Speaking of which, I haven't had the protagonists' wedding banquet for a long time. I just don't know if the world's food storage is enough.

Mingyue thought about this serious question. The virus seemed to only affect humans, while animals and plants did not change at all.

This virus is more like a sudden appearance of God in order to eliminate some humans, but he does not want humans to become extinct, so a bracelet appeared to check and balance this virus.

Pei Ke's face turned red when he was teased, "Sister, what are you talking about? I'm still young, and now I just want to kill the zombies and don't want anything else!"

If the zombies are not eliminated, how can she consider the love between her children?

"Sooner or later."

She deserves to eat based on her ability.

Pei Ke couldn't help Mingyue, so he snorted and ran away in panic.

Mr. An smiled sincerely, "This little girl is still young and very thin-skinned."

"is a bit."

Mingyue nodded matter-of-factly.

The two people's voices did not calm down at all. Pei Ke's running figure paused, and his pace immediately quickened. After a while, Pei Ke's figure was no longer visible.

"We're in a hurry, let's walk over there, I'll just introduce you to the layout of our base."

Mr. An was too embarrassed to ask Mingyue to ride on the electric donkey. He was really not worthy of Mingyue's status.

Mingyue smiled, "Then it will be troublesome for An Lao."

Song Jinyun subconsciously touched the bracelet on her wrist, her curled eyelashes drooping. She had to find out whether Pei Ke's business card had the same function as hers.

Shengze, "What's wrong?"

Song Jinyun came back to his senses and shook his head indifferently, "It's nothing, let's go."

Song Jinyun walked away without noticing the hurt look on Shengze's face behind him.

Research Institute - "Mr. Yan, the experimental data is still wrong. Are we going in the wrong direction?"

Mr. Yan pinched his eyebrows tiredly. After staying up for two consecutive nights, his tinnitus made bursts of harsh sounds. After a long time, he opened his bloodshot eyes and said, "The direction is right. I'll go see the experimental subjects again." .”

"Old Yan, why don't you take a rest for a while? Don't be in a hurry."

The assistant persuaded with distress, all the data almost depends on Mr. Yan's one-on-one observation. Once there are omissions, it is easy to make mistakes.

Mr. Yan is almost at the age of retirement. How can he stay up so late? Mr. Yan is fighting these data with his body.

The door of the research institute was opened, and Mr. An and Mingyue both entered wearing sterile clothes. Mr. Yan frowned and said angrily, "What are you doing here?"

The joy on Mr. An's face could not be concealed, "Teacher Yan, I am here to send you a helper, Mingyue, the youngest person in the world to win the Bedol Prize for Biology!"

Mr. Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the person beside Mr. An, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, "Okay, okay, Mingyue girl, come and see what's going on with our data."

"Okay, Teacher Yan."

It's okay to call the teacher with the profound knowledge of Mr. Yan.

Mingyue walked to Mr. Yan and looked through the records she had made over the past few days. After Mr. An brought the person, he left quietly. No one else dared to disturb Mingyue.

The more he looked back, Mingyue didn't ask any questions. Mr. Yan asked nervously, "Girl Mingyue, is there nothing wrong with this data?"

"There are indeed some abnormalities. Can you let me see the samples you tested?"

Mr. Yan nodded, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Mingyue said, "No need, Teacher Yan, just have a good rest and let your assistant accompany me."

"Where can I rest? I won't be able to sleep well unless these zombies are dealt with."

Mr. Yan's words moved everyone present. Zombies will be a serious problem if they are not eliminated. If they choose this job, they must be responsible to the people.

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