she is sweet and cute

Chapter 125 You just took my place

Chapter 125 You just took my place
Chi Sangsang had recovered by now. Hearing her words, he couldn't help but become interested and walked to sit next to her.Want to see what trick she is going to play.

Xiao Lin glanced at her lightly, then slowly told the story Jiang Zhen told her before, but slightly adapted it.

"Probably a boy was kidnapped more than ten years ago. A girl who happened to be his childhood sweetheart rescued him, but at the same time he also suffered a lot of stimulation. He got PTSD and forgot about everyone around him except the boy. People, for the sake of the girl’s future, the girl’s family hired a doctor to hypnotize the girl. After being hypnotized, the girl returned to her former beautiful and innocent self, except that she forgot about the boy. After that, the girl’s family took the girl away and the boy I had a high fever for several days in pain, and I forgot about it when I woke up, and couldn’t remember who the girl was that appeared in my mind all the time. So the two families made a tacit agreement not to mention it again."

At this point, Xiao Lin turned to look at her meaningfully, "Later, the boy met a girl who looked very similar to that girl, so the boy confessed to the girl and proposed to her. They got together and even got engaged, but you know Is it? The girl before remembered the past and the boy, so she came back from abroad. The funny thing is that at this time, the boy already had a substitute who looked like a girl. "

Chi Sangsang frowned slightly. She always felt that this story seemed to be about the impossibility of Jiang Jinci and the three of them. This must be an illusion. "It's over, what next?"

Xiao Lin laughed self-deprecatingly, "Do you know who the people in this story are?"

Chi Sangsang pinched her eyebrows and didn't understand why she asked, "You also said this is just a story."

Hearing this, the storyteller stopped smiling this time and stared at her fiercely, "Yeah, don't you think this story is familiar? Maybe it's just a story to you, but it's also my life. Don’t you want to know who the people in the story are? Can I tell you? Okay?”

Chi Sangsang thought she was crazy and was very upset. "I don't want to hear it. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Xiao Lin was not willing to let her go. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back, pressing her on the seat unable to move. "Let's go, you can leave? Let me tell you the person in this story." You must have guessed who they are, that boy is Jiang Jinci, that girl is me, and you are just a substitute who took my place. Hahahaha! Substitute! Do you understand what substitute means?"

Xiao Lin was still laughing like crazy, while Chi Sangsang, who was being held down by her, was already pale but still struggling. "Impossible, you just want to lie to me by making up an unfounded story. I'm going to ask him. You - get up - open!"

This time Xiao Lin was easily pushed away from her. She had no time to rejoice and was about to walk out. Xiao Lin didn't stop her anymore. She took out her mobile phone and turned on the recording, "Tsk, if you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River, I'll let you listen." Brother Jinci’s confession to me.”

"Okay, you can hold me for as long as you want."

"Kid, why are you so stupid?"

"Brother, do you like me?"

"I like you. I like you the most, kid."

Chi Sangsang paused as she walked out. The voice coming from the phone was all too familiar to her. After hearing it all, Chi Sangsang's heart felt like it had been cut by a dull knife, and it hurt sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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