she is sweet and cute

Chapter 21 Reporting the Storm

Chapter 21 Reporting the Storm
In fact, Jiang Jinci's worries were completely unnecessary. When the dean of S University heard that someone was coming, he quickly brought a few young boys and girls to pick her up.

"Classmate Chi, let me introduce to you. These are the seniors in your major who are here to pick you up."

"Okay, hello, senior, hello, senior. Nice to meet you all." Chi Sangsang greeted each of them politely, while someone next to Jiang looked at the group of men surrounding the little girl and fell into deep thought.

Why are there so many men in this major?
Is University A a little far away from University S?
What should I do if my child is abducted?
If this group of men dare to seduce children, he will...
"Senior? Senior"

When Jiang Jinci was shouted at by the little girl, he realized that he was staring at those people in a trance. His good upbringing made him realize that it was impolite and even offensive to stare at others all the time. He quickly adjusted his emotions and apologized for his rude behavior just now.
"Sorry, I just offended you. My little one is new here. Please take care of me."

One of the girls, who had not seen him just now, was looking at Chi Sangsang's shoulders, "It's okay, we can all understand. As a little girl, she has been pampered by her family, so she can't help but be worried."

Jiang Jin nodded, "Thank you."

"Kid, I'll come back to you later, okay?" After Jiang Jinci finished speaking, he left without waiting for Chi Sangsang's reaction, as if he was afraid that she would refuse.

The next time Chi Sangsang went to the administration building to fill in the information, perfected the information, and then returned to the dormitory and simply made the bed. Because it was a day early, the other roommate hadn't come yet. When everything was packed, Jiang Jinci The call just happened to come.

"still busy?"

"It's already tidied up."

"Well, come down."

"Are you really here?" Chi Sangsang quickly opened the curtains and saw Jiang Jinci leaning on the car downstairs. I don't know if it was telepathy, but he happened to look up, and the two of them briefly looked at each other. one time.

"Well, come down and take you to eat delicious food." Jiang Jinci's voice was particularly gentle at this time. I don't know if it was because of the phone call.

"Okay, I'll go down right away."

Jiang Jinci leaned against the car, thinking of the group of men he saw during the day's report. He couldn't help but feel a little irritated, so he took out the cigarettes in his pocket. Just like girls like to buy cigarettes when they are in a bad mood, when he is irritable Occasionally I smoke a cigarette to calm myself down.As soon as the clinker cigarettes were taken out, Chi Sangsang came out of the dormitory. Chi Sangsang looked at the cigarette he was about to light in his hand, and the two looked at each other speechless for a moment.

Chi Sangsang was surprised. She didn't expect Jiang Jinci, who was usually cold and dignified in the eyes of outsiders, to smoke. But Jiang Jinci was panicked. Although he didn't show it on his face, he didn't expect to be bumped into by the little girl. He thought The little girl still has to clean up for a while, after all, this is how Li Huan usually behaves.

In the end, it was Chi Sangsang who took the lead to break the weird atmosphere: "Senior, you...are still smoking."

"Well, I smoke one when I'm in a bad mood." Jiang Jinci was not as good as him at the moment, and the little girl answered whatever she asked.

"Well, I understand. Everyone has troubles sometimes, and seniors are no exception."

Jiang Jinci was silent for a long time, then took back the lighter in his hand, broke the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the trash can next to him. "I won't smoke if you don't like it, and I won't smoke anymore."

"Senior, I'm actually fine. It's just that smoking is harmful to your health. It's better to smoke less."

"Well, I'll listen to you and stop smoking."

Chi Sangsang thought for a moment and took out two strawberry-flavored milk candies from his pocket and handed them to him, "My senior gave these to me before. I'm borrowing flowers to offer to my senior today. If you're not happy, just eat candies. It will make you feel better." .”

Jiang Jinci looked down at the candy lying quietly in her hand and smiled, "Kid, are you trying to coax me?"

"Well, I'm coaxing you. Are you happy, senior?"


(End of this chapter)

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