she is sweet and cute

Chapter 112 Happy New Year

Chapter 112 Happy New Year
The two chatted for a while, during which Jiang Jinci answered a phone call. Chi Sangsang glanced at it and saw that it was Xiao Lin. She smiled imperceptibly, the smile not reaching her eyes.

After Jiang Jinci saw who it was, he was about to hang up. Chi Sangsang glanced at the screen of his mobile phone, raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Don't hang up, brother, they're calling you!"

Jiang Jinci silently pressed down the phone, took off her hand on his shoulder, stared at her for a while and smiled, "Don't make trouble."

Seeing him like this, Chi Sangsang just felt bored, "I'm busy, let's go."

After saying that, Chi Sangsang turned around and left. The smile on his face disappeared the moment he turned around.

Seeing this, Jiang Jinci only regarded her as a child, looked at her back and shook his head helplessly.

Until the period before the New Year, the two of them had never met again due to their own affairs. It was not until New Year's Eve that Chi Sangsang was watching TV with Chi Yuan and Yu Yao in the living room when they received a call from Jiang Jinci.

When the bell rang, Chi Sangsang glanced guiltily at Chi Yuan who was sitting aside. When his father looked over, he quickly took his cell phone and prepared to leave the living room. "I'm going to answer the phone."

Chi Yuan frowned, "It's Chinese New Year, who's calling at this hour?"

"Classmate, something may be wrong."

After speaking, Chi Yuan stared at her closely with his eyes touching his chin. Just when Chi Sangsang thought he had been discovered, he said, "Well, let's go."

After receiving permission, Chi Sangsang hurriedly went to the bedroom with her cell phone in hand, closed the door and locked it, "Hey, brother, you..."

"Kid, I miss you." There was a faint noisy voice on the other side of the phone.


Seeing that she didn't speak, he said again, "I'm downstairs from you."

Hearing this, Chi Sangsang hurriedly ran to the window and opened the curtains and saw Jiang Jinci standing downstairs. At that moment, she panicked and hurriedly closed the curtains and then opened them a little uneasily, "You're crazy!" Why are you running downstairs to my house?"

"Are you scared? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Come down and I'll take a look at you before you leave."

"Then just wait, I'll come right away."

When Chi Sangsang went downstairs, Chi Yuan and Yu Yao were still in the living room. Seeing that she was about to go out, Chi Yuan asked, "It's so late, where are you going, you kid?"

Afraid of being suspected, Chi Sangsang pointed to the door. "I have a classmate looking for me. He is at the door. He will be back soon." Chi Yuan seemed to believe it. He stood up and took a coat and put it on her body. "Well, that can't be done either." Wear so little, wear more when it gets cold at night.”

"Thank you dad, I'll go out first."

"Be careful out there."

Seeing how happy she was, Yu Yao couldn't help but remind her and looked away when she looked over.

Upon hearing this, Chi Sangsang squeezed her coat's hand tightly and then smiled, "I know, Mom."

As soon as she went out, Chi Sangsang ran towards Jiang Jinci and threw herself into his arms, "Here I come."

Jiang Jinci took her hand, squeezed it, and put it into his pocket naturally. "Why are your hands so cold?"

Chi Sangsang thought he was disgusted with the pretense and took out his hands, "I'm born with you. I can't help it. You dislike me, so forget it."

"What are you talking about? I don't dislike you, I just feel sorry for you. It doesn't matter. You will have me every winter from now on."

As he spoke, he took her hand and put it back into his pocket, leading the little girl to the other side.

"Why did you bring me here?"


As soon as he finished speaking, fireworks bloomed behind her, bright colors streaked across the sky, and the changing light climbed up the treetops, poured out all over the ground, and finally fell on the face of the little girl in front of him.

Everything is light and dark.

Jiang Jinci looked at the completely stunned little girl and took a step forward, bringing the two people closer. He put his arms around her waist, leaned forward and slowly leaned close to her ear.

"Happy New Year, kid."

(End of this chapter)

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