sang has the right to know about this matter. I will watch it for you here. You go and tell Sang Sang."

Jiang Jinci glanced at the brightly lit operating room and sighed inaudibly, "Mom, I don't want her to know about such a bad thing."

"Oh, all right."

As he spoke, the lights in the operating room went out, and then Xiao Lin was pushed out by the doctor. "The patient's family member?"

Li Huan didn't care about Jiang Jinci and hurriedly walked to the doctor, "I am, how is her condition?"

"Well, the patient is fine now, but don't you parents know that the patient has a heart disease? The patient is willful, but you parents should still take care of her carefully. It is not recommended to drink alcohol in a situation like hers. Fortunately, she gave her a It came in time, otherwise..."

When the doctor ordered, Li Huan naturally understood what he meant, "Hey, thank you doctor, we will take good care of him when we get back. Sorry to bother you. But when will the child wake up?"

The doctor explained a few words to the nurse next to him. After they pushed Xiao Lin away, the doctor flipped through the medical records, "Oh, you don't have to worry about this. The patient is relatively weak and has undergone an operation. He needs to sleep to recover his various functions. . By the way, the patient cannot have excessive mood swings. If you have any problems, wait until the patient has completely recovered."

"Yeah, we'll remember it."

After the doctor left, Li Huan was about to go to the ward to see Xiao Lin. Halfway there, he saw Jiang Jinci sitting on the chair and stepped back. He knocked on the chair and said, "Follow me in and take a look."

This sentence was a statement rather than a question. Jiang Jinci knew that she had no choice at the moment, so she got up and followed Li Huan into the ward obediently.

Because Xiao Lin was under general anesthesia, she was still awake. Li Huan stepped forward and squeezed the corner of the quilt for her. When she turned around, Jiang Jinci was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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