Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 18 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (18)

Chapter 18 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (18)

Mingyue, who had nothing to do, decided to go find Qin Chuchu.

People in the village were more or less familiar with Mingyue, especially Mingyue's popular science laws, and many people came up to ask with things in hand.

Mingyue took the food with a smile, "If you have any questions, you can go to the Educated Youth Hospital to see Xiao Lin. My apprentice, I have something to do first."

As for feeling guilty?Not at all. Young people should study more. She was giving Xiao Lin a chance to show off.

Is this a problem?no problem.

Mingyue sent the villagers away, holding a stick of cooked corn in one hand and gnawing on it.

Everyone is responsible for different areas, and it is relatively easy for Qin Chuchu to be assigned to areas.

Mingyue was not in a hurry, she found a shady spot and leaned against the tree trunk, munching on snacks and staring at Qin Chuchu leisurely.

It was hard for Qin Chuchu to ignore the blazing gaze, so he simply dropped the sickle and climbed ashore. His almond-shaped eyes widened slightly, and he walked barefoot in front of Mingyue, "Why are you staring at me?"

"You look good."

Mingyue looked at Qin Chuchu sincerely.

"You!" Qin Chuchu was almost driven crazy by this madness. Where did she provoke this god of plague?With this in mind, he simply asked, "Where did I offend you?"

"What did Qin Zhiqing say? Did I do anything to Qin Zhiqing?"

Qin Chuchu stared at Mingyue's innocent eyes. He couldn't go up, couldn't go up, couldn't go down, couldn't come down. His face turned red from holding back, "How can you let me go?"

"Qin Zhiqing was joking." Mingyue felt happy after eating and drinking, "Did Qin Zhiqing come to me specifically to study?"


Qin Chuchu was stunned.

Mingyue hugged Qin Chuchu's shoulders, "In that case, let's go to the mountain to study!"

“Wait—I’m not going!”

Qin Chuchu wanted to run, but couldn't struggle for half a minute.Mingyue is definitely a devil!
It's crazy!

Why is Xia Baolin so lucky to meet people who protect her unconditionally one after another!
This time when I went up the mountain, I met an old acquaintance. Qin Chuchu's eyes were filled with tears, and her clear voice was tinged with tears. She looked a bit pitiful, "Brother Chang..."

"As the saying goes."

Mingyue first intercepted what Qin Chuchu was about to say, "You have received a lot of goods."

Chang Yue didn't even look at Qin Chuchu. Hearing Mingyue mention the prey, he became excited and said, "Thanks to Comrade Mingyue's suggestion last time, otherwise I wouldn't have thought there were so many shortcomings in traps."

"It's a small matter, then go ahead and get busy, I have something to do."

"Okay, then I'm going to find Paulin. Comrade Mingyue, you're busy."

Qin Chuchu was anxious, sweat dripping from his forehead, his red lips were as pale as paper, and his voice trembled like a sieve, "Chang Yan! Save me Chang Yan!"

"Qin Zhiqing is studying with me. As the saying goes, you should leave first."

A look of sudden realization appeared on Chang Yan's puzzled face. Comrade Mingyue is a policeman. How could a policeman harm others?

Chang Yan had a straight face and his dark pupils looked at Qin Chuchu with a hint of envy, "It is not easy for Qin educated youth to study behind Comrade Mingyue. We must cherish this opportunity."

"No - Brother Chang..."

Qin Chuchu wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't wait to grab Chang Yan's collar and yell loudly, "Are you a bad guy? I didn't see that I was being threatened!"

But she didn't dare, she couldn't.

With a sharp thorn pressed against his waist, Qin Chuchu showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "Yes, I will cherish it."

"That's right, then you guys are busy, I'm leaving."

As the saying goes, you go down the mountain without any nostalgia.

(End of this chapter)

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