Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 24 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside End

Chapter 24 Educated Youth Going to the Countryside End

After Xia Baolin negotiated with the village chief, she contracted the contract and started planting fruit trees in the back hill, and the whole village began to benefit from it.

Qin Chuchu still wanted to make Chang Yan's idea, but every time he implemented it, he was beaten by Mingyue who jumped out, completely honest.

Later, the family introduced and forced Qin Chuchu to marry an honest man. When he saw Mingyue in the village, he was subconsciously afraid and silently took a detour to avoid contact.

However, seeing Xia Baolin living such a prosperous life, she couldn't help but feel jealous in her heart, complaining that her husband was not half as powerful as Chang Yu said.

She constantly cursed her husband for being a loser, and even quarreled with her mother-in-law. Her life was miserable.

Finally, the honest man got angry, slapped Qin Chuchu in the face, and warned him to get divorced if he was antagonizing his mother.

Qin Chuchu completely calmed down and did not dare to confront the honest man.

Mingyue ate Xia Baolin's child's full-moon wine and left, "Next time, don't choose the identity of a police officer for me."

[Good host~
Name: Mingyue

Soul Strength: Undetectable

Points: 300
Host, the strength of your soul! !Why can't it be detected? ]
"Is the system aging? It can't even be measured?"

778: ...

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Is it really because it is facing dissipation, the system upgrade has not caught up, and the host's soul strength cannot even be measured?
778: T^T
[Does the host want to draw a lottery?There are discounts for newcomers~]

"Need not."

778 is weak, [Then I will teleport~]

Mingyue hummed lightly.

"Director Ming is an actor who doesn't have a good personal life, and his acting skills are of no use."

The assistant director's fat head and big ears leaned into Mingyue's ear and whispered.

As soon as Mingyue opened her eyes, she heard someone bibi next to her, and she subconsciously looked at the Mediterranean man next to her with irritating eyes.

Mingyue moved the stool back, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare, let me make some suggestions. I heard that this actor has offended many people, and even the merchant Jiang family has spoken out."

The assistant director took out his cell phone, and there was a message from the Shang and Jiang families. It basically said that Wen Qianyi had offended someone he shouldn't have offended, and he was not allowed to take part in the scene, even if it was an extra.Wen Qianyi stood in the middle uneasily, her lips pursed and turned white, and her palms were sweating heavily due to nervousness.

She didn't know what the assistant director would say to Director Ming, but she worked hard for this role for a month and this was her only chance.

If she was rejected at Mingdao, what other way out would she have? Those people would not let her go...

"Who is filming?"

Mingyue looked at the assistant director from a high position.

The assistant director was stunned and replied honestly, "You."

"I'm short of money?"

The assistant director was even more confused. If Mingyue was short of money, would there still be poor people in this world?

"Not missing."

"Then you are afraid of Mao." Mingyue ignored the confused Mediterranean and picked up Wen Qianyi's information. She smiled softly and said slowly, "Wen Qianyi?"


Wen Qianyi stood up straight unconsciously. She knew that someone was going to block her. The roles she chose for the audition this time were all unimportant and small roles.

"How do you know Feng Qi?"

Feng Qi is the heroine in the script, and Wen Qianyi has naturally seen it, but it would be good for her to play a female fifth and sixth female because of her dirty work. She looked hesitantly and said, "I don't know much about it."

"I'll give you 10 minutes to watch this clip. After that, the role will be yours."


The assistant director felt that his hair was going bald, so he called Mingyue with a sad face.


Why does this Mediterranean always want to stop me? !
Do you want to rebel so that you can inherit my snacks?

Mingyue's aura became colder and colder, her eyelids were raised and her dark pupils were like abyss, and she looked at the assistant director with a deep chill in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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