Chapter 109
Jiang Jinci had just left the hospital when the phone rang. Jiang Jinci was annoyed at the moment so she answered it without even looking at it, "It's okay here. Just clean up there."

There was no movement for a long time. Jiang Jinci took the phone from his ear and looked at it. When he saw who it was, his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

"Brother, it's me."

"Yeah, I know." Maybe even he himself didn't realize how gentle his tone was when he faced Chi Sangsang, and he was completely different from a minute ago.

"Brother, I miss you. Where are you?"

In his mind, this was one of the few times the little girl took the initiative. He would be lying if he said he was unhappy, but he couldn't tell her at the moment, "I'm at my dad's company. Be good, and I'll go find you after I finish handling things here, okay?" "

Chi Sangsang looked at the photo in his hand and smiled, and said angrily, "Okay, then you go to work first, I have an appointment with Yaoyao to go out for a while, bye."

"Okay, don't play too late."

"I know, bye~"

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Chi Sangsang's face immediately disappeared. Looking at the familiar figure in the photo holding someone else in his arms, it wasn't Jiang Jinci. I think he was holding someone whose name was unknown. The person is Xiao Lin, and as expected, the handsome man and beautiful woman are a perfect match.

Thinking of what he just said to her, Chi Sangsang felt as if her heart was blocked. She reached out and touched the boy in the photo, her eyes instantly turned red. "Why did you lie to me? I hate it when others lie to me. You I know, you obviously know..."

After she calmed down, she immediately called Song Xiyao, "Yaoyao, check someone for me. Can you?"

"Well, you tell me." Song Xiyao took out the computer as she spoke.

"Xiao Lin, can you find out?"

Song Xiyao paused while typing on the keyboard and unconsciously raised her voice, "Xiao Lin, Sang Sang, why are you checking her? Have you seen her? Is she..."

"Don't think too much, nothing bad happened. As for whether we have met before or not, it should be considered... we have met before." Chi Sangsang casually glanced at the girl in the photo and threw it into the trash can.

Although he was confused about what she said, Song Xiyao did not continue to ask, "It's okay, it's okay. I'll take care of it."

"Well, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me? If you really want to thank me for inviting me to drink milk tea another day, that's fine."

"Okay, I know you are good at this."

The next day, Jiang Jinci was dragged into the hospital again by Li Huan. When they came this time, the doctor told them that Xiao Lin had woken up. Before entering the ward, Li Huan repeatedly warned, "Xiao Lin just woke up and can't stand the stimulation. You should calm down your temper." .”

After receiving his repeated assurances, Li Huan opened the door of the ward and took Jiang Jinci in. Xiao Lin was watching TV and wanted to get up immediately when she saw them coming, but Li Huan stopped her movement with quick eyes and hands.

He opened the lunch box and took a spoonful of it and handed it to her mouth. "You haven't recovered yet, so lie down peacefully. No, this is chicken soup made at home. How do you like it?"

"Well, it tastes delicious, thank you Aunt Huan."

"You kid, why are you being polite to me? What happened this time was that brat's fault. Auntie will apologize to you on his behalf."

"Aunt Huan, don't say that. I don't blame Brother Jiang. I was impulsive this time and made you worry too."

Hearing this, Li Huan sighed and glanced at Jiang Jinci, who was sitting on the sofa without raising his head, "Xiao Lin, aunt has always treated you as her own daughter. I blame my negligence for not noticing that you actually like that brat."

(End of this chapter)

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