she is sweet and cute

Chapter 35: So cruel and spicy, I like it

Chapter 35: So cruel and spicy, I like it
Seeing that those who were tied were tied up and those who should have fainted were also fainted, Chi Sangsang was about to kill the person in his hands. Unexpectedly, as soon as he relaxed a little, the other party saw the opportunity and broke free from the restraints.

As soon as Jingze was out of control, he was about to attack Chi Sangsang with his backhand. Fortunately, she barely escaped with her quick hands and eyes.

The two people outside had their own thoughts, and the two people inside were fighting together, but the disparity in strength between men and women was too great. Chi Sangsang gradually became exhausted and fell behind.

At this time, Jingze saw the opportunity and picked up the wooden stick on the side. Chi Sangsang wanted to hide when he saw something was not going well, but unexpectedly he was hit on the back by a stick.

Chi Sangsang couldn't hold on anymore and slowly fell to the ground, her back gradually covered with blood.

Jingze came over and squatted in front of her and turned her face, "Aren't you very powerful? Just now you threatened me with a broken rope. Let's see how I deal with you this time."

Chi Sangsang just smiled and said nothing. From the corner of her eye, she saw a wine bottle on the table not far away. As soon as she said it, she stood up and endured the pain in her back. She ran over and picked up the wine. The bottle fell to the ground.

The wine bottle shattered with the sound. Chi Sangsang looked at the kidnapper who was in front of him again. Without saying a word, he picked up the glass shards on the ground and put it on his neck.

"Hey, what did I think you were doing here? Is this a new trick?"

"Don't come here, or I will die in front of you." Chi Sangsang looked calm, but if you look closely, you can see that her hands are shaking slightly.

Hearing this, Jingze seemed to have heard some joke. He threw the stick out of Chi Sangsang's reach and rushed towards her, "Really? Although Li Ya promised to spare your life, there are always surprises in everything, right?" ?I don’t care whether you die or not.”

Seeing that the threat was ineffective and he had already jumped on her and started tearing off her clothes, Chi Sangsang closed her eyes and slashed towards his neck.

"Ah, it's so cruel and spicy, I like it." Jingze glanced at the bloody weapon in her hand, immediately snatched it away and threw it aside, pressing her to the ground.

"Get away, get out, don't touch me."

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Chi Sangsang was about to bite her tongue and commit suicide, but the other party saw her intention in advance, held her chin and stuffed a rag into her mouth.


"Don't worry, I will take good care of you." The man said while unbuttoning her body. At this time, Chi Sangsang was extremely calm, but two lines of clear tears slowly flowed from the corners of her eyes and fell to the ground.

With a "bang", the warehouse door was knocked open, and the man was beaten violently before he could realize what happened.

"Sang Sang." Song Yao was about to go over and help Chi Sang Sang up on the ground when she was pulled by Lu Chi.

When Jiang Jinci came in, he immediately saw that the little girl whom he cared about was pinned down, and the buttons on her jacket were almost unbuttoned. She knew what was going on without even thinking about it, and her eyes turned red instantly. .

Pulling the man up and kicking him unceremoniously, Jiang Jinci immediately took off his coat and put it on the little girl. Seeing the little girl's pale face and the injuries on her body, Jiang Jinci's heart ached and killed her. The heart is there.

"Sang Sang, be good, it's okay, it's okay."

Jiang Jinci picked her up and comforted her softly, but no matter how he coaxed the little girl in his arms, there was still no response. Jiang Jinci had a bad feeling in his heart. He wanted to go to the hospital, yes, the hospital. His intuition told him that the little girl The girl is in a very bad situation now.

When he reached Jingze's feet, he paused and said, "Keep them."

On the side, Lu Chi and Yu Che paused for a moment in beating people, and instantly understood that Jiang Jinci wanted to deal with them personally.

(End of this chapter)

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