she is sweet and cute

Chapter 74 Choice

Chapter 74 Choice
After Chi Sangsang returned to school, she first informed Jiang Jinci that she was safe, and then rushed to the laboratory without stopping. As soon as she entered the door, she met her tutor, Professor Sheng.

Professor Sheng's face turned red when he saw her running away, and he couldn't help but joked, "Hey, isn't this our future Dr. Chi? Why did you ask for leave? He couldn't have a boyfriend!"

Chi Sangsang knew Professor Sheng's temper and did not hide it from him. "Teacher, please stop teasing me. I will tell you the truth. I really went to see my boyfriend. You will see him in the future. This time is an exception. I will not do it again." It will delay class time."

When Professor Sheng heard this, he was really convinced that he had guessed it right. He felt mixed emotions for a moment, "Sangsang, as for me, as your teacher, I will say a few more words. Don't think I'm verbose."

Chi Sangsang also understood that his request for leave this time had delayed the process, and he was prepared to listen humbly. "How could it be possible? Tell me."

The result was not the expected reprimand. Professor Sheng thought for a moment and put down the experimental equipment in his hand. "Sangsang, logically speaking, the teacher should not interfere when you have a boyfriend. After all, this is your freedom, but after so many years of teaching, the teacher agrees." The chance of encountering a child with high talent is very small, and you are one of them. You also understand that in our industry, we get up early every day and stay late every day. To be honest, the relationship at your age is too fragile and cannot withstand the abuse. , the teacher has also seen many students delay or even give up on their former ideals because of so-called love."


Just as Chi Sangsang was about to speak, Professor Sheng interrupted him. He glanced at Han Sheng next to him, "I know what you want to say, Sang Sang. Originally, the old man and I wanted to treat your senior brother after you all graduate." Han Sheng introduced it to you, thinking that since you two have the same major, we will be understanding and considerate together in the future, but it seems that there is no need now. I know what your senior brother is thinking, and the teacher can also see your thoughts clearly, but the teacher still I want to ask you, if there is a good opportunity for you to study in the near future, which one will you choose between your love and your ideal?"

Chi Sangsang didn't expect that her teacher would say this to her. It's not that she hadn't thought about it, but she didn't want to think about it deeply every time. She was afraid that the result she waited for would not be what she wanted. If that time came, Jiang Jin Will she still wait for her?Will you be willing to go with her?How could she not be afraid?Afraid of wishful thinking, afraid of total failure!
Her silence was undoubtedly another answer. Han Sheng couldn't bear to see her fall into self-doubt and wanted to step forward to comfort her and tell her: Don't be afraid, I'm here.

But he was stopped by Professor Sheng with quick eyes and hands. "What are you doing now? Do you want to comfort her? Han Sheng, how much older are you than her? I think you should understand that I told you sooner or later when you came here." To face this problem, maybe you didn't take it seriously at that time, but from now on, I hope you will take it to heart, so that when you are in trouble for so-called love in the future, you will look back and think about whether it is worth it. It’s worth it. The teacher doesn’t want his students to be ruined by this in the end. If possible, the teacher hopes that all of you will succeed in your studies and live a prosperous life in the fields you are good at. Do you understand?”

Han Sheng's thoughts were guessed, and he felt even more guilty after hearing this: "Teacher, I understand."

Professor Wen Yansheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, as long as you understand, you can go back first. I will chat with Sangsang for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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