Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 19 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (19)

Chapter 19 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (19)

Seeing Chang Yan really going down the mountain, Qin Chuchu's heart felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

It was obvious that Chang Yan cared so much for Xia Baolin. Even when he fell into the water last time, he stood by Xia Baolin's side regardless of her.

Why did she ask Chang Yan for help but refused to save her?

"Don't look at it. It's not yours anymore. You've been reborn and you're still so stupid."

Qin Chuchu raised his head fiercely, his dark pupils trembling because of Mingyue's words, "You...who are you!"

How did you know she was reborn?

This is her biggest secret, how could she know?
By the way, the police never appeared in my previous life, but this person appeared after Xia Baolin fell into the water.

"I'm an ordinary person."


Qin Chuchu pursed her lips tightly and stared at the bright moon defensively.

Mingyue sighed softly, "I'm in a good mood today, let's have a little sparring."

Sparring?What to practice?
Qin Chuchu's eyes were confused, and in the next second, a shout echoed through the sky in the forest.

When Mingyue walked down the mountain, he stretched lazily and finished eating chicken.

On the other hand, Qin Chuchu was lying on the mud. If his chest hadn't risen slightly, he wouldn't have known whether he was dead or alive.

After a long time, Qin Chuchu stood up, with endless hatred bursting out of his eyes, "Mingyue!"

She wants them to be ruined!

Not to die!


"Is this how you treat the chicken I gave you?"

Mingyue smiled, with the corners of her lips raised at just the right angle, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes with a smooth smile.

Staring at the charred pheasant, he tapped the chicken body with his green-white fingertips. There were even ash falling down, which showed that it was barely burned into ashes.

Her cock! ! !
Are you worthy of it growing so fat, only to be turned into coke by you? ! !

Xiao Lin lowered his head, not daring to look into Mingyue's eyes, "I'm sorry, Sister Ming, I didn't mean it, I forgot while I was reading..."

The more he explained, the more he felt guilty, and in the end he lost his voice.

Mingyue patted Xiao Lin's shoulder in a friendly manner, "Don't be afraid, why would Sister Ming blame you?" "Really?"

Xiao Lin raised his head and looked at Mingyue with bright eyes.

"Of course." Ming Yue opened her hands with a smile, "Sister Ming just has some itchy hands and wants to practice with Xiao Lin."

Xiao Lin froze and looked at Xia Baolin for help, begging Sister Baolin to save his life.

Unexpectedly, Xia Baolin looked at Xiao Lin encouragingly and said, "Come on, Mingyue is so powerful. As her apprentice, you must learn from it."

Xiao Lin smiled bitterly, "Sister Ming, is it okay if I don't want to practice?"


Mingyue dragged Xiao Lin to find an open space and said, "Xiao Lin, the first lesson Sister Ming teaches you is not to waste food."


Xiao Lin had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the move.

It wasn't until Xia Baolin came over to call for dinner that Mingyue let go of Xiao Lin, "Xiao Lin, have you learned this lesson?"


If he continues practicing, he will definitely die.

Xiao Lin gritted his teeth, sweating profusely on his forehead, and his lips turned white.

Xia Baolin asked worriedly, "Is Mingyue okay?"

"Young man, you are thick-skinned, don't worry."

Mingyue turns around and leaves people behind. They are not active in work and have ideological problems.

During the meal, Xia Baolin gave Mingyue a handful of candies, and her pretty face quietly blushed, "Mingyue, I'm getting married on the [-]th of next month, please remember to come."


It’s nice to have a feast!

Mingyue's eyes lit up, "Can I have a table alone?"

Xia Baolin didn't expect Mingyue to make this request, but since Mingyue taught her so much, it didn't matter. She nodded firmly, "Yes!"

Mingyue sighed with emotion, "Xia Zhiqing is really a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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