she is sweet and cute

Chapter 26 Sima Zhao's heart is well known

Chapter 26 Sima Zhao's heart is well known

Yu Che instantly understood that the decision was in the hands of the girl beside him, so he immediately turned to ask Chi Sangsang and Song Xiyao

"Boy, do you want to play a game?"

Song Xiyao took the opportunity to leave Lu Chi and sit next to Chi Sangsang, holding her arm. "I listen to Sang Sang."

Chi Sangsang lowered her eyes and glanced at Song Xiyao's hand holding her arm. When she raised her eyes, she saw Lu Chi's resentful look. She immediately grabbed the little sister's hand and intertwined her fingers with hers. She smiled at Lu Chi, but I missed someone next to me who had quietly caused jealousy.

"I can do that too, just be happy."

"In that case, how about we do something casual, truth or dare?" Yu Che began to explain the rules when he saw that no one had any objections.

"It just so happens that we have wine here and an empty bottle. In this way, one person turns the bottle and whoever the bottle mouth points to will be selected. Choose one of the two truth or dare. If you don't complete either of the two, How about three drinks as a penalty?"

Several people nodded in agreement.

The game started. In the first round, Song Xiyao lost. She decisively chose to tell the truth. Yu Che understood Lu Chi's thoughts and offered to let Lu Chi ask.

"Are you currently single?"


"Then do you have any thoughts about falling in love?"


"Then" Lu Chi continued to ask, but Chi Sangsang stopped him in time.

"Lu Chi, this is your third question. You can only ask one question at a time. You are not allowed to cheat."

It’s so funny, how can she not be anxious when someone covets her sister?Lu Chi is really well known to everyone on the road.

Hearing this, Lu Chi scratched his head in embarrassment, "Sorry, I couldn't control it."

This little episode passed quickly. In the next few rounds, I don’t know what happened. The bottle kept pointing at Song Xiyao. She chose truth or dare all over, basically what she should know and what she shouldn’t know. They were all tricked by Lu Chi.Chi Sangsang was so angry and seriously suspected that they were cheating behind his back. He couldn't help but glare at Jiang Jinci beside him.

Jiang Jinci had an excellent sense of danger, and immediately put on a pitiful expression, "It's not me, I don't have it, believe me."

Chi Sangsang couldn't help but raise her forehead, "Senior, I believe you, I just think this situation is incredible."

"It's okay. If you lose, I'll drink for you."

I don't know if Jiang Jinci's mouth was opened, but the next round of bottles turned around a few times and pointed at Chi Sangsang.

Based on the little sister's previous experiences, Chi Sangsang decisively chose a big adventure. She subconsciously felt that taking a big risk was safer than telling the truth. If she was telling the truth, she might not know what to ask.

As a result, Yu Che looked at her with a smile when he heard her choice. That look made Chi Sangsang feel that it might be over. This was the rhythm of something going on.

Sure enough, the next second I heard Yu Che’s smiling voice

"Choose one of the boys present to hold hands for one minute, with your fingers intertwined!"

If Yu Che dared to make such a request, he was sure that Chi Sangsang would not choose Lu Chi or him, but would only choose the person next to her. After all, the two of them were just short of breaking through the window paper.

But he never expected that Chi Sangsang would give up and be willing to drink three drinks as a penalty.

"I give up." After saying that, she was about to pick up the wine glass on the table, but was stopped by someone. The faint scent of pine wood came from her, and she didn't have to think twice to know that it was Jiang Jinci who had taken the wine.

"Senior, you."

"I'll drink it for her." Without waiting for Chi Sangsang's reaction, he took the wine on the table and drank it all.

Looking at Jiang Jinci's frown, Chi Sangsang realized that he might not know how to drink. Suddenly he regretted his decision and secretly reflected on whether he was being too pretentious. It was better to hold hands than to him now. Uncomfortable and strong.

(End of this chapter)

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