Chapter 26: Dirty Actress (2)

Otherwise, the heroine was born for acting.

In just a few minutes, I understood the character of Feng Qi, and accurately grasped the transformation of Feng Qi from an innocent little girl to a girl who has gone through many vicissitudes of life and bears the hatred of her family being exterminated.

"Okay, let your agent come over to prepare for the signing."

Wen Qianyi suddenly stood up and bowed in the direction of Mingyue, with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, Director Ming!"

She tried the crew at least ten times, but every time she could only get a look of satisfaction but pity from the other party.

What will her mother do if there is nothing to film?
A large amount of medical expenses was weighing on her, and she couldn't stop and didn't dare to stop. Fortunately, she got the approval from Mingdao this time.

"You're welcome, can you cook?"

The topic span was too big, and Wen Qianyi didn't react for a while. He calmed down for a while and then replied obediently, "...Yes, what's the matter, Mingdao?"

Mingyue smiled and said, "I'm not picky about food."

"Then I invite Mingdao to come to my house for dinner next time?"

Wen Qian was also hesitant. She was not sure whether Mingdao would appreciate such a big Buddha as her small temple.

"Okay, you go first."

"Thank you, Director Ming."

After going out, Wen Qianyi still felt it was unreal. Not only was she not transparent, she also won the first female award!

Feeling sour in her heart, Wen Qianyi burst into tears. She cried and laughed again. She suppressed her excitement and called her agent, "Brother Li, I won the female lead in "Phoenix Bone". Come and prepare." Is it about signing the contract?"

Li Zhuo had a headache when he received Wen Qianyi's call. He subconsciously felt that Wen Qianyi must ask him to introduce the script characters to her again.

Although Wen Qianyi has looks and acting skills, it's a pity that he offended someone. What can he do?
But then I heard that Wen Qianyi won the script of "Phoenix Bone" and was she the female lead?

"Brother Li, are you there? Brother Li?" The clear and sweet voice was mixed with the cry of excitement. Li Zhuo was in a complicated mood. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "I understand, please wait for me for a while."


After hanging up the phone, Li Zhuo decided to ask Mr. Jiang what he meant first, even though he knew that the filming of "Phoenix Bone" was invested by Mingyue, the daughter of the Ming family.

But it’s impossible for the Ming family not to sell face to the Jiang family, right?What's more, there is a merchant nearby.

The call was dialed quickly, and Li Zhuo held the phone and smiled flatteringly, "Mr. Jiang, isn't Director Ming planning to film "Phoenix Bone"? The role of the female lead was given to Wen Qianyi, do you think?"

"Ming's Mingyue?"

Jiang Shengyan frowned slightly and his voice was low and hoarse.


"I understand. I will communicate this matter and don't let Wen Qianyi appear on the screen."

Otherwise Ah Wan will be worried again, staring at him defensively, like a little wild cat with explosive hair. Although he is very cute, the relationship between him and Ah Wan is better, and it is better not to seek death.

"I understand everything."

Li Zhuo was not surprised at all when he got this reply. After saying a few nice words and waiting for the other party to hang up, Li Zhuo called Wen Qianyi again.

"Wen Qianyi, can you stop trying to make trouble for me? I have a lot of things to do. I've already asked about this. It's impossible. Don't disturb me."

"Brother Li, I..."

Wen Qianyi didn't even finish her sentence. The person on the other end had already hung up the phone. Wen Qianyi didn't know what to do. Could it be that she was hopeless again?
Who is suppressing and blocking her?
Wen Qianyi was so desperate that his hands and feet were cold, but he was unwilling to give in. If he wanted someone to die, he had to let someone die clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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