she is sweet and cute

Chapter 90 The Jiang Family's Thoughts

Chapter 90 The Jiang Family's Thoughts

After Chi Yuan went upstairs, he found Yu Yao standing at the stairs on the second floor, staring at him. He suddenly felt flustered and quickly went up to take the bag from her hand.

"Madam, what's the matter?"

Yu Yao glanced at him and turned around and walked towards the study, "Say in the study."

"Hey, okay, it's whatever the madam says."

After entering the study, Chi Yuan poured a cup of tea for the two of them, "moisten your throat before talking."

Yu Yao sat on the sofa and took a sip. Seeing that he didn't move, she put down the teacup in her hand and raised her eyebrows, "How is your blood pressure today?"

Chi Yuan was stunned for a moment when he was asked, but he still answered truthfully, "Well, I just took a test this morning and my blood pressure is quite normal. Why do you think of asking this?"

Yu Yao was silent for a moment, stood up from the sofa and walked to the desk. Chi Yuan kept looking at her until she took out a bottle of antihypertensive medicine from the drawer and subconsciously said, "Madam, my blood pressure is quite normal today. I don't need any antihypertensive medicine for the time being." Eat this."

Yu Yao ignored him, walked over and sat down, poured out a few pills for him and handed them to him, then pushed the water in front of him, "I know, be obedient, Lao Chi drinks this first."

Chi Yuan moved his lips and sighed, reaching out to take the pills and drink it.

After confirming that he had drunk the medicine, he slowly told the whole story, "Lao Chi, Huanhuan mentioned it to me yesterday. Huanhuan meant that she also wanted the two children Sang Sang and Xiao Ci to get married. I think this is also the case with Jiang. It means home.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Yuan stood up from the sofa and said angrily, "I knew that the old Jiang family hadn't given up yet, and they had to kill our daughter, right? Madam, how did you answer?"

Seeing him like this, Yu Yao was afraid that he would get angry and his blood pressure would rise, so she tried to calm him down slowly, "Hey, listen to what I have to say. Although Huanhuan mentioned this to me, I didn't agree and just said I’ll ask you later.”

After hearing what she said, Chi Yuan slowly calmed down. In hindsight, he sighed that his wife was really foresight. Otherwise, with his bad temper, he would have been very angry when he heard the news suddenly, but that doesn't matter now. It's important. The top priority is to dispel their thoughts. "Well, since Li Huan asked this, that guy Lao Jiang must have known about it in advance. Maybe this is what he planned. Let me think about what to do."

How to do it?Isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds?Chi Yuan was so anxious that he paced back and forth in the study room. He couldn't think of five, six, seven or eight for a moment. Men, when they are troubled, they can't help but want to smoke two cigarettes to relieve themselves. He thought so and did the same. Yes, Yu Yao felt very anxious when she saw him like this, and her tone became colder.

"Okay, don't worry so much. If it doesn't work, just let nature take its course. After all, it's been so long since then..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Yuan cut off the cigarette in his hand, then opened the window of the study and sat next to her, "Madam, do you know what you are talking about? Let nature take its course. Why should nature take its course? If it hadn't been for him, Sangsang would have Will that happen? Now I want to get married, it’s impossible!”

"I know what you are thinking. I know better than you what you are thinking after being married for so many years. Do you think I am willing? Sangsang is also my daughter. How can a mother in this world not love her child? But We have no choice. If the two children are really interested in each other, are we going to be the villain? "

"Hmph, if it really comes to that point, for the sake of my daughter, being a villain doesn't matter anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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