she is sweet and cute

Chapter 66 Backfires

Chapter 66 Backfires
As soon as she walked away, Zhao Yunshan couldn't help her gossip, "Sang Sang, that person just now was your boyfriend's cousin?"


Zhao Yunshan thought about it for a moment, and couldn't help but smile and praise, "He's quite handsome."

As soon as these words came out, Chi Sangsang felt something was wrong. Could it be that the little sister had a crush on Jiang Zhen?

That's okay, in order to prevent the little sister from becoming the next "missing girl" Chi Sangsang decided to cause trouble.

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that it has a mouth."

Zhao Yunshan, who was in a state of excitement and felt that her life-long event was settled, was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Does he have a poisonous mouth?"

Seeing that this trick worked, Chi Sangsang administered several more powerful medicines one after another. "Poison, not only poisonous in mouth but also poisonous in heart. The farther away from such a person, the better."

Seeing that Chi Sangsang, who usually never judged people behind their backs, gave Jiang Zhen such an evaluation, Zhao Yunshan also understood that this person was probably not as simple as he seemed on the surface. "Well, I believe in your vision. It's a pity that he is so high." Good looks."

After the potential danger was resolved, Chi Sangsang also made an unprecedented joke about Zhao Yunshan, "Just kidding, although you gave up one man, you also have the choice of countless men at the same time. Isn't it?"

Facing the little sister's teasing, Zhao Yunshan was not annoyed. She just glared at her pretending to be angry and smiled, "Sang Sang, you are teasing me again."

After returning to the dormitory, Shechi Sangsang thought about telling Jiang Jin that Jiang Zhen had come to see her, but then she thought about it and nothing happened. In addition, she was about to participate in the provincial medical competition, so she decided to Forgot.

Because he knew she was preparing for the competition, Jiang Jinci didn't come to see her for the next three days in order to let the little girl recharge her batteries. The two fell in love for the first time and didn't see each other for several days, which made Zhao Yunshan worried about the two of them. It collapsed.

Chi Sangsang used to be deaf to what was going on outside the window when she was studying. This time, in order to better prepare for the competition, she spent almost all her time in the laboratory except eating and sleeping.

I thought everything was going well, but sometimes things went counterproductive. While Chi Sangsang was competing, two major events happened. The first was that her beloved grandmother passed away due to sudden heart palpitations, and the second was that Jiang Jinci received a photo on this day, and it was Chi Sangsang and Jiang Zhen in the photo.

During the competition, all electronic devices must be handed over to the organizer for unified management, which also caused her to directly miss the call from her parents.This competition is about a discussion on neurological medication. Faced with the occurrence and treatment plans for acute ischemic stroke proposed in the competition, all contestants expressed their opinions. In the end, Chi Sangsang relied on his solid theoretical foundation and excellent clinical performance. It was unanimously recognized by the judges and won the competition.

As soon as the game ended, Chi Sangsang couldn't wait to get her phone back. Just in the middle of the game, she suddenly felt her heart being pinched and the pain was severe. Her intuition told her that something might have happened. Sure enough, when she turned on her phone, I saw a series of missed calls from my parents.

Mom and dad don't usually act like this, unless something happens to someone at home. When she pressed the dial button, her hands were shaking, and the call was picked up almost instantly.

"Nanny, your grandmother is gone."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chi Sangsang's eyes turned red and tears fell down.

"Dad, you lied to me, right? You must have lied to me! This joke is not funny at all."

A few minutes later, the other side sighed, and Chi Yuan's slightly tired voice was mixed with the sound of electricity, "Nanny, dad told your brother Jinci that you should ask him to pick you back up after the game. Be obedient."

After saying that, I waited for a few minutes and saw no one answered. After saying a few words of comfort, I hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Sangsang hid in the lounge alone to calm down her mood. It wasn't until her instructor called her to come on stage to receive the award that she regained her energy a little.

"Classmate Chi, are you surprised by your victory in this competition? Or do you have any acceptance speeches you would like to share with us?"

Facing the host's question, Chi Sangsang just glanced at the authoritative figures in the medical field, the contestants and his mentor sitting in the audience.

"I have always felt that I am like a tiny speck of dust. The wind has taken me to a height I have never dreamed of. I believe that one day it will also place me in a mysterious place. We are just living in a borrowed place. Living in time, the wonderful things I keep temporarily will not always belong to me. For me, there are two things that scare me, one is the effort that is not worthy of the glory, and the other is the glory that is not worthy of the effort."

(End of this chapter)

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