she is sweet and cute

Chapter 22 I Can't Help My Child

Chapter 22 I Can't Help My Child

Chi Sangsang coaxed the two of them to go to dinner together, because the little girl had just arrived here and had been staying in the dormitory almost since the report. She had no time to come out. She couldn't help but look at the snack street while sitting in the car. After a few glances, Jiang Jinci immediately found a spot to park and get out of the car.

"Come down."

"Huh? Aren't you going to eat?" Chi Sangsang looked at Jiang Jinci who opened the car door for him in confusion.

"Don't you want to eat here? Did I guess wrong? Let's go eat something else?" Jiang Jinci looked at the motionless little girl sitting in the passenger seat and began to wonder if she had made a mistake.

When Chi Sangsang heard the last two sentences, he immediately jumped out of the car and walked to the snack street, "No, no, let's go quickly, we're all starving."

Jiang Jinci couldn't hold it back for a long time. He reached out and pinched the back of the little girl's neck and knocked her on the forehead, "Slow down, no one will fight with you. Next time, go slower when you get off the car. Don't jump. What if you get hurt?" ?”

Chi Sangsang didn't dare to be too presumptuous when someone grabbed Destiny's neck, and followed him obediently, "I know, I must pay attention next time, I must pay attention."

That was what he said, but Chi Sangsang obviously didn't take it to heart. He followed him honestly for a while, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye for some reason.

At first, Jiang Jinci thought that the little girl had been following him, but when he turned around, he found that the person was gone. His heart skipped a beat. With the bustling crowd on the road, it was not easy to find someone. He frowned and took out his mobile phone to call her.

Jiang Jinci was looking for her anxiously over there, but Chi Sangsang was here buying skewers on the roadside. Originally, she called Jiang Jinci, but she thought he heard it and left him directly to come here. However, this place was too noisy and her voice was really not loud, so Jiang Jinci didn't hear her at all. This was really a perfect misunderstanding.

Chi Sangsang didn't realize it until the phone rang four or five times. He quickly took the freshly grilled skewers in his hand and walked to a relatively quiet place to pick them up.

"Chi Sangsang, where have you gone?"

Chi Sangsang didn't look carefully just now. When she heard the voice on the phone that sounded like Jiang Jinci's, she looked at it and said, "Senior, what's wrong? I'm shopping."

"Where are you now? Tell me your location and I will find you." Because she was a little anxious, Jiang Jinci's tone was not very good.

Chi Sangsang slowly realized that Jiang Jinci might not have heard her at that time and did not dare to hesitate to report her location.

"Wait, just stand there and don't move. I'll be there right away." "Okay."

Five minutes later, Chi Sangsang was squatting on the roadside eating skewers. Jiang Jinci ran over like the wind. Maybe he was running a little hastily. There were some beads of sweat on his forehead. Chi Sangsang stood up and took out the skewers from his pocket. The tissue was handed to him.

Jiang Jinci didn't take it, but instead snatched away the few skewers left in her hand. The food was taken away, and Chi Sangsang immediately became anxious and tried to grab it with her backhand.

The clinker Jiang Jinci took it in his hand and raised it up. Because of his height, Chi Sangsang couldn't grab it for a long time, so she had no choice but to pull his arm and jump up to grab it, but Jiang Jin grabbed it. Ci held his head and couldn't move.

"Eat less of this junk food, it's not healthy."

"Oh, I just ate a little bit, it won't affect me."

"Chi Sangsang, are you stupid or am I stupid? Count how many lottery sticks I have in my hand. Is this what you said?"

Chi Sangsang glanced up at the dozens of sticks in his hand guiltily, and said to himself: That's too sloppy, the body should have been destroyed in advance.

"Then you eat the rest, and I'll eat another one, just one."

"No, not even half of it." Jiang Jin pretended to throw away the "junk food" in her hand.

Chi Sangsang immediately stopped him, glanced at the string of strings in his hand, and felt cruel: He couldn't bear to let the child trap the wolf.

"Brother, I'll just take another one, okay?"

"Ahem, just one, don't do it again!" Jiang Jinci took out one and handed it to her, then turned around to throw away the rest. However, if you look closely, you will find that although his face is as steady as an old dog, his ears are slightly red. .

(End of this chapter)

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