she is sweet and cute

Chapter 65 The so-called "accidental encounter"

Chapter 65 The so-called "accidental encounter"

After all, Jiang Jinci didn't tell his child the reason that day, but in fact, he didn't need to say it. Chi Sangsang still felt something in her heart, but her brother didn't want to say it, so she could just pretend she didn't know.

The next few days were relatively peaceful, until Chi Sangsang met Jiang Zhen again in the cafeteria, who claimed to be an "accidental encounter", and the peaceful life was disrupted again.

As soon as the clinical experiment class ended at noon that day, I took Zhao Yunshan and hurried to the cafeteria.

Zhao Yunshan pointed to the canteen not far away and recalled that the animals dissected in class felt a little nauseated for a moment. She gave her a strange look, "Sang Sang, can you still eat?"

"Well, you can't eat it?"

"No, I just feel a little nauseous when I see meat now. Don't you feel it?"

Chi Sangsang smiled nonchalantly and raised her hand to block the dazzling sunlight. "Fortunately, since I chose this path in the first place, I can't give up halfway now. If I can't eat meat, I will become vegetarian. This problem will have to be overcome sooner or later."

"Well, I know, but I still don't want to eat in the restaurant. How about we go out to eat?"

Chi Sangsang thought about the dishes in the restaurant and looked at each other with the little sisters before decisively turning around and walking back.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Jiang Zhen walking in his direction. After taking a few deep breaths, Chi Sangsang decided to keep out of sight. With this thought, he unconsciously walked faster. When the two pairs of people were about to pass each other, Chi Sangsang decided to walk faster. was stopped.

"Hi, Sangsang, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet here. We are quite destined?"

Hearing this sentence, Chi Sangsang wanted to laugh in his heart: Is it destined?I'm afraid this person is not joking. A high-ranking company official pretended to have a "chance encounter" with me, a college student, on campus.

Although he understood what was going on, looking at Jiang Zhen who was a little taller than him, Chi Sangsang still decided to play dumb and looked at Jiang Zhen who had "accidentally met" him with some confusion in his eyes: "Sorry, you yes?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhen raised his eyebrows and bent down to look at her level. The corners of his mouth raised, "Don't you know? I'm Jin Ci's cousin. You still want to call me brother!"

"That's it. Sorry, I'm blind and can't remember. If you're okay, we'll leave first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Sangsang took the little sisters and walked around the group of them to leave.

After pretending for so long, Jiang Zhen didn't have much patience anymore, so he simply went straight to the topic. "How do you think about what I told you last time?" Chi Sangsang paused before leaving, turned to look at him, and smiled awkwardly. , with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "I don't think it's good. With all due respect, your cousin is too lenient."

Facing the little girl's ridicule, Jiang Zhen just chuckled, with a slightly disappointed tone, "That's it, then, I'm sorry."

Before she understood what this sentence meant, she tripped and fell. She was about to have a close contact with the earth. In an instant, she was held in Jiang Zhen's arms. From a distance, they looked like a pair of little ones. couple.

The chaotic heartbeat, the unexplained teasing, and the deep look in Jiang Zhen's eyes made Chi Sangsang angry. She raised her hand to push him away, but Jiang Zhen, the clinker, withdrew his hand in advance, as if he was a gentleman and stretched out his hand just now. The kick was her imagination.

"you you"

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a little effort."

Is this what she wants to say?Now he looks like a human being, the clinker is made of gold and jade, but the outside is stained, and he is extremely shameless.

"Oh, I hope we never meet again." With these words, Chi Sangsang pulled Zhao Yunshan and left without looking back.

"We'll see you again."

Seeing the people walking away, Jiang Zhen also asked the people around him to disperse. It was originally a show for the little girl, but now that the protagonist is gone, there is no need to perform anymore. After everyone left, Jiang Zhen returned to the side. In the car, I took out my mobile phone and made a call.

"How is everything done?"

"Master, don't worry, the photo has been sent to Master Jinci."

After hearing his subordinate's satisfactory answer, Jiang Zhen thought of something and paused for a moment while tapping his hand on the steering wheel. Then, the corner of his lips curled up slightly, "Well, send me a copy of that photo later."

"Okay, sir."

After hanging up the phone and looking at the photo sent by his subordinate, Jiang Zhen raised his hand and touched the girl in the painting, "I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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