she is sweet and cute

Chapter 28 Exclusive co-pilot

Chapter 28 Exclusive co-pilot
Because Chi Sangsang was too powerful, Lu Chi and Yu Che finally lost their mentality and lost completely.

It was almost nine o'clock, and several people were preparing to go back to their homes. Jiang Jinci and Chi Sangsang came together, so he would naturally send them back. Yu Che drove here by himself, so they didn't need to worry about it. Chi Sangsang was about to take Song Xiyao away. , but was stopped by Lu Chi.

"Sister Sang, shall I see Yaoyao off? I'm just on my way."

Hearing this, the corner of Chi Sang Sang's mouth twitched slightly, and she held Song Xiyao's hand tightly, "Tsk, don't call me Sister Sang. Besides, when did we, Yaoyao, become so familiar with you?"

"Hehe, I wasn't familiar with him before, but I'm familiar with him tonight, right?" Lu Chi said as he secretly glanced at Song Xiyao, gesturing for her to look at Jiang Jinci.

Song Xiyao turned her head slightly and saw Jiang Jinci smiling kindly at her, which was scary, so she let go of the little sister's hand, patted Chi Sangsang's shoulder comfortingly, and walked to Lu with a smile. Chi around.

"Sang Sang, I'm going with Lu Chi. He happens to be on the way. You and Senior Jiang should go back early. Let's go."

Seeing that she had made her decision, Chi Sangsang no longer insisted, "Okay then, send me a message when you get home."

"Okay, goodbye then!"

Several people parted ways in the Huading underground parking lot. Chi Sangsang raised his hand to pull the rear door, only to find that it was locked.

At the same time, Jiang Jinci lowered the passenger window and said, "Come up."

Chi Sangsang had no choice but to open the passenger door. She thought it couldn't be opened, but who would have thought to open it with just a pull? "Senior, did you do this on purpose?"

Jiang Jinci didn't blush and leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt without her heart beating. "I kid you not, the car lock in the back is broken."

"." Does she look easy to deceive?
Jiang Jinci didn't care whether the little girl believed it or not, and changed the topic directly, "I'm going back to the high school tomorrow. Will you go, kid?"

Chi Sangsang's attention was diverted as expected, and she thought for a long time: "Go ahead. Just go and get my files."

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

next day
Because she had something on her mind, Chi Sangsang got up extra early today, which surprised Yu Yao who was setting food on the dining table: "Sang Sang, why did you get up so early today?"

"Well, I have to go to school today."

Yu Yao poured a glass of milk and put it in front of her. "Well, go early and come back early."

Chi Sangsang glanced at his mother in surprise, "Mom, don't you even ask me who I'm going with?"

Yu Yao tore off a piece of bread and put it in her mouth and glanced at her, "Small, Jinci called me last night."

"." There is no way to talk today.

It happened that Jiang Jinci called at this time. Chi Sangsang picked up a piece of bread and walked out. "I understand, Mom, I'm leaving first."

When she walked out of the house, Chi Sangsang breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly someone tapped her on the shoulder, which scared her so much that she almost fell down the steps. Fortunately, Jiang Jinci hugged her in time to avoid having close contact with the earth.

Chi Sangsang withdrew from his arms and opened some distance. "Senior, do you make no sound when you walk? You scared me to death."

The soft touch in his arms disappeared and Jiang Jinci chuckled, "You are too absorbed in thinking about things. I have always been here. Tell me? What were you thinking about just now?"

Chi Sangsang touched her nose awkwardly and glanced at the non-existent watch on her wrist. "Oh, we're almost late. It's not good to keep the teacher waiting for too long. Senior, let's go."

Jiang Jinci didn't expose her, took her bag and walked to the car to open the passenger door for her and they went to school.

(End of this chapter)

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