Chapter 25: Dirty Actress (1)

"It's okay, it's okay. Whatever Mingdao says, I will do it. What will Mingdao eat later? I'll treat him?"

"Zundu fake duo?"

Deputy director:……

It's so strange, why do I suddenly feel alive?

Moreover, Director Ming's expression suddenly felt like spring breeze. The assistant director was very hesitant and frightened, and his voice trembled, "Zun Du."

"Xiao Di is very knowledgeable and has a bright future."

Mingyue's eyebrows are curved, and her Mediterranean hairstyle is unique.

There must be a reason for Mingdao to shout this.

"You're welcome, Mengdao."

"Xiao Di, you go ahead and choose the one below. I'll go out and come back later."

"Good guide."

Mingyue picked up the hat on the table and put it on her head, receiving the plot sent by 778 in her mind.

It was originally about the [-]th-tier female artist Wen Qianyi who gradually won the title of Best Actress, and by the way, she and the male protagonist Jiang Shengyan spread a lot of dog food.

However, the second female lead, Shang Wan, was penetrated halfway, ruining the first encounter between the male and female protagonists.

To avoid the bankruptcy of the merchant in the plot, he took the initiative to find Jiang Shengyan to terminate the engagement.

Jiang Shengyan felt that Shang Wan was playing hard to get and refused to let go. As time went by, Jiang Shengyan became interested in Shang Wan.

Coupled with the fact that Shang Wan's three brothers are favored by the group and surrounded by many high-quality suitors, Shang Wan is at home in the entertainment industry.

Jiang Shengyan's stubbornness really moved Shang Wan's heart, but every time he saw Wen Qianyi, he felt like a stick in his throat, and he treated Jiang Shengyan with aloofness.

Jiang Shengyan noticed this and blocked Wen Qianyi resolutely to show his attitude.Wen Qianyi was simply in trouble. Wen Qianyi, who was in urgent need of money at this time, signed the love script that Li Zhuo brought to him without even looking at it.

Now he became Shang Wan's control group and was blackmailed by the entire network. Not only did Wen Qianyi not get any money, he also had to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Seeing Wen Qianyi's tragic end, Shang Wan reluctantly agreed to Jiang Shengyan's pursuit, and soon quit the entertainment industry, showing off his wealth online from time to time.

Mingyue bit her lollipop and pulled down the brim of her hat, "The hero and heroine still need to be together?"

[No, Jiang Shengyan was already broken whether in Wen Qianyi's life or Shang Wan's life. Now it depends on how Heaven chooses the new male protagonist. ]

Mingyue returned to the theater where the audition was held with two large bags of snacks. Wen Qianyi was still trying to figure out the script in the corner. Mingyue opened a bag of potato chips and said to Wen Qianyi: "Wen Qianyi, come here."

Wen Qianyi over there has already read the lines well and is somewhat confident about the role of Feng Qi.

This drama tells the story of Feng Qi, who was stripped of her roots and memories from a genius and became an ordinary person. After experiencing many difficulties, she was finally reborn from nirvana.

The plot that Mingyue gave to Wen Qianyi tells the story of Feng Qi's adopted family in the mortal world, who watched their family members being slaughtered before their own eyes even after a few days of happy life.

Hatred, despair, etc. almost overwhelmed Feng Qi. With the recovery of his memory, his hatred for the Feng family became even worse, which almost caused Feng Qi to fall into the devil's path. This change was difficult to control.

If the performance is light, it will make people laugh, but if it is serious, it may look like a madman.

"Here you go, Mingdao."

"let's start."

Wen Qianyi took a deep breath and opened his eyes again. His eyes were clear and his voice was sweet and soft, "Mom, I'll be back...who are you?"

Wen Qianyi clenched the long sword at his waist, his little face was full of defense, his dark pupils were locked tightly in front of him, "Let go of grandma!"

Suddenly, Wen Qianyi's eyes changed, his eyes were red, and he took a step back in disbelief, "Mom!" In an instant, he picked up his sword and rushed forward regardless. As a result, Wen Qianyi seemed to have been slapped and sat on the ground. .

He raised his face again, his face was as pale as paper, his eyes were full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth every word, wishing he could drink human blood and swallow human bones, "Are you from the Feng family?"

(End of this chapter)

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