she is sweet and cute

Chapter 126 Two people confrontation

Chapter 126
Chi Sangsang couldn't tell how she felt at this time, or what she was thinking. She only knew those names that she thought were unique, and the tenderness that only belonged to her. But he could say to other girls without hesitation, "To Other girls do it.

She once thought that his biggest secret was her, but she never thought that she was his biggest secret, the most insignificant person but also the most hurt.

"How about it, now you should believe it!"

A word brought back her wandering thoughts. She looked up at the sky and held back the tears in her eyes. She was strong and wanted to be strong, so when she turned around, she didn't show any signs of depression except for the redness at the corners of her eyes. She was still proud of Chi. The daughter of a wealthy family, Xiao Lin tried to find sadness in her, but could not find any flaws.

"Xiao Lin, I believe him. I will ask him personally about this matter. I don't have to see him again in the future."

When the two of them passed by, Xiao Lin reached out and held her wrist, with a confused look on her face, "Chi Sangsang, you are really hard to see through."

"Don't try to see through me. You can never truly understand a person unless you walk around in his shoes and consider things from his perspective. When you walk through the path he walked, you feel sad even passing by. ."

"Really?" Did I do something wrong?

Chi Sangsang ignored her, took out her hand and left quickly.

Chi Sangsang did not go home directly, but instead went to find Jiang Jinci. When she arrived, Jiang Jinci was upstairs trying on clothes to wear at the engagement party. Li Huan just came downstairs and saw her coming, so he put down the clothes in his hands. Clothes "Sangsang, have you tried on the dress you sent me? How does it feel? Do you like it?"

Chi Sangsang smiled unnaturally, "Aunt Huan, I tried on the dress and I like it very much."

Li Huan smiled even more happily, "As long as you like it. When you two get engaged the day after tomorrow, Sangsang, you will be our Jiang family's daughter-in-law. Then change your words and let Auntie listen, okay?"

Chi Sangsang didn't say yes or no, and her smile was a little forced. Li Huan just thought she was thin-skinned and shy and stopped teasing her.

While talking, Jiang Jinci came down from upstairs after trying on clothes. When he saw the person sitting on the sofa, his expression was dazed for a second and then quickly returned to normal.

"Xiao Ci, Sangsang is here, you go and accompany her."

"it is good."

Li Huan went to work after Jiang Jinci came over. As a young couple, they must have a lot to say in private. As the elder, it would be better for him to avoid suspicion.Chi Sangsang originally wanted to tell Li Huan not to go to such trouble, but seeing the "I understand" expression on her face, she couldn't stop her anymore. She turned around and looked at Jiang Jinci, "Shall we go outside to talk? Let's talk while we walk?"

"You like going out so much? Let's go." We also chatted outside last night.

"Well, there are some things that are inconvenient here."

"I know."

Seeing the happy look on his face, Chi Sangsang shook her head helplessly. He understood before he said anything. What do you understand?

When the two of them reached the road, Chi Sangsang suddenly said, "Brother, do you like my face?"

Jiang Jinci paused, "Why do you ask that?"

Chi Sangsang stopped and turned around to stare at him closely without missing the look on his face. "Just answer."

Jiang Jinci also looked back at her, "I like it."

"Then do you like me? Why?"

"I like you. I like you the most. Why are you still the same as when you were a kid?" He said and stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Pa." Chi Sangsang's face began to fade from the second half of what he said. Seeing his actions, she subconsciously slapped her hand away and took a few steps back. "Really? Is it because he looks like her?"

Jiang Jinci looked at the red back of her hand and smiled casually, then frowned and stepped forward to hug her again. "Who? You are not like anyone else." There was another sentence he did not say, "Because I love you."

(End of this chapter)

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