Chapter 124
When Jiang Zhen sent the photos, Xiao Lin admired them for a few minutes and then turned around and sent these "intimate photos" to Chi Sangsang.

At that time, Chi Sangsang happened to try on the dress sent by the Jiang family. When she saw the message from an unknown number on her phone, she clicked on it and her expression changed instantly.

Seeing Yu Yao coming over, Chi Sangsang immediately turned off the screen, took off her dress and walked out with her mobile phone. "Mom, I won't try anymore. Yaoyao just called me and I didn't hear her. I'll go out and answer the phone."

"Okay, you go ahead. What if there's an emergency? Then I'll help you choose."

Chi Sangsang paused and said, "Okay, okay, it's up to you."

After walking some distance outside and making sure that no one was around, Chi Sangsang turned on her phone again. What caught her eye was a series of intimate photos. The first one was the most prominent one of a man and a woman "kissing". The main character in the photo was very familiar to her. It was her fiancé Jiang Jinci, and the other one only showed half of his face. He should be the same girl as the girl in the last photo, but he was slightly familiar. It must be Xiao Lin.

Chi Sangsang was still a little estranged because of the last photo. Although she knew she was not well-intentioned, she still felt estranged and dialed the number directly.

"Xiao Lin." He started directly and crudely.

"Well, Miss Chi is very smart. You must have seen those photos."

"I saw it, so what. Seeing may not necessarily be believed. It would be ridiculous for you to want to destroy our relationship based on these few photos."

"Oh, really? If Miss Chi doesn't believe me, how about we meet tomorrow? I have something better to give you."

"No need. Since it is a good thing, you should keep it. Xiao Lin, you can take care of yourself."

Xiao Lin didn't care about her warning and pinched her seven inches accurately. "Hey, since Miss Chi doesn't need it, I'll leave it to my uncle and aunt."


After saying that, Chi Sangsang hung up the phone. Xiao Lin didn't care. She would come tomorrow anyway, and the fun had just begun.

Chi Sangsang was pretentious and was not even in the mood for Yu Yao to call her to try on a dress. She went back to the house and went to bed early thinking that she would go tomorrow.

The next day, Chi Sangsang went out alone for an appointment just after breakfast. When she arrived at the agreed coffee shop, Chi Sangsang was looking for someone when she saw a girl wearing a hat waving to her. She thought it was Xiao Lin, but she didn't know. How long have you been here?

When he saw her coming in, he immediately greeted her warmly. Those who didn't know it thought they had such a good relationship!
Chi Sangsang rolled her eyes at her, but found that she covered her face quite tightly. Those who didn't know it thought she was a celebrity!
Chi Sangsang waited for her to speak for the rest of the day, but until she finished drinking the coffee, the person across from her didn't say a word except for saying hello at first.

Chi Sangsang put down the spoon in his hand and stared at her, "Why did you invite me here?"

Xiao Lin looked up at her, but the words she said were not to her: "Waiter, pay."

After paying the bill, Xiao Lin walked directly into the park not far away. Chi Sangsang raised her eyebrows and followed, "You can talk now."

The area was very quiet and no one was passing by. Xiao Lin raised her hand to take off her hat and mask, and looked at Chi Sangsang standing in front of her.

Chi Sangsang saw her face clearly this time and took a step back in shock, "You, you, I..." Why do they look so similar?
"You want to say why we look so similar? It's okay, it's only five points? Haha."

Xiao Lin glanced at her, turned around, walked to a seat on the side and sat down, "Don't be surprised, can I tell you a story?"

(End of this chapter)

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