she is sweet and cute

Chapter 50 She stretched out her hand and held their future

Chapter 50 She stretched out her hand and held their future

That night, Jiang Jinci didn't tell Chi Sangsang why he was unhappy, and Chi Sangsang didn't ask. After all, everyone has their own worries, and there's no need to get to the bottom of it.

After returning home, Chi Sangsang thought about it and called Yu Che. This call was made by Jiang Jinci on her mobile phone after she was kidnapped.As for why he didn't call Lu Chi, it was because he was afraid that he would tip off the news. Yu Che would be different, he wouldn't.

The phone rang twice before it was answered, and Yu Che's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Senior Sister Sangsang?"

"I'm sorry, Senior Yu, I didn't disturb you so late, did I?"

"No, don't bother me. What's the matter so late?"

Chi Sangsang hesitated for a moment and continued, "That's right. I want to ask Senior Jiang if he has anything he likes?"

"Ah, you're talking about Jinci. As a junior, you know that he is usually aloof and scary. He doesn't care about anything. As for the things you said he likes, he probably doesn't have them."

Chi Sangsang was obviously dissatisfied with this answer and asked again, "Huh? Isn't there anything you like about the food?"

"Food, I think about it, there shouldn't be anything. I haven't seen him particularly interested in anything. No, there was a time when he especially liked to eat matcha cakes. The sweeter the better, but that was a long time ago. It happened, and then suddenly I didn’t see him eating anymore.”

At first, Chi Sangsang thought there was no hope, but when she heard the words behind her, she almost couldn't hold back the raised corners of her mouth, "Okay, I understand, thank you, senior, but can you trouble senior not to tell me?"

Yu Che interrupted her and smiled, "Senior sister, I understand, I have always been very strict with my mouth."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Sangsang started looking at nearby cake shops on her phone. After contacting one, she fell asleep with peace of mind.

The next morning, Chi Sangsang arrived at the classroom early. Today's class was a theory class.

The old professor was giving a lecture on the podium: the incidence rate of acute cerebral infarction remains high and is getting younger, and the disability and mortality rates are extremely high. With the continuous improvement of thrombolytic technology, thrombolytic treatment for acute cerebral infarction has also been improved. Greater advancement will benefit most patients, while some patients will lose the opportunity to have blood vessels due to relative or absolute contraindications.

The patient in this case is not only a very elderly patient, but also had a contraindication for gastrointestinal bleeding. Adequate intravenous thrombolysis was used and achieved good results. The following is a case. Please listen carefully. I will find a classmate to ask questions later. Ask her for her opinion and conclusion.

Li, male, 90 years old, was hospitalized in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine due to coronary heart disease and heart failure. Due to "sudden slurred speech and weakness of the right lower limb for 35 minutes, he requested emergency consultation from the Neurology Department for a physical examination; he was conscious and his speech was not fluent. The muscle strength of the right upper limb is V- grade, the muscle strength of the right lower limb is grade ‖, the Pap sign on the right side is positive, a history of hypertension, a long-term history of melena, chronic anemia, and Hb81g/l before thrombolysis.

Chi Sangsang looked at it briefly and then raised his hand.

The old professor took a look and said, "Okay, let's ask this classmate to share her opinions and conclusions."

Chi Sangsang stood up and glanced at the old teacher on the stage and said his thoughts: "Through the case you gave me, I checked some more information and found that the overall prognosis of elderly patients with acute ischemic stroke is poor, and the risk of bleeding and mortality are poor." are higher than those in younger patients, but the benefits of rt-PA thrombolytic therapy in elderly patients are clear. The earlier the treatment, the more obvious the benefits. Thrombolysis should not be refused simply because of advanced age. And for stroke patients over 90 years old, 90 The thrombolysis group was still better than the non-thrombolysis group according to the modified Rankin score."

When she finished speaking, the old professor praised her repeatedly, looked at her with satisfaction, and wrote down her name.

After class was finally over, Chi Sangsang immediately packed up her things and hurried to the cake shop she had made an appointment with last night. It was already dark when she came out with a cake.

When she arrived downstairs in the dormitory, she saw Song Xiyao standing there, whom she hadn't seen for many days, and she hurried over.

"Yao Yao, why are you here?" "I missed you, so I came. Who bought the cake in my hand?" Song Xiyao said while leading her in another direction.

"a friend."

Song Xiyao smiled meaningfully, "I understand, it's not my fault anyway."

"If you want to eat, I'll bring it to you next time."

Chi Sangsang frowned more and more as she watched the little sister pulling him away, "We are going."

Before he could say anything, he saw someone coming over and stuffing one into his hand.

She subconsciously wanted to return the pink roses, but was stopped by Song Xiyao beside her.

"Take it, maybe someone specially prepared this for you?"

It's okay not to mention it. When I mention Chi Sangsang, I think of Han Sheng and subconsciously want to throw it away. "This is not appropriate. Just in case."

Song Xiyao saw her frown and smiled, "Don't worry, don't you still believe me?"

After hesitating for a long time, Chi Sangsang finally didn't throw away the flowers in her hands. People kept coming out from the side to give her flowers along the way, and they didn't stop until they reached the swing on campus.

The swing had obviously been arranged in advance, and some colored lights and balloons were hung on the trees. At this time, the street lights on the side of the path lit up, and a person walked out of the shadow next to it.

Before she could see clearly, Song Xiyao took the cake in her hand and pushed her forward a few steps. It turned out that the person was Jiang Jinci.

Jiang Jinci looked at the little girl who was a few steps away from him and waved to her, "Kid, come over here."

Chi Sangsang was stunned the moment she saw Jiang Jinci. When she heard his words, she not only did not move forward, but subconsciously took a step back. Jiang Jinci looked at her confused look and smiled and walked over.

Before the little girl could react, the person in front of her took the flower from Yu Che's hand and knelt on one knee in front of her with serious eyes.

"Kid, I don't know how to talk nicely, but I want to have you for the rest of my life. I like you, so can you give me a chance?"

Looking at Jiang Jin Cici and Sangsang in front of her, she couldn't tell what it was like. She only knew that her heart was not at peace because of his words.

She saw someone handing him a rose, but then she saw him kneeling down and handing it to her.

Chi Sangsang said nothing, just nodded to him, took the rose in his hand and stretched out her hand to hold his.

At that moment, Jiang Jinci knew that her little friend had reached out to hold their future.

(End of this chapter)

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