she is sweet and cute

Chapter 49 Nannan, mine.

Chapter 49 Nannan, mine.

When Chi Sangsang came out after class, the sky had already darkened. The early autumn evening breeze blew gently, dissipating a lot of the dryness during the day.

After finally resting after a busy day, Chi Sangsang went to buy two cups of cheese Oreo milk tea, and brought one cup to Zhao Yunshan.

She deftly opened the straw, held the milk tea bag in one hand, and drank the milk tea in the other hand.

The sweetness danced on her taste buds, the rich aroma of chocolate and milk combined, and she narrowed her eyes happily.

I can't help feeling that life is just like this.

No matter how hard or tired you are, just thinking about the milk tea in your hands will make you feel better.

After all, there is nothing in this world that a cup of milk tea cannot solve. If there is, then drink another cup.

"Wow, when did our school have such a good-looking little brother?"

"Absolutely amazing. His looks rival those of senior Han Sheng from our school's medical school."

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't say that with this appearance, figure, and temperament, I can make my debut right here, okay?"

"Forget it, haven't you seen my little brother getting sulky? Maybe he had a fight with his girlfriend!"

Chi Sangsang looked in the direction of the sound. The young man was wearing a suit, leaning on the car, with the ends of his hair hanging on his eyebrows. His peach blossom eyes were narrowed, and he was playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, but his eyes were filled with anger.

The delicate facial features were dimmed by the yellow light of the street lamp, and the thin lips were pursed tightly, making the whole person look particularly cold and noble.

Chi Sangsang laughed. Which god had offended this ancestor again?The speed of his feet was much faster than before.


The girl's voice was light and sweet.

Jiang Jinci slowed down her Rubik's cube for half a beat, then slowly opened her eyelids and looked at her.

The girl's cat eyes are clear and her skin is fair and translucent. She is still wearing a strapless sweater skirt in the early autumn. The lines of her right-angled shoulders are as perfect as a protractor. A pair of straight long legs are exposed, full of youth.

He was slightly startled, his Adam's apple rolling.


Chi Sangsang was amused by his reaction, "When did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me when you arrived?"

Jiang Jinci looked away and played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand. "It's okay. I'll just come over and take a look. I'll leave right away."

"Senior, you are not happy."

This was an affirmative sentence rather than a question. Knowing that he couldn't hide it from Jiang Jinci, he didn't hide it. "A little bit."

Chi Sangsang looked at the girls who were looking secretly at them not far away and teased, "Senior, you are quite lovable even when you are angry."

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci stared at her, "Do you like it?"

Chi Sangsang's scalp was numb when he stared at her, "It's quite scary."

A trace of nervousness flashed in Jiang Jinci's eyes, "Did it scare you?"

"No. But you scared people."

Hearing that the little girl was not scared by him, Jiang Jinci relaxed and played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand casually, "Oh, it's none of my business to do anything else."

"." There was nothing wrong with what she said. At this moment, she was speechless.Chi Sangsang grew up pampered and was not very good at coaxing others. She looked at the two cups of milk tea in her hand, opened another new one, removed the straw packaging bag, and then handed it to him, "Drink." Milk tea?”

Jiang Jinci didn't answer immediately. The smile in his eyes deepened, as if he finally figured out what she was going to do.

Finally he said lazily: "You feed me?"

Chi Sangsang glanced at him and silently took back the hand he extended.

Jiang Jinci was afraid that she would be cold, so he opened the car door and let her sit in the passenger seat, but he was still standing outside the car not knowing what to think.

Chi Sangsang simply didn't close the car door here. She sat sideways on the passenger seat with her two thin white legs dangling in the air, attracting attention. She still exuded a long fragrance, which could be said to be sultry but not self-conscious. Know.

Jiang Jinci was playing with the Rubik's Cube beside her with her head down, absent-mindedly, and simply put it away. Just when Chi Sangsang was about to ask a question, a coat suddenly appeared on her knees, covering her legs.

She froze for a moment, "Huh?"

"I'm afraid you're cold."

Jiang Jinci said softly, "Milk tea."

Chi Sangsang wanted to tell him at this moment that she was actually not cold, but she thought about the straight male mentality of boys and let it go.

She handed over the milk tea and joked: "Aren't you afraid of sweetness now?"

Jiang Jinci drank milk tea, and the sweet taste came to him. He frowned unaccustomedly, and then pretended that nothing happened.

"I really don't like it."

Chi Sangsang whispered.Her naturally curly hair is spread over her shoulders, her ethereal eyes are sincere, with a faint crimson color at the end of her eyes, and her lips are gleaming, like a well-behaved little kitten.

"Senior, why are you unhappy? Say it to make me happy?"

Jiang Jinci reached out and rubbed the top of her furry hair as a reward, as if coaxing a child, "Kid, be good and don't make trouble with your brother."

Chi Sangsang tried to reason, "To be honest, I didn't make a fuss. Could it be that the senior still needs some coaxing?"

"If it's you, you need it."

The young man's upturned peach blossom eyes came closer quickly, reflecting the soft and gentle sunlight, and his eyes fell on her lips.

Not sure what he was thinking of, he licked his lips carelessly and smiled, lazily and lustfully coexisting.

"Nanny, are you coaxing me?"

Chi Sangsang stared at Jiang Jinci next to her in stunned silence, "Senior, how do you know my nickname?"

The more Jiang Jinci spoke, the more aggrieved she became, "Why, you're not allowed to shout? How pitiful?"

Chi Sangsang stood up from the car and stamped her feet, her ears turning red. "It's not that I'm not allowed to shout, I'm just not used to it. If you shout twice to make yourself happy, then just shout. I have a lot of money and I won't care about you."

Jiang Jinci smiled and took her into his arms, resting his head on the little girl's neck, "Nanny, mine."

Chi Sangsang was confused by his inconsistent words and thought he was very angry. She patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay. If you want to cry, senior, just cry. I'm the only one here. There's no shame in it."

Hearing this, Chi Sangsang felt the hands on her waist tighten. Jiang Jinci nuzzled the little girl's neck and responded in a low voice, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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