she is sweet and cute

Chapter 111 Childhood sweethearts, 2 little guesses?

Chapter 111 Childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart?
After doing all this, Chi Sangsang returned to the sofa and continued to read the information without raising her head. "Aunt Liu, please just say I'm not here."

Aunt Liu looked at her and hesitated to speak. After a while, she shook her head and pushed the door open.

"I'm sorry, Master Jiang, my lady is not here right now. Is there something urgent for you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci raised her head and looked at the second floor window. She didn't embarrass her anymore, turned around and walked out, "Okay, I understand."

When they got back to the car, Jiang Jinci hesitated and took out her mobile phone to call Chi Sangsang. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Jiang Jinci was unwilling to give up and continued to make several more calls until the fifth time. While talking on the phone, Jiang Jinci thought the call was about to be automatically hung up again when he answered it.

For a moment, only the sound of breathing could be heard on both sides of the phone. After a long time, Jiang Jinci pinched his eyebrows and said, "My kid, I'm sorry, I missed my appointment last night. There was something urgent at the company that delayed me. By the time I finished handling it, it was already very late. Afraid of disturbing you..."

Chi Sangsang, who was on the other side of the phone, raised her eyebrows when she heard his apology and was noncommittal to his belated explanation. "Yes, I understand, senior. I'm very busy here, so I'll hang up first..."

"Sang Sang, can I see you if I want to see you? I know you are at home." Jiang Jinci felt irritated for no reason as she looked in the direction she had just come out.

The call was hung up a few seconds later. Jiang Jinci looked at the extinguished screen and felt even more anxious. He hit the car with his hand on the steering wheel and made a loud whistle sound.

Suddenly there was a knock on the car window. She thought it was a naughty kid from some family who lowered the window and was about to teach someone. When she suddenly saw Chi Sangsang standing in front of her, Jiang Jinci couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth and hurriedly got out of the car and hugged her. Looking at her, a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"I thought you were angry and didn't want to talk to me anymore." His tone was quite aggrieved.

Chi Sangsang was so hugged that he almost couldn't breathe. She reached out and patted his back gently, "Ahem, let go first, I'm going to suffocate from you soon."

After saying that, Jiang Jinci glanced at her doubtfully, and relaxed his hold on her slightly, feeling a little absent-minded.

Seeing his actions, Chi Sangsang smiled and followed his example and rubbed his head, "I'm not angry. Don't think too much about it. I really have something to do, but seeing that you miss me so much, I coming."

After saying that, Chi Sangsang felt someone rubbing her neck, which made her feel numb. She stepped back involuntarily, and then she was pulled into his arms again.Chi Sangsang didn't resist anymore, patted him on the back and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Senior, do you know Xiao Lin?"

After finishing her words, Jiang Jinci paused while squeezing the back of her neck, and then glanced at her expression calmly. Seeing that her expression was normal, as if she was just asking a casual question, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I know you, my dad used to be a My partner’s daughter, but we don’t have much contact with her.”

Chi Sangsang glanced at him and wondered whether he believed it or not, "Oh, that's it, but why did I hear that this little girl likes you so much, and said that you two were childhood sweethearts?"

"Whose little vinegar jar is overturned? It smells so strong of vinegar!"

Chi Sangsang glared at him at his teasing and was about to leave, but Jiang Jinci quickly pulled her back into his arms and held her tightly, "It's good to be jealous. Brother likes to see my children jealous. It shows that you care about me." .”

Chi Sangsang rolled her eyes at him silently, and was about to hit him when she heard him say, "Don't worry, I don't like him. If we are to talk about childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, the two of us are more suitable."

After finishing his words, Chi Sangsang glanced at him without words, and after a while he came to a conclusion: "Senior, you are quite narcissistic!"

As a result, she got a bang on her head as soon as she finished speaking. The little girl looked at the culprit with resentment, "A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost."

Jiang Jinci laughed angrily at her, pinched her chin and forced her to raise her head to look at him, "Then tell me, why did I lie to you? What didn't I tell you? Huh?"

"Huh, if you don't, there won't be. How cruel are you!" Chi Sangsang said as he broke away from his hand and rubbed his chin.

"Okay, my bad, does it hurt?" Seeing her expression, Jiang Jinci didn't care anymore and immediately found a step for himself.

It wasn't a lie, there was still something he was hiding from the little girl, but he just didn't want the little girl to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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