she is sweet and cute

Chapter 67 Disguise "Big White Bear"

Chapter 67 Disguise "Big White Bear"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hall fell silent for an instant, and thunderous applause erupted a moment later.

At the same time, the famous Professor Sheng stood up and walked to the stage. "Classmate Chi, let me take the liberty to ask you why you study medicine? Is it love or..."

This question caught me off guard. Others might have thought about it for a long time, but Chi Sangsang decisively gave his answer: "Because of my love, studying medicine is my dream. Maybe if I say this now, it will make people laugh. But I think I will give better and more satisfactory answers in the future. All words are not as reliable as actions. China has great momentum, and we still need to work hard to move forward."

Professor Wen Yansheng nodded, smiled and took out his business card from his body and handed it to the little girl, "Okay, well said, this is my business card. Don't get me wrong, I give you the business card because I appreciate your talent. And talent, if possible I would like to accept you as my close disciple, of course everything depends on your wishes, if you have anything you don’t understand about medicine in the future, just come to me, I look forward to our next meeting, girl."

The people on the stage were smiling again and again, but the people in the audience couldn't calm down for a long time because of Professor Sheng Kexuan's words.

"Damn it, Professor Sheng is taking the initiative to offer an olive branch to this little girl?"

"Didn't Professor Sheng publicly declare a few years ago that he would no longer accept closed disciples?"

"Tsk, I think this old guy Sheng Kexuan is interested in this girl's ability. Look at that look in his eyes, and someone who doesn't know it might think that the little girl is his daughter!"

"Hey, this girl's qualifications are really good. No wonder Professor Sheng can't wait. After all, I don't know if there is still a shop like this after passing this village, hahahahaha."

A group of medical bigwigs were chatting in the audience, but Chi Sangsang on the stage took Professor Sheng's business card with a smile, explained the situation to the instructor and hurriedly left the competition venue.

When Chi Sangsang came out, Jiang Jinci hadn't arrived yet, so the little girl sat on the side of the road, thinking that she couldn't see her grandmother for the last time and couldn't help but feel sad.

So what Jiang Jinci saw when he drove over was this scene: his little friend was sitting alone on the roadside like a forgotten little kitten, with a look of sadness he had never seen before.It's not his fault that he came late. In fact, he went out early after receiving Chi Yuan's call. However, he received a photo of a little girl halfway. The photo showed Jiang Zhen and Chi Sangsang, hugging each other. If Those who didn’t know them thought they were a loving couple.

It was a lie to say that she wasn't angry or jealous at that time. The little girl never told herself that Jiang Zhen was looking for her again, but now seeing the sad look on the little girl's face, Jiang Jinci felt that none of that mattered.

The child was sad, and his boyfriend still had to find a way to comfort him. As soon as the idea came to him, he saw the dolls in the park not far away, and...

At this time, the weather had begun to get colder. Chi Sangsang waited for a while and felt a little cold. Just as he was about to change places, he felt the corner of his clothes being pulled. He turned around and saw a man wearing a big white bear, "I'm waiting for someone here. What's the matter with you?"

After saying this, the big white bear in front of him shook his head, then pulled the corner of her clothes and made her sit on a park chair not far away, and walked to the open space in front of him.

Just when she was wondering what he was going to do, she saw the big white bear conjuring a rose out of thin air and handing it to her. The little girl was about to reach out to pick it up. When the big white bear turned his hand, the rose disappeared out of thin air and turned into a Mickey toy. It sings when touched.

Chi Sangsang smiled and took the toy, stood up and rubbed the big white bear's head, "Thank you, I'm not sad anymore, you make me very happy."

The big white bear shook his head and reached out to pat her head gently, then took out a strawberry-flavored gummy candy and put it in her hand, and left.

The little girl who was once again "thrown aside" looked down at the familiar brand and familiar packaging in her hands, tore open the candy wrapper and put it in her mouth. Her eyes turned red for a moment as she watched the disappearing back of the big white bear, "It still tastes so familiar." , so sweet.”

(End of this chapter)

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