she is sweet and cute

Chapter 92 Disagree

Chapter 92 Disagree

After closing the door of the study, Chi Sangsang instantly felt very tired, not only physically but also psychologically, in all aspects. In fact, she had been upstairs for a while.

The reason why she didn't knock on the door before and went in was because she wanted to hear what her mother wanted to tell her father. She thought her mother was going to confess to her father what happened between herself and Jiang Jinci, but she didn't mention a word.

On the contrary, she heard their next conversation, which was said to be hidden from her. She originally thought that the marriage between two families should be a celebration, but the reality gave him a hard slap in the face. , it turns out that not only my mother, but also my father disagreed.

Who knows how uncomfortable she felt when she heard the words "disagree" from her father. At that moment, she felt that she was ridiculous, very ridiculous...

She ran to her room, turned off all the lights, and closed the curtains, leaving herself curled up quietly by the bed.

She thought and thought, and thought, what was the reason for her parents to unanimously reject the marriage between the two families, and what happened in the past as they said?
She tried to dig it out in her mind, and her head unconsciously rested on her bent knees. She found that once she recalled it deeply, she always felt dizzy and had a headache. "What should I do..."

When she could no longer hold on any longer, a familiar voice entered her ears.

"Kid, Sangsang, what's wrong with you? Talk! Talk!"

The source of the sound seemed to come from her side, very close. She shook her dazed head, opened her eyes wide and searched, and finally saw her mobile phone at her feet. She picked it up with trembling hands. It turned out that there was a situation where she didn't know it. I accidentally dialed the number, and the contact person happened to be Jiang Jinci.

Looking at the three minutes and 20 seconds on the screen, Chi Sangsang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, or what he heard on the other end of the phone.

But she couldn't control that much at the moment.


She couldn't allow her to think too much. Jiang Jinci's voice brought her back to reality. She quickly rubbed her face, adjusted her expression, and picked up the phone. Although she knew he couldn't see it, she still did so, "Brother. "

Hearing the little girl's slightly crying voice, Jiang Jinci was shocked, and without caring about anything else, she hurriedly said and went out, "Be good, don't cry, don't hang up the phone, wait for me."

Chi Sangsang pursed her lips and said, "I'm not crying."

Jiang Jinci calmed her down while walking out, "Okay, our Sangsang is the strongest."

There was silence next, and neither of them said another word.

Two minutes later, Jiang Jinci reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the villa in front of him and smiled, "Kid, I miss you."

"Brother, I..."

Guessing what she was going to say, Jiang Jinci lowered his voice and whispered, "Shh, don't say it now. I want to hear you say it to me face to face."

"In person? In person, brother, you..." Chi Sangsang echoed a few words, suddenly stood up and ran to the window to open the curtains. Sure enough, the person she wanted to see was downstairs.

What kind of feeling is this?Happy, scared, hesitant, but it was undeniable that at least she was very happy at this moment. The moment she saw him, Chi Sangsang felt a lot more at ease.

Chi Sangsang quickly went downstairs and opened the door with the phone in hand. Without any hesitation, she threw herself into his arms. "Brother, I miss you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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