Chapter 73

Jiang Jinci saw her fussing around without wiping off the milk stains on the corner of her mouth. She smiled helplessly and stretched out her hand, "You look like a little milk kitten!"

Chi Sangsang tore off a mouthful of bread and put it in his mouth, "Well...there's no way to describe a person like this."

After seeing his movements for a moment, Chi Sangsang thought he was going to take the bread and pushed the plate with his hands, but his chin was lifted up. His body tensed instantly, and then he felt the hand that was originally pressing on his chin lightly brush against him. The corners of her mouth disappeared in a fleeting moment, as if it was just an illusion of hers.

"Brother, are you being a hooligan?"

Jiang Jinci did not refute, but took out a tissue and wiped his hands. "Kid, I'm afraid you may have misunderstood this word. If this is considered a hooliganism, then what I am going to do to you in the future will be able to be punished and punished?"

Realizing that the topic had gone off the rails, Chi Sangsang stopped worrying and hurriedly ate the omelette and took a piece of bread before leaving.

When he learned that Chi Sangsang was leaving soon, Jiang Jinci's good mood all morning disappeared and she asked pitifully, "In such a hurry? Can't you stay with me any longer?"

"Brother, I came here on leave this morning. There is still a project to be completed in the laboratory. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to explain to Director Sheng."

After a while, looking at Jiang Jinci who was sitting alone in the corner of the sofa, Chi Sangsang's heart twitched for a moment. He walked over and squatted next to him, imitating his behavior and rubbed his head, "Okay, don't be angry. , I’ll try to finish it as soon as possible, and then come over to stay with you, okay? Brother.”

As soon as he finished speaking and was comforted, Jiang Jinci smiled, "Okay, call me when you're done and I'll pick you up."

At this time, Chi Sangsang's cell phone also rang. Jiang Jinci had good eyesight and immediately saw the message from her teacher. Fearing that she would be delayed if she had something urgent, he stood up and pulled her to pick up the car keys on the shoe cabinet and go out.

Before leaving, Chi Sangsang grabbed him, "Senior, have you forgotten? You have been drinking."

Jiang Jinci moved for a moment and then said nonchalantly, "It's okay. Didn't you drink hangover soup? What's more, you drank it last night."

Chi Sangsang's eyes were particularly firm this time, and his tone was quite coaxing, "However, I don't want you to take any risks. I can go back by myself. You can take this time to have a good sleep again. When I wake up, I will coming."

Seeing that she couldn't refute, Jiang Jinci had to give up and hugged her, "Okay, I'll wait for you. Let me know when you get to school."

Chi Sangsang patted his back and turned to leave, "I know! Bye."

After watching her leave, Jiang Jinci went back to the room to get ready for bed. Unexpectedly, Lu Chi immediately sent a message, "Brother Jin, is my sister-in-law gone? Are you okay?"'s a little annoying.

Jiang Jinci was not in the mood to argue with him about the snitch this morning, so she casually replied "..." and went to sleep.

On the other hand, Lu Chi looked at the "..." sent by Jiang Jinci and fell into deep thought.

"Yu Che, what do you mean by Brother Jin? Does this mean you don't care about it? Isn't it, huh?"

Yu Che looked at the man beside him who was smiling like a fool for a moment and was unwilling to expose him. He nodded silently, "Lu Chi, you'd better talk less in front of Brother Jin in the future."

After the words fell, there was a moment of silence in the room. Lu Chi jumped up from the sofa and lay on Yu Che's back, locking his throat. "Yu Che, what do you mean? I will die with you today."

The two were arguing for a while. Yu Che patted Lu Chi's hand and took the initiative to express his goodwill. "Okay, okay, I said something wrong. Isn't it okay? Grandpa, you just have to be kind and forgive me, eh?"

Lu Chi smiled and climbed down from his back, "Humph, I guess you're wise."

(End of this chapter)

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