Chapter 96
When they went downstairs, Lin Qinru had already arrived with Song Xiyao, and Chi Yuan was entertaining them downstairs.

As soon as Chi Sangsang saw Lin Qinru's steps, she unconsciously quickened her steps and ran to her and hugged her, "Godmother, I miss you so much. You haven't been here for a long time."

Lin Qinru looked at Yu Yao behind her and raised her eyebrows, then gently rubbed her head, "Next time, I'll just call me or Xiyao and we'll come."

Just as Chi Sangsang was about to speak, Yu Yao reached out and pulled her out of Lin Qinru's arms, tapping her forehead, "Okay, your mother Lin has just arrived, so stop pestering her and play with Xiyao." In a while, we’ll have dinner later.”

Song Xiyao, who had not spoken to her since she came here, said at the right time, "Oh, I only see the new people smiling, but the old people cry."

Chi Sangsang was really impressed by the little sister's acting skills, so she waved her hand and went upstairs, "Okay, stop pretending, we are equal to each other."

Song Xiyao followed her up.

Seeing the two children going upstairs, Lin Qinru glanced around, and Yu Yao instantly understood, "Uncle Liu, you go down first, there is no one here for the time being."

After confirming that there was no one else, Lin Qinru took out a piece of information from her handbag, "I asked Lao Song to get this from his old classmate. This Dr. Xia Qing is quite famous internationally. There is quite a bit of research on this situation, take a look.”

Yu Yao reached out and took it, looked at it, and then handed it to Chi Yuan. "I've heard of this doctor. He is indeed quite accomplished in treating mental illness. However, Sangsang's situation is different from others. I don't want to take risks."

"Yu Yao, I understand you. As a mother, it is natural to love your children, but I am Sang Sang's godmother. I will not harm her. Now that we have this treatment channel, why not try it?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Qinru looked at Chi Yuan who had been sitting next to her. "Lao Chi, what do you think?" Chi Yuan reached out and took out a cigarette, about to light it, and then he held it in his hand when he thought of something. I think we can give it a try, maybe our Sangsang is also willing."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Yao suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at the person who said this in disbelief: "Chi Yuan, do you know what this kind of treatment means to Sangsang? It's hard for my daughter to Forgetting the past, do you want her to think of her childhood again, and then close herself off and exclude all of us?"

Seeing her excitement, Chi Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, "Madam, I didn't mean that. You also said that what happened in childhood was the worst memory for Sangsang. I am her father, how could I do that? .”

Seeing that her eyes were red, Lin Qinru took out a piece of paper and handed it to her, "Yes, Yaoyao, don't worry, listen to what Lao Chi says."

Yu Yao took the paper and held it in her hand, turning around and staring into Chi Yuan's eyes. "Okay, Lao Chi, tell me, what do you mean?"

"Alas, madam, Sangsang's current situation is not optimistic. According to what the previous doctor said, even if Sangsang was young at the time, we forced her to hypnotize her to forget that bad incident and build a beautiful life for her. Childhood, but the possibility of recurrence is also very high, especially now. The boy from the Jiang family has been in contact with Sang Sang for a long time. A small thing may stimulate her to think about it. This is a hidden danger for Sang Sang. . Since Dr. Xia Qing is an expert in this field, why don’t we take this opportunity to take Sang Sang to have a look. If possible, would it be much better to overwrite the memory again before she remembers it? "

"Let me think about it." Yu Yao was also struggling in her heart at this time, but for a mother, the safety of her child is the most important, "Qinru, I just want to ask you one thing, what will happen if Sang Sang accepts that so-called treatment again? There will be no danger, what are the chances of success?”

Seeing that she was showing signs of relenting, Lin Qinru didn't dare to be careless and immediately told everything she knew, "I've asked you about this in advance. According to Dr. Xia, the success rate is as high as 90.00%, but it depends on the patient." Condition."

(End of this chapter)

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