she is sweet and cute

Chapter 68: The heart is no longer bitter, sugar is sweet

Chapter 68: The heart is no longer bitter, sugar is sweet

Of course, Jiang Jinci didn't hear these words, so when he appeared next to the little girl again, he found that the little girl he had just coaxed a few minutes ago had red eyes and was staring at him.

I felt a little nervous unconsciously. Could it be that I had been recognized?He thought so in his heart but he was still very calm on his face. "Kid, is there something on my face?"

The little girl threw herself into his arms and shook her head without saying a word.

Jiang Jinci smiled and stretched out his hand to rub her head. "Kid, are you throwing yourself into your arms? Don't be sad, your boyfriend will take you home."

Wenyan Chi Sangsang raised his head and looked at him, "Brother, thank you, the candy is very sweet, I like it very much."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Jinci's hand movements froze for a moment and then he smiled helplessly, "You know."

The little girl in her arms nodded with red eyes.

"When did you know?"

This time the little girl didn't speak, she just pulled away from his embrace and stretched out the hand she had just clenched. In her palm lay something that the big white bear had given her a few minutes ago, but now only the candy wrappers were left.

Jiang Jinci's eyes turned red as she looked at it, and she stretched out her hands to hug the little girl into her arms. "My brother is too stupid. He forgot that my child is so smart, but in the end he still left you alone. I'm sorry."

Feeling that the person holding him was losing control, Chi Sangsang patted his back gently, stood up on tiptoes and followed his example and rubbed his head, "It's okay, brother, I don't blame you."

As soon as Chi Sangsang finished speaking, he felt the hands holding his waist tighten and said, "Brother?"

"Nanny, brother, I won't do it anymore. I will stay with you no matter what, until you no longer need me."

Feeling the loneliness of the man in front of her, the little girl gently patted his back to comfort him, "Brother, this will never happen."

After calming down the child, Jiang Jinci hugged the little girl and got into the car to go back.In the car, Chi Sangsang thought about it again and again, and finally asked all the questions in his mind: "Brother, do you like sweets?"

How to answer this question? In fact, he doesn't like to eat sweets, but children like to eat them, so he is used to carrying some with him for emergencies. Of course, he will not tell his children these things.

She didn't seem to be obsessed with the answer to this question. Seeing his silence, the little girl started talking to herself, "Actually, I like to eat it. There is no special reason. I just feel that sometimes I feel uncomfortable eating some sweets." It’s not bitter anymore, it’s just as good as before. Looking at it this way, brother, do you think I’m easy to coax?”

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci tightened her grip on the steering wheel, "Yeah."

"Then...why didn't brother give me candy the first time but gave it to me last?"

Why didn't you give the children candy the first time?
Because sugar is bitter when a person is sad, so wait until she smiles and feels relieved before giving it to her. At this time, the sugar will be sweet.

At this time, they arrived at the Chi family's old house. Jiang Jinci sighed imperceptibly and took the little girl's hand to get out of the car, "We're here, let's go."

Jiang Jinci still didn't answer this question, and Chi Sangsang was not in the mood to get to the bottom of it.

But Jiang Jinci would not have imagined how much harm this ambiguous answer would cause to the little girl later on.

Jiang Jinci took the little girl's hand and got out of the car. She reluctantly let go until she entered the Chi family's old house. Then she met Yu Yao waiting at the door.

As soon as she saw Chi Sangsang, Yu Yao stepped forward and hugged her daughter tightly, "Sang Sang, my Sang Sang, your grandmother..."

Chi Sangsang had already digested it on her own along the way. She thought she had accepted the news before getting off the car, but she still collapsed when she saw Yu Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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