Mr. Yan's words moved everyone present. Zombies will be a serious problem if they are not eliminated. If they choose this job, they must be responsible to the people.

"I can understand Teacher Yan's worries, but Teacher Yan takes good care of his body so that I can cooperate better with Teacher Yan."

Mingyue could tell at a glance that Yan Lao's body was approaching its limit, and he might not be able to hold on for long if he didn't rest.

The assistant answered worriedly, "Yes, Mr. Yan, I'm here, there won't be any problems, you can rest first."

Mr. Yan sighed, "Okay, then I'll sleep for a while. If you have any questions, be sure to call me!"


Although Mr. Yan received the assurance, he still looked worried, fearing that they would not wake him up because they encountered problems.

Seeing Mr. Yan being helped away, Mingyue lifted her glasses with her hand and smiled kindly, "Let's go."

The assistant nodded in agreement, "This is the place where experimental subjects are kept. Our people took out specimens from here, but the results were abnormal every time. Mr. Yan and we searched for a month and couldn't find the problem."

"These are all zombie body parts. Why didn't you capture a live zombie for experiments?"

Zombies that have not experienced the zombie wave move slowly and have stiff limbs, and can only rely on their underdeveloped sense of smell to find people.

Such zombies can barely be caught based on the capabilities of the base, but no one among the researchers has raised this issue for so long.

"We are worried that the zombies are uncontrollable and problems will arise when the time comes. The safety of the base is the most important thing," the assistant explained.

Mingyue used tweezers to pick up a piece of rotten flesh. Under the white light, Mingyue could vaguely see a squirming movement underneath the piece of rotten flesh. "When was the last time you changed experimental subjects?"

Assistant, "Yesterday."

Mingyue nodded, put down the rotten meat in her hand, and turned around, "Where is the place for experimental testing?"

The assistant quickly took Mingyue to another room. A group of people stared at the tester with their eyes as red as those of Yan Lao Shao.

"Failed again! How could it fail?"

"The experimental research direction is correct. It stands to reason that we should have known the reasons for the formation of these things."

"Of course you are going in the wrong direction."

Mingyue's light voice sounded, and a group of experimenters stared at the outsider in displeasure, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"Zhang Zhu, why did you bring outsiders in? Where is Mr. Yan?"

Zhang Zhu opened his mouth to explain, and the expressions of other experimenters softened slightly. Someone asked, "You said the direction is wrong, so what is the right direction?"

"Because these stumps and carrion are already dead. No matter how you conduct experiments, you will only get ordinary data and cannot detect the cause of the virus."

The question posed by Mingyue caused everyone present to fall silent. The person who asked the question directly continued, "You said these are all dead, but how can the virus die immediately after leaving the host?"

"Other viruses may survive for a period of time, but zombie viruses will not." Mingyue said with a smile, "So this is the reason why your data is wrong, isn't it?"

The man managed to shut up and began to think about the possibilities in Mingyue's words.

"But with your proposal, we can't find living zombies and still can't do experiments. Shouldn't we do nothing?"

Mingyue raised her eyelids and continued to explain patiently, "How could it be? There are many things you can do."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Mingyue. Without sample data, what else could they do?

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