she is sweet and cute

Chapter 148 Insurance beneficiary Chi Sangsang

Chapter 148 Insurance beneficiary—Chi Sangsang
Since that day, with Chi Sangsang's acquiescence, Jiang Jinci often came to see her, and the two of them went out to eat and go shopping together, but he never mentioned asking her to be his girlfriend again.

Lu Chi didn't understand. Now that the original matter was out of the way, why not hurry up and catch the person?
In this regard, Jiang Jinci said this: To love someone, you must first respect him.Respect her circle and don't make enemies for her. Respect her choice, right or wrong; give her the freedom to grow and bear the responsibility of the cost.respect her voice,
Leave the power of interpretation in her hands.Talk to people, introduce her, don't analyze and package her.If love happens to be on the same frequency, let’s discover better things together. "I feel" this feeling is sometimes invisible shackles and silent cruelty.Don't use love to trap the person you love and yourself.Even if you love someone again, you are you and she is her. It is you who loves her, not you who loves her.Don't use your temporary emotions to write the script of your inner journey for the one you love.That's just self-impression.

"Brother Jin, I don't understand all these twists and turns. Can you please be more straightforward?"

Jiang Jinci looked at the performance on stage and said with a smile, "Yu Che, how have you communicated with him over the years?"

Yu Che rubbed Lu Chi's head, "I quite like him like this."

Jiang Jinci shrugged and said, "Yeah, that's right. If he hadn't been like this, you two wouldn't be like this now."

"What dumb fans are you two playing?"

"Good boy, don't you want to know the meaning of what Brother Jin just said? Let me tell you..."

Jiang Jinci looked at the two people whispering to each other and sneered.

An old fox is still an old fox, Lu Chi has been completely led astray by him in a few words.

Chi Sangsang has been coming home late recently, and even Chi Yuan has noticed it. After coming back at the restricted access time again, she was blocked in the living room by Chi Yuan and Yu Yao.

"Dad, Mom, it's so late, are you still awake?"

Chi Yuan glanced at the wall clock and said, "Huh, you came back so late. Is the hospital very busy these days?"

"It's okay, it's only eight o'clock."

Chi Yuan was choked by what she said and poured her a glass of water. "I said at the beginning that your line of work would definitely be hard and tiring in the future. Look at the time during this period when you don't come back at the right time." , your mother and I both suspect that you are falling in love behind our backs!"

Chi Sangsang's hand holding the water glass trembled slightly, "No, I'm very happy to be a doctor. I'm not tired."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, the two of them didn't ask any more questions. They just thought that their daughter was older and had her own little thoughts.

When the relationship between Chi Sangsang and Jiang Jinci was tepid, she received a call from Yu Che, asking her to come out for a chat.

When Chi Sangsang arrived, she saw Yu Che sitting in the corner. She came over and nodded slightly, "Sorry, I don't know what you like to drink. Can I order coffee for you?"

"Well, thank you."

"I came here today because I want to take the liberty to ask what Miss Chi's plan is. Is it possible for you and Brother Jin to do it?"

Chi Sangsang took a sip of coffee. It was a bit bitter. She didn't like it. She was a little irritated when someone suddenly asked her about emotional matters. She lightly tapped the side of the cup with the hand holding the cup, "Huh? From what standpoint did you ask?" ?”



"Because Brother Jin's insurance beneficiary is you now, no, it has been you since he fell in love with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the knocking sound suddenly stopped. Chi Sangsang pursed his lips and his hand holding the spoon trembled slightly: "Madman."

(End of this chapter)

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