Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 23 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (23)

Chapter 23 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside (23)

Qin Chuchu's eyes were panicked, looking at the expressions of the joking people around him, then looking at Xia Baolin who was being protected by Chang Yan, and Ming Yue who was aloof and had brought her to this point!
"Xia Baolin! How about you save me and I'll help you?"

"I don't need your help with anything."

Xia Baolin shook her head and refused. Qin Chuchu had evil intentions. What would be the benefit of contacting such a person?
"Don't you just rely on common sayings? Why are you so lucky?"

Qin Chuchu's face was livid, and he laughed crazily. The malice in his eyes was frightening, "Do you want to know why Wang Goudan appeared there to save you?"

Xia Baolin frowned and had some guesses in her mind. She fell into the water that day because she was too close to the water's edge, and the mud was slippery due to the rain the day before.

And Wang Goudan was cheating and cheating while working, and that road was a small road to work, so it was even more impossible for Wang Goudan to go there.

"Do not want to."

However, the other party did save her, and she paid him back with money. She didn't think it was meaningful to be too entangled in such a small matter.

What's more, Wang Goudan was lazy by nature and spent all the money she was given within a few days. She even developed the habit of spending money lavishly. She once asked her for money after work, but Chang Yan punished her and never saw her again. .

Qin Chuchu's face turned red from suppressing it, and her eyes were bulging with anger. As soon as she opened her mouth, a piece of cloth was stuffed into her mouth, and she was so speechless that she couldn't speak.

Captain, "It's embarrassing to leave."

[The mission is completed, do you want to leave the mission world? ]

[receive. ]
The village chief ordered people to disperse, and the bustling Educated Youth Academy suddenly became deserted.

Xia Baolin, "Brother Chang, were you with Qin Chuchu that day?"

"Yes, she suddenly came out to ask me for help, and I didn't think much about it."

If he found out later that Qin Chuchu had such thoughts, he would refuse to listen to her even to death.

"That's right, it seems that Wang Goudan was arranged by Qin Chuchu, but why did she do this?"

Just because you like common sayings?Shouldn't we go after Chang Yan and worry about her?
Xia Baolin was puzzled.

Mingyue did not answer Xia Baolin's doubts. Qin Chuchu had a criminal record. Even if the college entrance examination was resumed, no university would accept her, and she would not be able to threaten the male and female protagonists in the future.

When Qin Chuchu came back from being imprisoned for a few days, his whole body and temperament changed drastically. He looked at people with a sinister look. The educated youths who lived with him all avoided Qin Chuchu.Xia Baolin took Chang Yan back to the county town to meet her family and learned some news about the resumption of the college entrance examination. She held a wedding when she returned to the countryside and was busy reviewing and preparing for the exam.

On the day of the wedding, Mingyue sat at a table by herself, which was filled with meat and vegetables. To prevent the children from making a fuss, Mingyue arranged the private room.

The two protagonists were so good at it, Mingyue decided to solve a little trouble for them, such as knocking out Qin Chuchu who sneaked into the wedding room with a palm.

After the marriage, the protagonist had a sweet marriage. Mingyue returned to the town to report to the captain to accept the gift, and watched with a smile as the captain was dismissed.

When I met Xia Baolin, she already had a successful career, "Ming Yue brought these for you. I think the education you mentioned at the beginning is very meaningful. I plan to build a school in the village."

"as long as you are happy."

"And I also found that there are many fruit trees in the village. I want to contract them. Do you want to become a shareholder?"

"No, I'll be leaving soon."

Xia Baolin was surprised and a little nervous, "Where are you going?"

"do not know."

How did she know where the little hot chick was going to teleport her? Anyway, she didn't have good intentions.

"Okay, keep this card, it's not much, it's just a friend's wish."

"No need, I'm still a police officer."

Xia Baolin smiled, "Okay, I'll take it. Come and have dinner when you have time."

"Yeah." Mingyue, "Are you still curious about what Qin Chuchu said back then?"

Xia Baolin was stunned for a long time before she remembered this person, and smiled with relief, "I'm not curious, I have my own way to go."

"Then...can your child still have a table alone for drinks when he is one month old?"


(End of this chapter)

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