she is sweet and cute

Chapter 91 Discussion

Chapter 91 Discussion
"Dong dong dong" There were several knocks on the door outside the study. Chi Yuan and Yu Yao looked at each other and decided to drop the topic for the time being.

"Mom, Dad, it's me."

Knowing that the person outside the door was his daughter, Chi Yuan immediately stood up and opened the door. When he opened the door and saw Chi Sangsang standing by the door, he felt uncomfortable for a moment, "Hey, you kid, why are you knocking on the door of your own house? come in."

Yu Yao saw her coming in and waved to her, "Come on, Sang Sang, sit here with mom."

Chi Sangsang stood at the door without moving and handed what he was holding to Chi Yuan, "Mom, I won't sit down anymore. My father left his cell phone downstairs just now. I saw someone calling, maybe there was something urgent, so …”

Hearing this, Chi Yuan took it, flipped through the phone and put it in his pocket, "Oh, it's nothing serious. Your Uncle Jiang's call is probably about another travel party. You happen to be here, so come in and talk."

Without hesitation, he led her into the study.

Yu Yao stood up and pulled her to sit next to him, while Chi Yuan sat next to Yu Yao, with a smile on his face that showed no sign of the gaffe he had made a few minutes ago. "Yes, I was discussing this with your dad just now. I just thought about it." I'll go ask you and you'll be here just by chance. Right, Lao Chi."

From the young couple until now, the tacit understanding between husband and wife for more than 20 years made Chi Yuan quickly understand what his wife meant. "Yes, your Uncle Jiang is too impatient. Sangsang, what do you think?"

Wenyan Chi Sangsang was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and smiled, "I can do whatever you want. I'll listen to you."

"That's it. Is there anywhere you want to go?"

After saying that, Chi Sangsang shook his head.

Yu Yao touched her head and secretly pinched Chi Yuan's waist with her backhand. She was not merciful at all, and he couldn't hold it back at that moment.


Hearing the noise, Chi Sangsang stretched out his head and glanced in the direction of Chi Yuan, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

How could Chi Yuan dare to tell the truth? He quickly adjusted his expression and forced a smile on his face, "It's okay. I may have accidentally slipped to my waist. I'm old and no longer useful."

Chi Sangsang saw something wrong with his expression and thought he was really flashing his waist. When he heard what he said, he frowned and interrupted him, "Dad, what are you talking about? You are still young. I will go down and give it to you." Get some medicine."

Seeing that she was really about to go down to get the medicine for herself, Chi Yuan quickly stopped her, "No, no, just ask your mother to rub it for me later, right ma'am?"

As expected, Yu Yao glared at him, took Chi Sangsang's hand and patted it, "Yes, I will take care of your father. Sang Sang, please stop working, sit here and talk to us, ah."

"Dad, are you all right?"

Hearing his daughter's question, Chi Yuan almost stood up and performed a "word to cure the disease". Fortunately, he was still rational and just patted his leg, "Don't worry, I can still lie to you. By the way, that uncle Jiang I just mentioned You said you would let us have an appointment with our family for a trip and dinner. I thought about it. As for you, you have just come back a few days ago. You are usually tired from studying at school. You should take a good rest these days. There is no rush for the trip and dinner. With you as the main priority, we can go see you when you have rested, okay?"

"Okay, mom and dad have thought carefully about it."

Hearing his daughter's agreement, Chi Yuan was extremely happy, but his face remained calm. He suppressed a smile and got up to make a call. "Okay, then I'll call Lao Jiang to say hello."

Chi Sangsang held him down in time and said softly, "Dad, just fight here. You guys talk, I'll go downstairs first."

She left before they could answer.

(End of this chapter)

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