she is sweet and cute

Chapter 27 Tangyuan with black sesame filling

Chapter 27 Tangyuan with black sesame filling

Chi Sangsang's guess was correct. Jiang Jinci did not drink alcohol under normal circumstances. Firstly, it was because drinking would cause trouble, and secondly, the little girl didn't like it.

Here, Yu Che and Lu Chi saw that Jiang Jinci drank for Chi Sangsang without saying anything, so they didn't feel embarrassed anymore.

At this time, Yu Che took out the cards he had just asked the waiter for and glanced at Jiang Jinci on the sofa: "Master Ci, how many games are you going to play?"

Jiang Jinci rubbed the center of his eyebrows, turned around and asked Chi Sangsang next to him, "Kids, do you want to play?"

"Is it possible? But I don't know how." Although Chi Sangsang wanted to try it, she couldn't.

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci smiled and directly pulled Chi Sangsang to his seat. He sat down and tapped the table with his index finger, "Kids, play for me. If you lose, it's mine."

Lu Chi almost jumped up when he heard this, "Master Ci, do you keep your word?"

Jiang Jinci nodded, which made Lu Chi and Yu Che extremely happy. After all, they usually only lose when they play with Jiang Jinci. One time, they almost lost with only their pants.

But this time, hey, classmate Chi Sangsang couldn't tell at a glance. Aren't the two of them sure to win?It was not easy to win money from Jiang Jinci, so the two of them were particularly excited.

When Chi Sangsang saw the excitement of the two people opposite her, she suddenly felt extremely stressed. Why did she feel that the eyes of these two people were shining when they looked at her?

Not only did she feel this way, but Song Xiyao, who was watching, sighed, "What kind of stimulation have Sang Sang, Lu Chi, and Yu Che received?"

"Maybe I'm too good at it?"

Song Xiyao gave her a look that said you were asking for more blessings.

In the first game, Lu Chi and Yu Che had a tacit understanding and did not rob the landlord, so it was a piece of cake for the two of them to work together to deal with Chi Sangsang, a novice who had just started. In the first game, Chi Sangsang was defeated miserably.

In the second sentence, Chi Sangsang still failed miserably.

In the third round, Chi Sangsang suffered a disastrous defeat.

Seeing Lu Chi and Yu Che spinning around, Chi Sang Sang suddenly felt ashamed and heartbroken, even though it was not his own money that he lost.

Taking advantage of the break, Chi Sangsang tugged on the corner of Jiang Jinci's clothes. Jiang Jinci, who had closed her eyes to rest next to her, immediately opened her eyes and said in a low voice, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Senior, I'm sorry, I made you spend money tonight." Jiang Jinci leaned forward slightly, and his voice sounded in her ears, "You don't want me to spend money? Then be serious and win the money back for your brother, okay?"

"it is good."

"I'm kidding you, just have fun and give them the money if they want it. After all, they have never won with me."

Jiang Jinci did not lower his voice when he said this, so Lu Chi and Yu Che, who were happily losing money, heard it and suddenly felt that the money in their hands was no longer good.

Chi Sangsang looked at the two people who were being teased and smiled, "Okay, it's only three things."

The preface of these words did not match the context, but Jiang Jinci understood it and instantly sympathized with the two brats.

Lu Chi and Yu Che still didn't understand why Jiang Jinci looked at them with sympathy, but Chi Sangsang made them understand after a few minutes.

In the fourth game, Chi Sangsang won completely.

In the fifth game, Chi Sangsang won completely.

How is this a newbie?They are obviously veterans, but they just played the first two games together. Unfortunately, they thought they were going to make a fortune tonight.

Originally they thought Chi Sangsang was a glutinous rice dumpling, but now they no longer think so. This is not a glutinous rice dumpling. It is obviously a glutinous rice dumpling stuffed with black sesame. She is as evil as Jiang Jinci.

By the end of the game, Lu Chi was about to beg his grandfather to sue his grandmother.

"Sister Sang, please be merciful. The child's pocket money is gone this month."

Perhaps because "Sister" was too attractive, Jiang Jinci kicked him mercilessly and said, "Get out."

However, the next second Jiang Jinci came close to Chi Sangsang and said softly, "Kid, that's great."

"Fortunately, actually I'm not very good at it either."

If Lu Chi heard this, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood. By the way, he said: What a sin, how did you get into trouble with this evil couple?

(End of this chapter)

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