she is sweet and cute

Chapter 149 An unexpected attack

Chapter 149 An unexpected attack
Yu Che raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I always thought it was crazy that I liked Lu Chi, but it wasn't until I saw with my own eyes that the name of Brother Jin's insurance beneficiary was you, that I realized that I was nothing more than that."

"Did you know? After you left, one day he dreamed that you were not having a good time in France. He bought a plane ticket for the next day to see you. When he got downstairs from your apartment, he saw you coming out of it and hid. He didn't dare to get out of the car. He followed you wherever you went. He hates trouble the most, but for you, he did everything he could."

"Brother Jin told us to respect you that day, so he never pushed you since you first met. But as his brother, I know how he got here in the past five years. His life has been too hard in the past five years. , if you don’t like him anymore, can you let him go as soon as possible? If you still like him..."

"Bang Dang" Chi Sangsang put down the spoon in his hand and smiled, "I know what you mean, but I can't let him go. We will reconcile, but not because of what you said, but because I like him, understand?" ?”

Yu Che was noncommittal about this, "Huh huh. Then I wish my sister-in-law and brother Jin a happy marriage in advance."

After coming out, Chi Sangsang went straight to Jiang Jinci's law firm. When she got downstairs, she was stopped by the front desk and told that she needed to make an appointment. This time, Chi Sangsang remembered that she had not told Jiang Jinci in advance that she was coming, so how could she make an appointment.

You have come, there is no reason to go back.Without hesitation, he took out his cell phone and called him, telling him that he was in the lobby of the law firm.

A few minutes later, Jiang Jinci hurriedly walked out of the elevator, "Sang Sang, why are you here? Come on, I'll take you up."

Jiang Jinci wore a light gray shirt today, with two buttons on the collar casually unbuttoned. Because of office work, he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his chiseled face. Because he took them off in a hurry, they were already loose. The neckline is more messy.

A word popped up in Chi Sangsang's mind at an inappropriate time: polite scum.

Although she loved to watch the excitement, she still resisted the thought of having someone watch her excitement when she really talked about it later, so she quietly followed Jiang Jinci to the elevator.

Chi Sangsang followed Jiang Jinci into the office, and people outside the office began to speculate about their relationship.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I guess this beautiful girl must be Jiang Lu's girlfriend."

"I also think that a beautiful woman and a handsome man are a perfect match."

"Am I the only one who noticed that Jiang Lu was in a hurry when he came downstairs just now?"

"So, this beauty must be someone very important to Jiang Lu. After all, I have never seen anyone who can make Jiang Lu so anxious."



Jiang Jinci rolled up her sleeves and walked to the tea cabinet on the side. "What do you want to drink? Is milk tea okay?"

Chi Sangsang walked to the sofa and sat down, watching his movements and nodded absently, "Yeah."

Chi Sangsang was no longer surprised as to why milk tea appeared in his office. After all, he could secretly see him five years ago, so now it was normal.

After making the milk tea, Jiang Jinci subconsciously blew it to feel that the temperature was about the same, then put it in front of her. "Is there something urgent about coming here today? You can tell me in advance and I can go find you."

Chi Sangsang took a sip and stood up and sat next to him. "There is something urgent. Do you want to listen?"

"Are you willing to speak? I will listen if you tell me."

"I seem to have fallen in love with someone recently. What do you think I should do? How about confessing directly? Will he agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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