she is sweet and cute

Chapter 97 It's mine and no one can take it away

Chapter 97 It's mine and no one can take it away
You must know that there are very few people who have a success rate of more than 50.00% for this kind of mental illness, let alone 90.00%. Yu Yao felt that she saw hope and no longer hesitated, "Okay, then we will take Sangsang there after the New Year. have a look."

"Just think about it. This is Dr. Xia's contact information. You can make an appointment in advance."

While talking, Lin Qinru took out another business card from her bag and handed it to her.

Upstairs, Chi Sangsang was about to deal with Song Xiyao. Before she could take action, Song Xiyao said mysteriously, "Sang Sang, I heard something recently, you should be very interested."

Chi Sangsang leaned against the window with his arms folded and looked at her. "Did you find a new excuse? But I'm sorry, I'm not interested now."

Song Xiyao saw that she didn't take this trick and quickly made up for it, "No, no, no, thank you Sang Sang. Don't talk too much. What I'm going to say is about Senior Jiang. Do you want to hear it?"

Chi Sangsang frowned and glanced at the hand she was holding. She was so frightened that she immediately let go and laughed, "Uh... I won't tell you if you don't want to hear it."

"Tsk, just say what you want, don't force me to do it."

"Well, I also heard from others that a transfer student came to the school a week ago, named Xiao Lin. On the first day he came, he found Yu Che and Lu Chi. Later, I heard from them that Senior Jiang had graduated and studied with them. They had a fight and claimed that they were not friendly, and later made a big announcement in the school that she was here for Senior Jiang."

"Oh, and then what?"

Song Xiyao looked at the indifferent person on the side in disbelief, and said in an indifferent voice, "Sang Sang, did you hear clearly, that Xiao Lin is here for Senior Jiang."

Chi Sangsang took a pen from the table and turned it around in his hand. "Yes, I heard you clearly. I didn't expect that my boyfriend is quite attractive."

Seeing her arrogant look, Song Xiyao stamped her feet anxiously for her. He stepped forward and snatched the pen from her hand and put it on the table. Chi Sangsang didn't say a word the whole time and just kept laughing, which made her panic.

"Why are you laughing? I'm worried for you, why aren't you worried! It's definitely not easy for Xiao Lin to get involved with Yu Che and the others around Senior Jiang. Don't you be afraid, Sangsang..."

Chi Sangsang suppressed her smile and stopped teasing her, "Don't be afraid, no one can take it away from me. You, don't worry about me, I have a sense of proportion." After she said this, Song Xiyao couldn't say anything else, otherwise That's crossed the line. "Okay, I see, it's just that the senior dotes on you so much that you don't have any sense of crisis when facing your love rival."

"So, my moon will never set, and my love will be like a chariot."

"Okay, then I wish our little Princess Sangsang that all her wishes will come true and that she and Senior Jiang will live happily ever after."

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they couldn't control themselves once they started talking. They didn't stop until they called for dinner downstairs.

Song Xiyao's father also came to the dinner table, and the atmosphere was pleasant for a while. When dinner was over and dessert was over, Lin Qinru asked, "Lao Chi, I remember it's Sangsang's birthday in a few days. What are you going to do this year?"

Hearing this, Chiyuan put down the tea cup in his hand, "We listen to Sang Sang, but since it's her 18th birthday, we can't be too simple and take this opportunity to hold a coming-of-age ceremony for her."

Song Qing on the side patted her thigh happily when she heard this, "That's a good relationship, Sangsang, what do you think?"

Chi Sangsang hesitated for a moment, "I think it's better not to make a big deal out of it, just keep it simple."

Hearing this, Song Qing glanced at Chi Yuan and Yu Yao beside him and joked, "Oh, I finally understand. Sangsang, I don't want to burden you and your wife."

Yu Yao smiled and stretched out her hand to rub her head, "Okay, I'll listen to you, but it can't be too simple. We still have to invite the people who should be invited. How about we only invite the ones who are close to us for the rest?" ?”

"Yeah. I listen to my parents."

(End of this chapter)

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