she is sweet and cute

Chapter 36 Nightmare

Chapter 36 Nightmare
Li Ya was controlled when Jiang Jinci and his group arrived. Looking at Qin Yan who was safe and sound, she immediately realized that these people were probably notified by her.

"Qin Yan, you lied to me. You actually betrayed me for that bitch. Do you think Jiang Jinci will let you go if you do this? Hahaha, dream!"

"I have a clear conscience."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Jinci came out with Chi Sangsang in his arms. Although the girl in his arms was covered with clothes, traces of injuries could still be seen on her exposed arms. Qin Yan stepped forward to take a closer look. But Jiang Jinci left too fast and too hastily. He hugged Chi Sangsang and got into the car. The car disappeared in a flash.

On the way to the hospital, Jiang Jinci was always paying attention to Chi Sangsang's condition. The little girl didn't know what she was thinking of, her face was pale, her head was sweating, and she was unconsciously tugging on Jiang Jinci's clothes.

At first, Jiang Jinci didn't hear what she said. When he got closer, he saw the little girl shouting, "No." As if she was in a nightmare, Jiang Jinci's face changed slightly as she thought of something, "Uncle Wang, drive faster."

Hurrying slowly and finally arriving at the hospital, Jiang Jinci immediately carried Chi Sangsang and went straight to Yu Yao's office.

Yu Yao was explaining things to the little nurse when she saw him holding a little girl over and was stunned, "Jin Ci, what are you doing?"

"Aunt Yu, Sangsang's condition is not very good."

As soon as Yu Yao heard that he was holding her daughter, she immediately called someone to come over for examination. Jiang Jinci looked at Chi Sangsang who was being pushed into the examination room, and raised her feet to follow, but was stopped outside.

It was already an hour later when I saw Chi Sangsang being withdrawn and transferred to the ward.

Seeing Yu Yao coming out, Jiang Jinci immediately walked up to her, "Aunt Yu, how is Sang Sang doing?"

"Jinci, can you tell Auntie what happened first?"

Jiang Jinci's heart ached when she mentioned what happened just now, and she even spoke with a trembling voice, "Those people wanted to rape Sangsang, Aunt Yu, it was my fault that I didn't take good care of Sangsang, so those people took advantage of it. I can't even imagine what would have happened to Sangsang if I had been one minute later! You can hit me or scold me."

Yu Yao had some speculations in her mind before asking, but she still couldn't bear to hear it. But she also knew the right and wrong. The person she should blame was not the child in front of her but the people who harmed her daughter.

"Jinci, I've almost watched you grow up. I don't blame you for this, and don't hold on to yourself, do you hear me?"

"Well, Aunt Yu, then Sangsang, she"

Hearing this, Yu Yao frowned, "The situation is not very optimistic. I guess I am thinking of those things from my childhood. Jinci, Aunt Yu, I want to ask you something. If Sangsang wakes up and asks you about your childhood."

"Aunt Yu, don't worry, I know."

Hearing this, Yu Yao frowned and patted his shoulder, "Okay, let's go see Sangsang."

When Jiang Jinci pushed open the door to the ward, Chi Sangsang seemed to be having a nightmare, her face was stained with tears, and her hands were waving randomly in the air. Jiang Jinci immediately ran over and grabbed her hand and coaxed softly, "Be good, it's okay." Yes, it’s okay.”

"Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't..." After saying this, the little girl who had just had a nightmare suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing Jiang Jinci beside him, Chi Sangsang blinked blankly and touched the tears that had not dried up on his face, "What's wrong with me?"

Jiang Jinci let go of the little girl's hand and hugged her, "It's okay. You had a nightmare. It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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